
Kamala Harris Compares Having a Baby to Slavery

CLAY: Kamala Harris not a great speaker. Not an elite level debater, dropped out of the Democrat presidential primary race before there had even been a vote cast because Democrats didn’t like her.

And I can’t help but think this is truly the dumbest argument that could be made in the abortion debate pretty much, and it’s not a surprise that Kamala Harris would decide to make it.

Here she is effectively arguing that requiring someone to have a baby is the equivalent of slavery and there is a long history of slavery in American history and institutions. Listen.

HARRIS: We know, NAACP, that our country has a history of claiming ownership over human bodies. And today extremist so-called leaders with criminalizing doctors and punishing women from making health care decisions for themselves, personal decisions that is her right to make, in consultation with her doctor, her pastor, her priest, her rabbi, her loved one, not her government telling her what to do.

CLAY: All right. So Kamala Harris — and if you heard that right at the beginning, history, because Democrats are unable to talk about anything in this day and age without trying to tie it in to slavery — it really is unbelievable that that is the default argument for pretty much anything that they argue in favor of, systemic racism is because of slavery. Every single thing that they’re arguing for comes back to America’s a fundamentally racist country because slavery once existed here.

I don’t think, Buck, that this is going to be a very productive argument for Kamala. And this is of course one of the dumbest arguments she could make; so it’s not surprising that she would fix this one.

BUCK: The whole debate actually comes down to whether or not it is a baby in the womb. So the focus from all these Democrats on it’s a woman’s choice and it’s a woman’s body. And the point is that there’s another body, right? And there are plenty of places in the law where you see that privacy does not allow for child abuse. Privacy does not allow for incest.

You know, the society protects people from things that happen behind closed or could happen behind closed doors all the time based on our understanding of what is good, what is right, what is moral. And this is all ultimately about protecting life in the womb, another human being in the womb. Until they deal with that argument, they’re actually just speaking around the issue.

They’re not even addressing the primary argument of the pro-life movement. No one’s on the right sitting around saying, we hate that women can make choices. I mean, think about this. We’re always arguing in this plane of jargon and nonsense. Is it a baby or is it not a baby? At what point is society willing to protect it as a baby? That’s everything.

And we’ve talked about this many times up to this point — the Democrat Party just got into crazy town here, just went far too extreme from being a party that would say, look. There are tough choices sometimes, I think that was propaganda to get us to this point, but that’s another discussion. But they’re in favor of third trimester abortions so they’re in favor of killing babies. Full stop. That’s just what they’re in favor of. That’s what they’re arguing for, which is why this has not moved the political needle in the way that they had hoped for and I think anticipated.

I do believe there are a lot of Democrats who thought the reversal of Roe would save them from this midterm annihilation. It’s not gonna put a dent in the midterms based on what we’re seeing right now. And Kamala doesn’t even have — I don’t know if it’s that she lacks the understanding or she lacks the honesty to address the primary argument here, but she’s a person of very minimal characteristic character and minimal understanding.

CLAY: And what’s amazing about all of her failures, this is a speech, I believe, before the NAACP. And so she’s trying to tie in the battle over abortions to slavery. The actual easier argument to make, if you want to make that historical argument, is the opposite of what she’s arguing, which is Dred Scott, if you are a history person out there, was one of the reasons why we had the Civil War, because the Dred Scott case effectively eliminated the distinction between free and slave states. Because it said even if a slave is taken into a free state, he remains — Dred Scott was the slave — the property of his owner, and that was a Supreme Court decision that came down.

And people who have been pointing to overturn Roe v. Wade for a long time have been arguing, that is an example of a case that was wrongfully decided that needed to be rectified. So if you want to make that historical analogy, there’s actually an easier analogy to make between Dred Scott and Roe v. Wade is that Supreme Court cases sometimes are decided wrongly when it comes to issues of life and freedom, and that is an example of one that was overturned.

BUCK: I mean, you also can look at the Stephen Douglas debates with Lincoln. People always — they’ll talk about this in the context of states’ rights, but they have to remember that Douglas’ position on slavery, if memory serves, was, yeah, it’s awful. I wouldn’t do it, but I want to allow people to do it, which puts you in a very interesting moral plane. Well, why is it awful and why should the state want something that is immoral to be done? And this is where you get safe, legal, and rare, this is where you get a lot of the Democrat dance around the issue.

I mean, ultimately, until they speak honestly about this and I think you’re going to see more honest discussion of abortion than you ever have in the past because the veneer of a constitutional right has finally been taken away and that was preposterous all along from a legal perspective, from a constitutional perspective.

And now we’re going to see this in state after state. Jessica Biel, who was my TV crush when I was growing up, right? —

CLAY: Married now to Justin Timberlake, lives down the street here.

BUCK: Didn’t end up with the Buckster, you know, ended up with international music superstar Justin Timberlake. Whatever. But, you know, she goes over to France — and look, she’s an actress and I don’t — you know, she’s an actress, right? So you would think she knows a lot about policy. But she talks about how they have croissants and women’s rights. France has a abortion ban in place.

CLAY: I think it’s 15 weeks, right?

BUCK: That’s right. The same as Mississippi. The libs in this country don’t understand that places like New York and California have abortion laws that are mirror — or rather their state-level laws are mirrored in China which had a one-child policy and operates concentration camps and North Korea.

Effectively nowhere else on the planet do they think that an abortion in the ninth month is not a murder. And yet California and New York. Again, there’s a madness behind this. There’s a delusion that allows them to — to persist in this. Because they’ll talk about the rest of the world and everything else, “)h, we’re out of step with the rest of the world on climate,” or whatever. That’s not even true, but who cares. On this issue, we’re in line with North Korea and China, in New York and California.


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