BUCK: How many illegal migrants have been let into the United States under the Biden administration? Now, keep in mind this number would not include the hundreds of thousands of “gotaways.” It’s not even clear. They don’t know what that number really is. That’s an estimate because Border Patrol is so overwhelmed with what they call “the humanitarian mission,” making sure women and children who show up at the border…
They know they’re violating the law, by the way. They don’t care. They want to get into America, right? This is the whole game. They show up at the border and they say, you know, “We need medical care food water, et cetera,” and because we are America, we of course make sure that women and children are safe. But that means that they’re taken off the line.
They’re taken off the line for the drug smugglers and the other human trafficking that goes on, often with males — single adult males — who have been previously deported, some cases have violent criminal histories, even violent sexual crimes in their past. They’re not gonna turn themselves in ’cause even the Biden administration will generally turn them away at the border.
So, they just make a run for it. That’s what the gotaways are. They just get into the country free and clear, hundreds of thousands in the last six months alone, between, I’d say… I think it’s about 400,000 is what they’re estimating routine. So you’re looking at a huge number of gotaways getting into the country. And what is the number of those who have been let into the United States in the last, let’s call it, 15 months or so? Here is Mayorkas of the DHS telling you the official number that he’s putting here. Oh, no, he’s including their gotaways, I believe, in this one. So, this is the total number of illegals in the United States under Biden.
BUCK: So, we’re talking well over a million, well over a million in the United States in violation of law and the administration doesn’t to want make this end. That’s the big difference. That’s the big change in all of this. So, what do they say? ‘Cause Title 42 is supposed to end here in just a few weeks. What are they claiming?
What are they telling you they want to do under the circumstances? Well, here’s member of Congress Pramila Jayapal, who’s telling everybody that the real problem here is Republicans. I will decipher what they mean president word that they use here, the Democrats, the left, saying there’s no interest in fixing the “broken” immigration system.
JAYAPAL: I was an immigrant rights activist for 20 years before coming to Congress and I have consistently seen these, you know, xenophobic attacks by immigrants — by Republicans on immigrants. The Republicans have no interest in fixing the broken immigration system, which is actually the issue that we need to address if we want to have an orderly process.
What happened when Trump put in place Title 42, it is a public health law that never should have been put in place, because it actually has to do with the introduction of a communicable disease. And at the time that it was put into place, covid was already here and Republicans were fighting all of the public health efforts to wear masks or have vaccines, uh, or socially distance. Those are the public health things that would have helped in the United States. So it never should have been put in place.
BUCK: Those things, by the way, masks did not help. But, see, this is the problem they have. On the one hand it is true, it don’t really make a difference. It doesn’t really make a difference at this point and for a long time whether you are allowing people in. Covid is all over the country. We’ve had record high cases from Omicron, even this past winter. So it doesn’t really, if you’re gonna be reasonable about this, make that much of a difference.
But this is the only time you’ll hear Democrats actually say that about any covid restriction. Oh, this covid restriction they want to waive. The other ones they still like and they wish they could keep forever and ever on planes no matter how stupid because it’s about control, it’s about virtue signaling, and it’s also about political use of for people.
You go along with these different mitigation measures, as Fauci calls them, because you’re a good person. That’s what they’ll tell you. Because you’re a Democrat, you believe the science. You’re not supposed to think beyond that. You’re just supposed to go along with it and do it. But when they say “broken immigration system,” there’s a pretty straightforward way to fix a part of this which is to end the incentive to come into America illegally.
As long as the incentive structure continues, this is what the incentive structure is right now. There’s a very good chance if you show up at our southern border and you know what you’re doing — meaning you know how to play the system — you will be allowed to stay in the United States permanently. Better than a 50-50 shot right now, depending. If you show up as part of a family unit, you have a child under a certain age with you, your chances are like 99% you’re gonna be let into the U.S. right now. It’s much higher.
That is the game that they’re trying to play. That is their end state. That’s what they want, ’cause remember these are violations of law. You’re not supposed to do this. This is almost like federal trespassing, right? You enter the United States not in a port of entry you have broken the law and then your presence in the country is in violation of law the moment that you don’t actually have…
You know, you don’t show up at court, immigration court. And keep in mind the way the immigration courts work — and this is where people really start to lose it — you can show up as an illegal migrant to immigration court, be told you do not get to have asylum — which overwhelmingly these are not valid asylum claims. A small percentage of the claims overall are valid asylum claims.
And even when your claim is denied and you’re in court, there’s no system. There’d have to be a separate deportation hearing! So, you know, the incentive structure is actually, “Oh, people show up for their court date.” They show up for their court date because there’s no downside, really. You get to basically see if you can get asylum and then you’re good forever.
And if you don’t get asylum, you’re not actually gonna get deported. There’d have to be a separate deportation proceeding, and guess what? The Democrats fund all these lawyers and they play the system and they provide lawyers to illegal migrants to keep them in the country, and the longer this plays out, the more people have ties in the community. The whole system…
That’s where the system is breaking down where you don’t actually have the enforcement of laws, where the incentive structure is, “Cut the line; come into the country illegally.” That is the incentive structure. So until that changes, they can talk as much as they want about, “Oh, we want border security, we’re gonna do the right thing,” and they are just lying.
They’re just lying to you. And they’re only worried about Title 42 ending — I mean, here is Senator Bob Menendez, they’re only worried about Title 42 ending because they’re gonna face the voters soon and they know there’s gonna be a massive flood they won’t be able to easily hide of illegal migrants crossing into the country.
BUCK: The first step to the solution is stop the flood of illegality, and that only happens when you change the incentive structure for coming into the country illegally. That is step one. Anything else around that doesn’t actually deal with the problem. Democrats are just gonna talk around this issue a lot, though. And they’re sending more people, more bureaucrats to the border to make it easier to get asylum, by the way.
That’s the other process you’re gonna go through here. And the national media will overwhelmingly lie to you about this. They say, “Oh, they’re asylum seekers.” No, they’re not. They’re migrants who want to be in America because, at least for now, we still have a pretty good currency and economy and welfare benefits and state resources devoted to those who come in even in violation of our laws. So that’s what’s really happening. They will continue to lie to you about this because the truth will be a problem for them going into the midterms. That much is for sure.
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