BUCK: Kamala Harris was on Good Morning America, and if you ever wondered to yourself, “Why is Kamala at 28% approval?”
CLAY: (chuckling)
BUCK: I don’t think many of the people who listen to this show wonder about that. I think they all know. But if you’re wondering what’s really going on, here she is when asked about the steep rise in inflation. She’s like the boring bureaucrat H.R. officer that she is, is basically saying, “Yeah, we’re, like, we’re totally on that thing that you’re talking about.”
HARRIS: Well, first of all, it’s real, and it’s — it’s rough. Grocery… The cost of groceries has gone up. The cost of gas has gone up. And as… This is all happening in the context of two years of a pandemic. It’s one of the highest priorities, actually, for the president and for me. And so we’re dealing with this issue in a number of ways. Short term one of the issues is the supply chain.
We’re seeing a bottleneck, and we need to relieve that bottleneck. So we’ve brought together everyone from the Teamsters to Target to say, “Hey, let’s all bring everyone together, from the truckers to the folks who are moving product, and let’s open up some of our major ports for work 24 hours a day, seven days a week.” That’s happening, and we’re seeing great results. Long term, we need to bring down the cost of living, and that’s a long-standing issue.
BUCK: Okay, Clay, first of all, she really exudes all the warmth of a Siberian prison guard, and really has the connection with the common people that you would expect from someone who’s almost been programmed like a computer to say certain things. But also, does anybody have any faith in either Joe or Kamala to have an understanding of how to make growth more robust, help bring the economy to the place where it should be at this point? I certainly don’t. I don’t think so. I think there are very few people even among Democrats who really believe that.
CLAY: Well, she said she wants to bring down the cost of living. Right now, all of the Biden administration’s policies would directly increase the cost of living through a spiraling inflation rate that is most impactful on the poorest among us. And Kamala Harris can’t even really make an argument at all. She sounds like somebody who’s gotta give a book report and knows that she has to talk for a certain length of time. Listen to this, Kamala Harris saying absolutely nothing. This is crazy.
HARRIS: We must — together — work together to see where we are, where we are headed, where we are going, and our vision for where we should be. But also see it as a moment, yes, to — together — address the challenges and to work on the opportunities.
BUCK: Did you ever have the experience, Clay, of you’re trying to answer an essay question in high school or something and you realize that you’re just writing words down.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: You’re not actually… ‘Cause you don’t know who the third monarch of the empire was that they’re asking about. So you just go, “Well, when you get deep in the question, you find yourself wondering if the query will take you to a place of greater understanding…” This is what she does. This is what she says.
CLAY: It reminds me… I took a voice-and-diction class in college and everybody had to give a persuasive speech, and a lot of people would rather die than give a persuasive speech. Remember death is the second biggest fear of lots of people behind public speaking, and so you would see like that deer-in-the-headlights face when somebody realized, “Oh, I’ve gotta go four minutes,” and they had gone like a minute 10 and they had nothing else to say, and that’s what exactly it would it sound like.
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Miss Clay on Hannity? Watch it here.
Miss Buck on The Story with Martha MacCallum? Watch it here.