CLAY: Joe Biden in his sit-down interview with ABC News he said he’d be happy to run against Donald Trump if his health remained good, which is a joke in and of itself. But then he also had even in the cuts that they used on ABC more and more Biden senior moments as he confuses things, can’t make sense of anything. Let’s play both of these cuts, cut 10 and cut 11 from the most recent Biden interviews.
MUIR: You go to the pharmacy we hear this over and over again, empty shelves, no test kits. Is that a failure?
BIDEN: No, I don’t think it’s a failure. I think it’s — you could argue that we should have known a year ago, six months ago, two months ago, a month ago. I’ve ordered half a billion of the pills, 500 million pills — I mean, excuse me, 500 million test kits that are gonna be available to be sent to every home in America if anybody wants them. But the answer is, yeah, I wish I had thought about ordering a half a billion pills two months ago, before covid hit here.
CLAY: All right. So he got pills and tests confused. But let me just make it clear here.
The 500 million tests are worthless. And I gotta get on my soapbox here for a moment. Testing doesn’t solve anything because the people who are the biggest hypochondriacs out there are going to use multiple tests to try to convince themselves that they don’t have covid. Because if you’re worried in the back of your mind, if you’re a hypochondriac and you’re convinced that you have covid, one negative test doesn’t alleviate that concern. Two negative tests might not even alleviate that concern. This is why Amazon has had to block purchases to 10 tests.
I’ve had the flu a dozen or more times, probably, in my life, eight, nine, 10, whatever the heck it is. I’m 42. Do you know how many times I’ve ever had an official flu test to confirm that I had the flu? Zero. Because if you feel sick, if you have a fever, stay home. Stay home until you feel better. This is kind of a universal sickness test that we’ve had forever. Knowing whether or not you have Omicron as it has now become the most prevalent strain or instead if you just have a cold or the flu isn’t actually that helpful in the grand scheme of things because if you are sick, just stay home. It’s not complex.
The idea that we’re going to test our way out of covid issues is just not true. In fact, it’s the opposite. Because I hear from people all the time now, you can’t even go to the emergency room, hardly, right now because so many people are obsessed with the fact that they may have covid that they’re overloading doctors in primary care facilities and emergency rooms which things that aren’t actually emergencies.
They’re now is nearly an all-time high of covid cases in this country. Joe Biden said he was going to solve covid. He has failed to solve covid.
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The Democrats are making fools of themselves and have no idea how to change it.
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