
Clay and Buck

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Minneapolis Mom Confronts BLM Protesters After Shooting

18 Jul 2022

BUCK: Now, we discussed a bit of crime stories today. We had a mass shooting that was averted from being a mass casualty event, would have been much bigger mass casualty event than it was. I believe three people were killed in that shooting in Indiana.

We’ve got more of the Uvalde after-action report to look at. And it’s just — it was a total breakdown. I’ve been saying it for weeks. Clay’s been saying it for weeks. This is just the reality.

And we still have, I think, as one of the top three issues in the country driving sentiment for voters and pushing people to consider not just the Biden administration but the Democrat approach, the Democrat platform to have been disastrously wrong-headed — and that might be far too kind way of putting it — is on the issue of crime.

And on what has been done to this country, not just about defunding the police — defund police was one of many symptoms of the anti-law enforcement, anti-law and order left. There are progressive prosecutors. There’s the ending of mass incarceration legislation, no-cash bail, all of these things. In the state of California a district attorney who hopefully will lose his job soon, Clay.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: Gascon, who decided that he could override the three strikes law that his own state legislature passed because he felt like it. All of this, this attitude of legalizing criminality, of being a friend to the criminals and ignoring the victims in our society, this has led to deterioration all across the country.

And I bring you now the story out of Minneapolis over the weekend where you had an individual named Tekle Sundberg who was standing outside an apartment building over the weekend on Saturday, and he was shot he multiple rounds, multiple rounds into a woman’s apartment. She was home. Her name is Arabella Foss-Yarbrough, she was home with her two children when bullets are going right through her window from someone standing right there — it’s not like it was an errant bullet from a mile away — he’s shooting into her apartment, misses her and her children. There’s then a multihour standoff with law enforcement.

Tekle Sundberg refuses, despite the entreaties of law enforcement and his own father to come down from a ledge and to stop being a threat, a lethal threat to people around him, law enforcement finally says we cannot risk this any more, a shoot him, a sharpshooter at the law enforcement scene shot him, and, Clay, all of a sudden we have BLM protests about how this was racist ’cause Tekle Sundberg is a 20-year-old black man.

So they’re saying this is racist. It doesn’t appear to be racist to the woman who confronted the BLM protesters how hard. Here she is as she’s telling everybody that she almost had her life taken away.

FOSS-YARBROUGH: That man was armed. George Floyd was not armed. Breonna Taylor was not armed. This man attempted to try to kill us. Why didn’t you give him help when he was alive. How can you guys celebrate a man that tried to kill us?

CLAY: It’s kind of amazing that all of the BLM protesters were protesting on behalf of a guy who almost killed a mom and her kids. And not only did that happen, she then went out into the street and confronted them to say, hey, y’all are protesting on behalf of a guy who tried to kill me. I’m not sure that we have ever seen a more unjust protest directly confronted by a witness to how unjust the protest was.

BUCK: To the victim! To the victim. The woman who was huddling with her children as the bullets were going.

CLAY: The actual victim in this case went out, to her credit — would have been easy for her to hide — and actually confronted all these protesters. And this is where we are, Buck. This is where we are.

There is such a desperate demand for victims that number of victims is not supplying the need for the anger and the angst on behalf of the protesters. This happened in New York City last — was it last summer, Buck, when — do you remember there was a big fight outside of a restaurant in New York City because — that was when New York City was requiring vaccine proof and then they tried to accuse the Asian woman working the front counter at the restaurant in New York City of being racist and BLM started to protest outside of the restaurant. And they said, wait a minute. You can see it on the video.

All she was doing is having to ask for proof of vaccination, which was stupid, we all know. But that was her job at the front desk. She did nothing wrong. And BLM was like, we’re gonna shut this place down if we have to. And then it fizzled out when the video came out they said, well, you know, this girl — first of all, she’s a 22-year-old Asian girl or whatever she was — not exactly somebody in a position of great power working the front counter of a restaurant. And it’s similar here.

The demand for victimization is far greater than the supply; so you end up with situations such as these.

BUCK: And what we didn’t play in that audio because mostly because it would turn into a lot of bleeps because we couldn’t air it was that the protesters — so let’s just set the scene again. Apartment building, crazy guy shooting a gun into his neighbor’s apartment, standoff with police, he is shot because he is a clear and present danger to those around him.

CLAY: Show but a sniper while he’s armed after he had tried to shoot into this apartment.

BUCK: And then the BLM, you know, hey, what are we gonna do this weekend? Let’s all get together and protest police violence ’cause we’re really cool and moral. They get together and have a vigil and a march at this apartment being for the crazy guy who was shooting at people, okay, look it’s a sad situation insofar as the guy clearly has, you know, mental illness, but what are you gonna do?

You gonna let him kill people? I mean, there are crazy people running around.

CLAY: He’s armed, firing his weapon. What do you expect for police to do and what should they do? They should take him out.

BUCK: And the mother here of the two children who had to huddle with her own children in her apartment as her neighbor is shooting at her confront these protesters, and you know what they do? They heap verbal abuse on her. That was the other — “You’re still alive. You should, you know, shut the bleep up.” I mean, you know, they start start attacking her.

CLAY: How dare you tell your story. Yeah.

BUCK: They start attacking her. The woman who is just trying to live her life with her babies, her children, is getting shot at and the oh-so-moral and self-righteous BLM protesters are attacking her because she throws a little problem into their narrative.

But, see, this is always true. BLM likes to elevate people as martyrs who are often criminals and who are even engaged in violent criminal acts at the point of violence with law enforcement or others. And they don’t care about actual victims of crime.

CLAY: Yeah. And Minneapolis, which is where this is taking place, Buck, of all cities in America, I’m not sure there is a city right now that is under more duress because of BLM protests than Minneapolis. They can’t hire people to actually be cops in Minneapolis. The number of actual police on the streets in Minneapolis has collapsed. They have off-the-charts-level crime — murder, violent acts. If you’re listening to us right now in Minneapolis, you know exactly what I’m talking about because people left. As soon as — this is the truth.

This is one of the things that Rush nailed. The Drive-By Media shows up to cover the protests, they don’t stay in any way to cover the consequences of the protest, because the media is not there anymore and who’s how unsafe Minneapolis is, they don’t see all the police deciding to resign and retire rather than continue to work.

And they don’t cover the victims of the massive increase in violence who are overwhelmingly — guess what? — black and inner city residents who no longer have the police to help protect them, and the media doesn’t care about their story anymore.

And the same thing for these BLM protesters who show up protesting this guy who was trying to kill people that the police took out, making tensions even greater inside the community.

I believe the video we showed, Buck, we talked about of the little kid who was throwing punches, remember the, like, toddler? That was Minneapolis too. The culture of rot that has taken root in many of our cities but particularly places like Minneapolis is so bad that you’re creating the situation for more interactions of violence between police and the people they’re trying to protect in the years ahead.

BUCK: Local police come from the communities that they police. They’re actually people’s neighbors who happen to have a gun and a badge and a job to do. But this treatment of law enforcement as the enemy, particularly in high-crime neighborhoods as part of this ethos of the far left, this idea that the cops are the problem, this is the inversion of reality.

This results in a 30% increase in homicides nationwide and a lot more people going to funerals for teenagers and little kids and people in their twenties who are being murdered at completely horrific rates in cities like Chicago and Minneapolis and many others now.

And one of the things that holds this all back is that the Democrat apparatus does not want the public to see that they admit they were wrong about all of this.

So they’d rather just keep this moving along as it is than say, “Wow. Wow. All that bending the knee and BLM is so important for society” that was done in June and July and August of 2020 by corporate America, by everybody on the left and all the Democrats, it was atrocious for everybody. BLM made everything worse for everyone.

CLAY: Thousands of people are dead today that would have been alive if police were able to do their jobs. And the only time violence gets covered, by and large — I think that Chicago — Highland Park, as awful as it was, Buck, that happens every single weekend in Chicago, except it’s inner city victims and nobody cares. No media covers it.

Every weekend virtually all year round in Chicago they have a Highland Park total crime victim tally like that, and almost no one even blinks. It barely even makes the news.

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