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MSNBC Guest Begs Biden to Go After January 6th “Terrorists”

2 Nov 2021

CLAY: There’s a lot of dumb things said on television every single day. A lot of the dumb things are said, in particular, on MSNBC. But this guy Jason Johnson went on, and he said the reason why Joe Biden’s poll numbers are low is because he hasn’t focused enough on January 6th.

JOHNSON: In a larger, macro political sense this is also why Biden’s numbers are where they are. Those people who voted for him, those Americans who actually believe in this country, believe in democracy — including people who didn’t vote for Biden but are certainly not insurrectionist terrorists — they feel like they got punched in the face on January 6.

They saw the whole country get attacked, and they want a president who’s gonna fight back! They want a president who talks about these terrorists the same way that we heard George Bush and Bill Clinton talk about terrorism for 20 years. They want to hear that about these people. It seems like they’re being treated with kid gloves.

BUCK: First of all, this is crazy on a number of levels, but I want to say at some level, Clay, I love it. I hope the Democrats go all in on Trump voters.

CLAY: Listen to this idiot? Yeah.

BUCK: We’re all terrorists, we’re all Al-Qaeda, we’re all ISIS. That’s right. This is the kind of messaging that the intelligentsia of the Democrat Party’s putting out there now. Try that one because independents, even people that maybe voted last time for Biden, they hear that, they go, “Huh.” Is it a weird brain amoeba that has destroyed inside of the craniums of all these different Democrats such that they can’t see reality?

At some level, Clay, the Virginia election and just the general perception of politics in America right now and why Biden’s flailing so much, is there’s the narrative, “January 6! Trump!” all this stuff, and then there’s the reality of you got an incompetent, quasi-senile president who’s not getting it done. People don’t like what’s happening. We haven’t gotten out of covid, and they’re sick of all the crap and being treated poorly by their own government because they won’t swallow the narrative full of lies. That’s what’s happening.

CLAY: Yeah. That’s well said. The reason why Biden’s poll numbers are so low is because he’s failing on every level. But remember, he tried this road map already. He tried to compare January 6th to the Civil War. He said it was the biggest attack on America. Remember, Buck, he had that big discussion in, I think it was Philadelphia?

They did a big address, Biden’s gonna talk about January 6th and the voting rights bills and everything else, and he tried to argue — with a straight face to the American public — that January 6th represented the biggest threat to America since the Civil War. And people stepped back and said, “Well, you know, Pearl Harbor was kind of a big deal and the Great Depression kind of significant aspect.

“World War II, the Nazis, kind of a big deal.” (laughing) The argument that January 6th was the biggest threat to America since the Civil War is so insanely dumb that the American public as a whole totally pushed Joe Biden, Senile Joe, out the door, and even his people were like, “Yeah, this is a bad argument.”

BUCK: In 2018, there was a crazy Bernie supporter who ran around and tried to assassinate almost a dozen conservative members of Congress — and not tried to as in he wrote some scary letters or something. He showed up at a baseball diamond, shot conceive Scalise, almost murdered Senator Rand Paul, and think about what that would have done to American politics.

CLAY: Asked if they were Republicans first and then started shooting!

BUCK: And that actually was in progress, going on. Thank God there were those two Capitol police officers were actually there and bravely exchanged fire, took out the shooter. But this notion that there needs to be a greater focus on January 6th? they got people in solitary confinement for six months for trespassing. This is why the Tucker Carlson documentary we talked about yesterday was so important because on the one hand… I got two things. One is I want a deep dive into we should really know what happened that day everything, not just the CNN version of, “Oh, it was gonna be the overthrow of the government,” which is insane, and no one really believes that.

CLAY: The first overthrow of the government by grandmas with selfie sticks in the history of the world.

BUCK: And I also want everyone to remember, there was another insurrection of sorts that lasted for months, which was the BLM riots of 2020, which affected even my own neighborhood, my own city. This wasn’t just in rhetorical terms. I saw this; I heard this. It was something that we were aware of that made people frightened, made my own family members concerned for their safety in their own neighborhood. When mobs were smashing store windows and threatening to do worse, that is concerning.

And we had an election held with all that going on where storefronts had to be boarded up and people in cities were prepared for mayhem and chaos if Joe Biden didn’t win. And they want to lecture us on the sanctuary of democracy? Give me a break. They held a gun to democracy’s head this election. We all saw it.

CLAY: And you know what’s gonna happen if Glenn Youngkin wins a close race in Virginia. Terry McAuliffe’s gonna say it’s because of voter suppression and racism and he’s gonna file lawsuits to try to overturn the election, because he’s already been showing up with Stacey Abrams who has become the patron saint of the Democratic Party despite the fact that she lost in Georgia by 50,000 votes, and has never conceded that she lost that election. Yet she represents the heart blood of the Democratic Party, and she is the biggest election denier out there.

BUCK: So there are some predictions that are fun to make because you and I both know that it’s definitely gonna happen. Here’s an easy prediction for everybody out of there. If this election is close and the McAuliffe minions are activated to bring challenges and legal stuff, like the turning of a battleship. At once it’ll shift and questioning elections, Clay, will be the heart and soul of our democracy. It’ll be our patriotic duty.

CLAY: It’s how you defend democracy.

BUCK: Oh, yeah. Defending it by undermining it. I guarantee you, folks. Hopefully it won’t get to that ’cause as Clay says, there’s gonna be a butt kicking. But let’s talk about why there will perhaps be that butt kicking of McAuliffe by Glenn Youngkin. He definitely would beat him in one-on-one basketball.

CLAY: I don’t think there’s any doubt about that.

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