McAuliffe’s a Little Testy in Virginia

BUCK: Things gettin’ a little testy in Virginia. Welcome back to the Clay and Buck show. Would-be governor (heaven forbid) Terry McAuliffe, hopefully on his way in a few weeks here to getting trounced by Glenn Youngkin — who now, of course, they’re trying to make it seem like he’s an extension of Trump. “He’s like Trump’s little brother!”

This is what the mainstream, Democrat, DNC apparatus is doing in a desperate attempt to push McAuliffe over the finish line. But, as you may have recalled from last week, McAuliffe said basically, “Well, we don’t want parents going in there at school board meetings and telling schools what they should be teaching,” as if they’re gonna say, “Don’t teach the ABCs or multiplication tables.”

We’re talking about critical race theory, transgender bathroom policy, and masks in schools. That’s what the parents are upset about. That’s why there has been this “soccer mom insurrection” — if you believe what the DOJ’s worried about — at these school board meetings. Terry McAuliffe had someone go up to him and ask a question outside of a meeting at a school just yesterday. He’s doing an education roundtable in Alexandria, Virginia, and here’s how that went.

VOTER: Who do you think should be in charge of education, if not Virginia parents?

MCAULIFFE: (screaming) Have you been vaccinated yet?! That’s the question I want to know. (screaming) You should have a mask on!

VOTER: Who do you think should be in control of education, if not Virginia parents?

MCAULIFFE: You’re dangerous here!

BUCK: Clay, I’m gonna say, first of all, he just… This is not a way you can shut things down. Instead of going, “La la la! Can’t hear,” you go, “Are you vaccinated? Are you vaxxed?” He starts screaming at some guy who’s asking him a question — and also, he’s outside. Why should he be wearing a mask? It makes no sense.

CLAY: Well, you’re right. First of all, we got win this race, okay? So everybody out there who is listening us right now, people want to say, “Hey, I understand that you are fed up with so many of the decisions that are be made in our country right now.” What is the number one thing that could happen in the next month that could help to alter that trajectory?

Next year, obviously, we got the midterms. Everybody needs to go out and vote; take back the country, right? But what is the number one thing that could happen that would make the Biden administration say, “Uh-oh,” in a big gulp kind of way? It is a state that they won by 10 points in Virginia.

We ain’t talking about Nevada. We’re not talking about Georgia. We’re not talking about Pennsylvania or Michigan or Wisconsin or any of those states — Arizona — that were tight. We’re talking about one that they put the checkmark in comfortably. If Youngkin wins it’s an, uh-oh, moment. And that’s what’s going on right now, Buck.

They’re trying to turn him into Trump, and they are trying to shift all the attention away from the lies they’ve told about local education, and they’re trying to go back to covid fear porn. “Are you vaccinated? What are you doing, young man! How dare you ask me about this question?”

BUCK: “You’re dangerous here!” I mean, think about this as well. First of all, I’m sure McAuliffe is vaccinated. He’s walking outside with his big mask on ’cause this, as we know, is signaling to lifestyle libs out there, “Oh, I take the virus seriously,” and McAuliffe is feeling the heat because his comment was… Not just what he says here, but his comment about, “Oh, we’re not gonna listen to parents.” Yeah. That’s why school board meetings exist so parents can have their voices heard —

CLAY: That’s who funds the schools.

BUCK: — and also they’ve been caught with the constantly changing lies about critical race theory. “There is no critical race theory being taught! “You don’t know what critical race theory is,” to if anybody teaches critical race theory, Randi Weingarten of the American Federation of Teachers will legally pay the bills for their violations. So they just keep lying and changing the story there. McAuliffe is on the wrong side of this issue and the Loudoun parents’ insurrection could, to your point, Clay, flip a D-plus-10 state in this governor’s race.

CLAY: And that terrifies them, and that’s why immediately when his lies are brought up to him right? His belief… You know who funds all the local schools? It’s our property taxes, Buck, and they know that they are in trouble here, and they’re trying to shift it back to the fear porn every single time. That’s their play.



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