Kamala Blames Trump for the Border Crisis
28 Jun 2021
CLAY: We have also got the continued fallout from Kamala Harris. We’ll have the president of the United States, 45 himself, Donald Trump, on the show with us in the second hour tomorrow. He will be the first guest ever on The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show.
BUCK: Can I just say that Kamala’s trip to the border didn’t exactly change the narrative about how well she is handling all this stuff or how the Biden administration’s doing it in general. In a classic moment… What’s the move? You’re a Democrat. You have the media in your back pocket. They’re never going to be honest no matter how apparent the failure is of the Biden policies at the border. So what does she do?
She says, “Well, it’s Trump’s fault!” Play clip 8.
HARRIS: Our administration — it is important to be clear — is working to build a fair and a functional and a humane immigration system. I feel very strongly about that. And, as you know, we inherited a tough situation. Um, in fact, right here in El Paso was the — the — the — the launch of the child-separation policy. You saw it as it rolled out on the ground in real time. Um, we have looked at a — a — a — system where, uh, people have been housed in inhumane conditions over the last many years — um, an asylum system that has been broken. And that needs to be reconstructed.
BUCK: I just want to say that she’s showing emotion, or trying to, and it’s about platitudes. It’s about how Trump was so bad on the border. What you don’t get from the border czar — and I think this is what’s the absolutely essential take-away — is, “What are you going to do to fix it?”
Saying you’re gonna call a meeting and then you’re gonna call another meeting about the meeting you called and maybe you’ll fly down to Guatemala or Honduras for a bilateral, diplomatic “who cares.” That’s not going to fix anything. She has no fix, Clay. Because they don’t want to fix it. This is the key point. They don’t want to fix the border.
CLAY: Yeah. And we’re gonna talk to Trump a lot about this tomorrow, Buck, because to me what she was trying to do is head off the storyline of Trump going to the border. But what she did was basically avoid all of the controversy, all of the chaos, all of the facilities that are presently overrun by effectively pretending that she was giving attention to this story.
BUCK: It was a totally perfunctory performance not based in a desire to actually make things better down there because she won’t — and we’ll continue to follow this story closely. Because once you see those numbers for the year for 2021, gonna be probably the most open the border’s ever been, at least in modern history, modern memory.
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