CLAY: Our good friends at The View, Buck, they are the gifts that keep on giving, the dumbest collection of “talent” — used in quotation marks there, “talent” — in media history, maybe, certainly modern media history. Well, they said that they found I think it was Sunny Hostin here saying black Republicans and Latino Republicans are oxymorons. Basically, they shouldn’t exist. This is their conversation from a little bit earlier today.
BUCK: Sunny Hostin’s not an oxymoron, just a moron, and you just see the way they don’t even want to have a conversation. They don’t even want to listen to what this woman is trying to say and express, it is so reductionist and undermining to assume… Think about what this really means. And to be fair, this is a common idea on the left.
CLAY: Joe Biden basically said it. You ain’t black if you’re not for Biden, basically.
BUCK: I have a bunch of friends who are black Republicans. I also have friends who are black Democrats. And everybody black Republican friend that I have will tell you that they’re amazed that this is sort of accepted in discourse where it’s, “Oh, this is your skin color. Therefore…” This according to Democrats.
CLAY: Yes. Oh, yes.
BUCK: You’re supposed to believe the following list of things because of your skin pigment, because of your skin color. You’re supposed to believe — and if you deviate from that list, you’re somehow inauthentic or betraying your true self or something? It is such an ugly belief, but there are a lot of ugly beliefs on the left. A lot of Democrat beliefs are really undermining and gross.
CLAY: It’s the fruition to its full nature of identity politics, which is direct racism. That’s where identity politics leads. Make no mistake about it. Because effectively what Sunny Hostin is arguing there — and she’s not alone, Joe Biden made the same argument — is your race defines what you should believe. You are not an individual. The color of your skin dictates what you should believe, and that’s the very foundation of racism. We’ve ended up in this place, you know, where they say in time is a flat circle in True Detective?
BUCK: Look at you with the True Detective reference. By the way, I loved that first season.
CLAY: The first season was so good.
BUCK: And then it just went off —
CLAY: It went off the cliff. Yeah, really bad. Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey were incredible, but what we’ve ended up in is a place where Democrats now embrace racist ideas, separation of races, the idea of separate graduations which are gonna be happening at many different colleges across the country. Black graduation, white graduation.
And this idea that she feels a hundred percent comfortable saying because people like Joe Biden said it, if you ain’t for Biden, “you ain’t black,” something along those lines, remember when he was doing the interview from his basement during the 2020 presidential campaign?
CLAY: That’s right which is an iHeart show, to my knowledge, a little bit of a plug there. And it was totally acceptable inside of the Democrat Party for him to be making that statement, just like Sunny Hostin saying black Republicans are an oxymoron and so are Hispanic Republicans. By the way —
BUCK: Oh, yes. Those numbers ’cause this is exciting on Hispanics and who they’re looking to vote for the next time around.
CLAY: That came out yesterday, newest NPR/Marist poll — and Buck knows this. I’m kind of a nerd. I love diving into these different poll results when it comes to this. There are right now 52 to 39, according to NPR — NPR’s poll — Hispanics are plus 13 right now to the Republican Party, 52-39. And to put that in perspective, white people 50-41 to the Republican Party.
So according to the most recent NPR data, Hispanics are more likely to be, in their poll, Republicans than white people are. Plus 13. That’s a pretty crazy move. If it is in any way represented in the actual midterm election results, it will be intriguing. It will be a seismic shift politically. By the way, 72-20 in their poll black Democrat versus Republican. But 20%’s high for Republicans for black people too.
BUCK: Excited to have all of my, as many of them as will come along —
CLAY: A big tent.
BUCK: — our fellow Americans, our fellow Latino Americans, black Americans as part of the red wave, my friends. Jump on the wave, ladies and gentlemen! Jump on it. Join us in this one. Let’s actually restore some sanity to the country.
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The Democrats are making fools of themselves and have no idea how to change it.