Kamala Lives Her Own Veep Episode Every Day
11 Nov 2021
BUCK: I want to just take a moment here, ’cause Clay and I like to mix things up and sometimes have moments of levity even in the news cycle. You may have seen Kamala Harris’ recent polling. I think she’s at 28%.
CLAY: Yeah, 28% approval. That’s right. The lowest in our lifetimes.
BUCK: She’s about as popular as high gas prices. She’s really… Very, very few people are pro-Kamala these days, and she was touring a covid lab in Paris, and I just want you to hear, this is the woman that they thought maybe would take over for Joe Biden if need be. Listen to this.
Kamala Harris uses a fake French accent while speaking to French scientists at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. pic.twitter.com/yCGPcLVJkN
— America Rising (@AmericaRising) November 10, 2021
HARRIS: We trust in government. We campaign with The Plan. Uppercase T. Uppercase P. The Plan. And then the environment is such that we’re expected to defend The Plan. Even when the first time we roll it out, there may be some glitches and it’s time to reevaluate and then do it again.
BUCK: The Plan? What is she talking about? What is she saying?
CLAY: She is just her own Veep episode at this point. She is so incredibly awkward in all public appearances. The Moon video? “You can see craters on the Moon!” She’s the worst actress ever. The surprise video for her birthday party where she walks in and says, “Surprise!” to everyone there, defeating the entire surprise birthday.
The awkward Joe Biden walks flowers in to her? Remember that video that they recorded? And now this? I just… They can’t even allow her near an open mic because she is so insanely awkward, and I think I’m correct in this, Buck. Other than going on The View, she hasn’t done an interview since Lester Holt shamed her over the border interview.
BUCK: Really, that was a great moment because’ she’s looking at Lester Holt, she’s saying, “We’ve been to the border,” and you can tell he’s looking back to her as if, “Lady, look, you can’t lie like that. I can only cover for you so much. You have not seen the border.”
CLAY: Well, what she was hoping is that Lester Holt… You know when sometimes somebody’s so wrong, for a minute you think to yourself, “Wait, am I the one who’s totally wrong here?”
BUCK: She just really said that, right? That was the look on Lester Holt’s face for a second ’cause even if you’re a propagandist, you have to stick to some of the facts sometimes.
CLAY: At some point. But she is… I’ve said it. The only thing Joe Biden has going for him in office so far is that Kamala is so wildly unpopular that they can’t elevate her to replace him. That’s the only thing, I think, that’s gone well for him at all so far in his presidency is that she’s so wildly awful that he doesn’t have to worry about her.
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