Lisa Boothe to Biden: You Suck. Resign!

BUCK: Our friend Lisa Boothe from Fox taking out the flamethrower for a second.

BUCK: She’s not messing around on Sean Hannity’s show last night with Jason Chaffetz guest hosting.

CLAY: Were you in the chair yet listening to that when she said it?

BUCK: I was. I saw her and then she walked out ’cause she was here in New York City before we went on together. Gonna say, it was a fact hour of television last night.

CLAY: Amazing hour of television.

BUCK: A lot of wisdom, a lot of handsomeness on the screen, a lot of great hair. It was good.

CLAY: No, it was a lot of fun. For people out there who don’t know how television works, you sit down 10, 15 minutes before your segment is on. So I had the earpiece in, and I heard that question, and then I heard her response, and it was great live television. I don’t know if she knew that she was getting that sort of tossed alley-oop dunk question, but she was devastating in her response.

BUCK: I think you can argue it both ways. If, for some reason, I got invited to the Biden White House and the president wanted to speak to me the only way I’d take it is if I was able to tell him in advance I’m going to be very critical and I’m going to push him on some things. You know, that’s… I think you have to show the president, the office respect, and if you can’t do that, you don’t go. You don’t go. But I would not sit there and be like, “Oh, thank you so much, Mr. President,” and then I would be like, “Why are you messing everything up?”

CLAY: I understand their arguments on multiple angles here. I would always go because I respect the office of the presidency. And also, I don’t think there are that many people… Let’s presume that Joe Biden could understand us if we were in a meeting with him, which I question. You sit here, some of the instructions that we’ve seen are embarrassing for him. We played some clips earlier. So I’m not sure that he would. But I don’t think there are that many people speaking truth to him on a day-to-day basis.

BUCK: I think either one of us would come away from a sit-down with Joe Biden… I had sit-downs with George W. Bush when I worked for the CIA and sit-downs with Donald Trump when he was the president — obviously as a media person, not a government employee. I think we’d come away from a sit-down with President Biden — and I’m not trying to be funny — deeply concerned about the future of the country. I really do. I think we’d say, “I cannot believe this guy. He’s clearly not up for this.” Notice all the 25th Amendment talk from the Trump era —

CLAY: Vanished.

BUCK: — is absent when it should actually be talked about.

CLAY: If we had him on for an hour with us like we had Trump on for an hour, I think the country — the people who listened — would say, “This guy can’t be president anymore.” I really feel like he couldn’t talk to us for an hour.


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