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Mayorkas Has No Idea Who’s Crossing the Border

29 Apr 2022

BUCK: “The Biden Administration Struggles to Calm the Democratic Storm over Immigration.” That is a very favorable (chuckles) headline from Politico about what a total mess things are. Welcome back to Clay and Buck here. Let’s just be very clear about what’s going on. “Struggles to calm the Democrat storm”?

Yeah, that’s ’cause Democrats who are in tight races know that they’re going to be trying to honestly lie to the American people about what their party really believes when it comes to immigration at a time when you live the southern border just overrun, blown open. I mean, fentanyl flown across in numbers we’ve probably never seen before. Illegal aliens pouring across in numbers we’ve never seen before.

And it’s also happening under Biden. Notice that they’re running out of the “it’s a coincidence” room here. Inflation starts when Biden takes control, when Biden’s regime comes in. Lots of coincidences just happens to start when Joe Biden is going. You say, “All right, there was a lot of spending in 2020 under the Trump administration too because of covid.

“So maybe there’s a little bit but, I mean, that’s…” Oh, wait. But crime starts rising with BLM, the Democrat movement that the corporations were all supporting and sponsoring, and it led to riots — and you look at when homicides were going up, you look at when crime was going up — and it’s the beginning of the BLM movement in 2020. Is that a coincidence for the Democrats too?

Oh. The withdrawal from Afghanistan is it a total disaster happens on Joe Biden’s watch. Coincidence or maybe they’re just not good at this? And now illegal immigration, you look at year over year, you look at what’s going on. I mean, you don’t even have to take my word for it. You just look at the some of the illegals who are showing up at the border with Biden T-shirts on, which they have.

They have literally — and I mean that in the actual sense of the word — shown up in Biden T-shirts. They have told journalists down there, they say, “Excuse me, sir. Excuse me, madam. Why are you coming across the border at this time?” They say, “Well, because Joe Biden is president.” The Democrat establishment realizes this is a problem because the game that they play is as an election gets closer, they talk tough on how they want border security.

“Oh, we want border security too!” I read the whole Mayorkas DHS memo, and it goes into detail about strict immigration enforcement. And it’s laughable. Ask anybody involved in the immigration-enforcement process, talk to someone at Border Patrol. I’m sure a lot of you… First of all, I know Border Patrol members listen to this show.

And thank you for what you do because a lot of them are really underappreciated in the national discourse ’cause the Democrats don’t want to speak the truth, which is that Border Patrol are defending our borders and enforcing U.S. law and sovereignty. But ask any of them, ask anyone who’s down there at the border and you’ll be told, “No, it’s ridiculous.”

We’re already… They’re talking about being unable to handle the surge. We can’t with rule of law in place handle what’s already going on. We don’t know where, say, dozens of people — and I hate when people go — when people go too far or they say something that’s an exaggeration about the border because then it’s, “Oh, gosh!”

Now they’re just gonna point to that, say, “See, the right is stirring things up again.” It’s not true. I had to look this one up. I had to make sure this one was true. I had to asked numerous people who were students of and data nerds of the border. Turns out there are people on the terror watch list who are verified by fingerprint scan who have gotten into the country. Where are they? Well, here is DHS secretary Mayorkas just yesterday being asked by our buddy Congressman Jim Jordan about this. Here’s how that went.

BUCK: Doesn’t seem to know. I kind of would like to know. I’d like us to know that. I think that’s important. I think when you have people who are on the terror watch list — and remember, ’cause I asked the question. I said, “Hold on a second.” I spoke to some of my contacts; I said, “Could this be a name mismatch issue — you know, someone whose name is spelled similar to somebody on the list?”

No, no, fingerprint verified, apparently. I have to say: That, to me, seems like it’s something we should be getting a very clear answer to. Who’s coming into the country, and what are they doing when they’re here? The answer, my friends, is they don’t really know. And this is just who’s being processed. This is who we actually are actually apprehending.

This is who we’re taking into custody. Got-aways, these are the people who — and just to explain how it works, think about it this way. I’ve seen this happen. I was down — what was it now, about 18 months ago — in the Rio Grande sector of the border, and you would have a family. This was the same thing I saw in El Paso at the border and the same thing I saw at the San Diego-Tijuana border.

You had families come and wave down Border Patrol. Now, Border Patrol goes over there, and they’re apprehending people, but they’re not an imminent security threat, obviously. There’s women and children. They want to make sure they’re safe. They bring them food. They take them to the hospital.

And because we are the American people and we are a good and moral people, of course, we see women and children in jeopardy, we’re gonna do that, right? But what happens then a mile down, when they’ve got Border Patrol members who are making hospital runs, sometimes using their own funds to go buy diapers. This is real. This is what’s happening at your southern border right now.

What happens is then a mile down the road, they run a pickup truck with enough fentanyl to kill 50,000 people. They run that right across, right across the border, or they run 50 adult male migrants, probably with criminal records, ’cause otherwise if they didn’t have a criminal record they’d join a family unit. See, there are reasons why they do it this way.

All of this is a huge cash cow. All of this is a huge source of funds for the Mexican transnational drug cartels, right? They’re making some estimates — I’ve seen it said — in a given week they could make more money even off the human smuggling than the drug smuggling. Think about that, because that’s how much control they’re exerting at the border.

When they talk about got-aways people that made it free and clear into the country. I brought this up and said, “What do you think the number is.” For fiscal year 2021 DHS Mayorkas, secretary Mayorkas testified there were 389,000 plus known got-aways. So coming up on 400,000 people. For fiscal year ’22, which began on October 1st — and hat tip, by the way, to Fox News reporting down at the border for getting these.

Bill Melugin, doing great work down at the border, getting these numbers out there — 300,000 got-aways so far fiscal year ’22. What are we, halfway into fiscal year ’22? It’s 300,000. So we’ll easily be at… Keep in mind post-Title 42 you’re looking at half a million to a million got-aways. Those are people who never even check in.

We have no idea who they are. We have no idea what they’re bringing into the country. They know full well that they could join a family unit and claim asylum and try to game the system that way. But, no, no, no! They want to just make a run for it, literally make a run for the across the border. That’s what they’re doing.

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