Let Them Drive EVs! Even Geraldo Compares Dems to Marie Antoinette

CLAY: Buck, you were just talking as — as we were discussing there, going to break, what are they thinking?  What are they thinking, when they look at the data, and see, hey, 1% of overall voters, even 3% of Democratic voters are obsessed with the environment and climate change.  And yet, Biden hasn’t had anything on his schedule for two days, and then suddenly, he’s going up to Massachusetts, to make a big speech about the existential threat to our country that’s coming to climate change.

I think they’re just trying to get whatever they can, through Congress, before they lose the House.  And we’ll see what happens in the Senate.  But they won’t be able to pass anything.  And this is their last best shot to try to do so.  What do you think is going on?

BUCK:  I think that the environmentalist wacko wing of the Democrat Party, even though it’s not large, it is very monied and very well connected.  So Nancy Pelosi, for example, walks around talking about how the climate crisis is real, because the kind of people that, you know, run the companies that her husband invests in, it seems.

CLAY:  Good timing by Paul Pelosi, huh?

BUCK:  Got a lot of skills, apparently.  This is what Pelosi says.

BUCK:  And just blather, right?  But the fancy people that ride on the private jets with Nancy Pelosi, who write big checks to Democrat PACs and nonprofits and throw the fundraisers, are obsessed with the fashionable virtue signaling of climate change ideology and the green new deal, Clay.  I think that’s honestly what pushes it.  Because, as you said, look at the polls.

The people they’re trying to win votes from, are basically fooled into thinking the Democratic Party cares about working people.  It does not.  It cares about people who are really rich.  But they’re not going to win any of those votes in Arizona, Nevada, Michigan within Wisconsin, with this stuff.

CLAY:  You’re 100% right.  I also, in addition to the high dollar donors, I think Biden probably internally got massacred for making that trip to Saudi Arabia.  And been going on bended knee.  And giving the fist pound to MBS.  And begging them to produce more oil and gas, even though it’s not going to occur.

Because remember, a lot of Democrats consider high gas prices to be fantastic.  Because that means that the Green New Deal is getting more competitive.  When gas prices are $5 a gallon, all of a sudden, the windmills and the solar.  And the electric costs, which are far most of your expensive, starts to look like a more viable option.  The problem with that is, the vast majority of Americans can’t afford electric cars.

And they keep selling this idea, which makes them look Marie Antoinette, the Democrats do.  Well, if the gas prices are too high, you should just go buy an electrical vehicle.  What?  The electrical vehicle that sells for over $60,000 a year?  $60,000 total.  And isn’t going to allow me to even drive that far?  So these are not viable options for lots of people out there.  And when you look at how that electricity is being produced, a lot of that electricity building used to drive an electric car are being produced by coal and by traditional methods of producing energy.


BUCK: We’re still waiting to see what the Biden speech is going to be up in Massachusetts, where he’s going to be doing the usual.  Going to be telling everybody that, you know, it’s a transition.  It’s a painful transition toa better green energy future.  Sorry about those high gas prices, et cetera, et cetera.  But they’re actually not sorry.  Because they think that this is saving the planet.  Here is Biden’s energy adviser Amos Hochstein, saying, look, we need to limit oil production to accelerate the transition.

BUCK:  And so they want to tell you, they want more gas and oil.  But not like too much.  Because it’s icky.  And destroying the planet.  But they know that voters are looking at them, like why are you crazy?  And then Pete Buttigieg comes along, for example, and says, look, the more pain you experience, the deeper into credit card debt you go, trying to fill up your tank, the better it is.  Because you’ll be so much more enthusiastic about getting an electric car.

BUTTIGIEG:  Of course, the more pain we’re all experiencing from the high price of gas, the more benefit that there is for those who can access an electric vehicle.

BUCK:  I mean, Clay, that’s it.  John Kerry spoke — what was it?  A more or two ago, and said (impression), “Oh, we don’t want to lose focus on this Ukraine war, on the transition to green energy.  We don’t want Putin to forget about what’s really important.”  He’s shelling cities into the ground.  But let’s worry about CO2 emissions from the guy.  These people are nuts.  They’re zealots.  They actually have a problem.

CLAY:  It’s Marie Antoinette.  It’s Marie Antoinette.  Over and over and over again.

BUCK:  You know who says this, our buddy Geraldo, play it.  Twelve.  Sorry.

RIVERA:  I thought he sounded very Marie Antoinettey, the queen of France who was beheaded because she said, “Let them eat cake.”  He sounded a lot like that, oh, too bad you can’t buy an electric vehicle.  You should.  And nah, nah, if you can’t.

BUCK:  She never actually said that, but that’s a side note.

CLAY:  That’s what I was going to is.  I was going to be the history nerd there and I was going to say, eh, people may have been a little bit unfair to Marie Antoinette.  George Washington also didn’t actually do the cherry tree chop down.  There’s a lot of sort of clichés that move in through American history.  Just like Donald Trump didn’t say, there are very fine people on both sides, surrounding Charlottesville, if you actually go back.  There’s a lot of stuff that wind up not building true.

But the truth that was embedded on what Marie Antoinette said, was that the ruling estate of France was so out of touch with the proletariat, of everybody out there who was unable to live the norm lives, that that Versailles palace, which, by the way, is extraordinary, and I hope everybody gets the chance to walk through it sometime.  But when everybody is struggling, and the rich people are living in the huge palace, it isn’t a good idea to be selling that.

And mayor Pete is relatively unaccomplished.  I give him credit because he decided to run for president, out of nowhere.  Mayor out of South Bend, Indiana.  And if you talk to people around Notre Dame, not even a good mayor of South Bend, Indiana!  It’s not like he came in and completely revitalized that place.  A lot of issues still exist in South Bend Indiana.  And then he decides he’s going to run for president.  And the Democratic bench is so weak, that he actually caught fire with the woke white community.

And the white woke community.  And I’m going to keep hammering them, Buck.  They are destroying this country.  Everybody out there, who is listening right now, if you want to go to war, metaphorically, of course, in argument’s sake, your enemy is the woke white imbecile, who thinks that America is an awful place.  Who is leading us down this primrose path of utter destruction.  And their saint, the leader of their parade is mayor Pete.  And everybody like Mayor Pete, who wants to lecture us that inner states are racist, that everything in American history is systemically awful.  The people who are having to pay $5 a gallon or 4.50, or whatever the gallon figure is right now.  It’s still over $100 to fill my car up.  I’ll tell you that right now.  Prices have come down a little bit.

And nobody I’m talking to all over the southeast, Buck, is sitting around saying, you know what, I really am thinking a lot about the green new deal, and how I’m encouraged now to go buy an electrical vehicle.  They’re all like, Joe Biden is an imbecile, and he has to be gone immediately.  And unfortunately, we have 30 more months of this trash.

BUCK:  Here’s Tom Cotton.  Speaking of what could be happening in this country, and why it’s not.  What happened under President Trump, for example.  We get to full energy independence for our needs.  And we had so much prosperity, that people forgot what it’s like to have a dumbass Democrat making the calls.  So they lost site of how quickly things could turn around.  Here’s Senator Cotton.

BUCK:  American energy, Clay.  The wealth of the American people is the American people.  Yeah.  That’s true.  But actually our energy is really important.  Our energy reserves are really important.  We are able to, if we would drop this notion, that there’s something dirty and destructive about fossil fuels.  We would be in such a better place.

And you notice, what they say, doesn’t even make sense.  They got rid of the Keystone XL Pipeline.  Day one, Biden comes into office, the Obama State Department, did a multi-year, you know, exhaustive study of this.  To try to find some way to disapprove of it.  And it’s just a question of, do you want the pipeline going across the U.S. territory, north to south,, so you can export it.  And you get money for this.  And there’s American benefit.  Or do you want to go in west, to the Asian market.  You know, the Canadian tar — tar sands.  And they just decided, well, we don’t want to be a part of this dirty thing that is oil.  That was the decision.  Even if it makes no difference to the actual environment.

CLAY:  Drill, Baby Drill!  This is one that Sarah Palin got exactly right.  I mean, it’s simple.  Drill, Baby, Drill!.  In 2024, how do you think your average American is going to respond, when we are having certainly in three, four months, we’re going to have the midterms. But I’m talking about 2024.  These are real decisions that need to be made.  Do we want to be energy independent by producing as much oil and gas as possible or not?  My answer is yes.

And if you’re going to get on are just Air Force One, fly all the way across the Atlantic.  Go into the Middle East, and sit down, and beg Saudi Arabia to produce more oil and gas.  If we had a real media in this country, with Joe Biden goes up for this climate discussion, somebody would just raise a hand and say, why is it better for you to beg Saudi Arabia to produce more oil and gas, when they produce it in a dirtier fashion, than just allowing American oil and gas to be produced, so that we make all of those hundreds of billions of dollars in this country, and we can energy export, which is what we were doing under Trump.

As opposed to having to beg all of these petro-dictator states for them to produce more.  Biden, I don’t know if he can answer it.  They might have to shoot him up with more drugs so that he can perform for this thing, after two days of sitting on the sidelines.  But that’s the essence of this question.  And almost no one is asking it.


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