CLAY: Some people think that Joe Biden is ignoring the supply chain crisis out there and that as a result, because his transportation secretary was on paternity leave for so long, that the supply chain issues are going to get worse and worse. But Joe Biden is on the case, guys!
He understands what might be going on, and he wanted to talk about the fact that there might be a bit of an issue with Christmas presents, Buck. Joe Biden wanted to address whether the supply chain shortage would impact whether kids get Christmas gifts this holiday season. And here is what our dear president said.
BIDEN: Now, I can’t promise that every person will get every gift they want on time. Only Santa Claus can keep that promise. But there are items every year that sell out, that are hard to find. Some of you moms and dads may remember Cabbage Patch Kids back in the eighties or Beanie Babies in the nineties or other toys that have run out at Christmastime in past years when there was no supply chain problem. But we’re heading into a holiday season in very strong shape. It’s not because of luck! We averted a potential crisis by figuring out what needed to get fixed, and then we brought people together to do the hard work of fixing it.
CLAY: Buck, do you think it’s fixed?
BUCK: Ohhhh, I’m pretty sure it’s not fixed and beyond that it’s not just supply chain isn’t just an issue that you see with the absence of certain goods. It’s also very much something that you see with the price of goods and the transportation involved in that, right? So, on the one hand you may be able to get certain things, but you might be paying more for it than you have in a long time.
Obviously, inflation is a component of that as well, but if it’s more difficult and takes longer for you to get stuff because it’s hard to transport. It’s likely it’s gonna be more expensive as well. It is amazing in as dynamic and complicated an economy as the United States, we tend to have so many economic illiterates making the most important decisions. You would think that that would be…
But you want someone with a basic foundational understanding of how these things functions. I do not believe Joe Biden has that. I don’t think anybody who knows Joe Biden thinks he has that, and then you get into the… Well, this is a question that comes up so many times: Who are advisers around Biden, Clay, that he’s entrusting with the actual decision-making on this? And you see someone like Pete Buttigieg, and you go, “Ohhh, that’s not making me feel better.”
CLAY: No, it’s not making me feel any better. Did you ever have any Beanie Babies, by the way?
BUCK: I don’t even know what Beanie Baby is.
CLAY: You don’t know what the Beanie Baby is?
BUCK: I’ve heard it. What is a Beanie Baby?
CLAY: It’s like a Pound Puppy. Do you know what a Pound Puppy was?
BUCK: I don’t know. I’m almost 40; I got no kids, Clay. I don’t know what these things are.
CLAY: No, no. These are things that existed when we were kids.
BUCK: Oh. Cabbage Patch kid, yeah, I do. I was all about Teddy Ruxpin back in the day.
CLAY: Oh, I remember Teddy Ruxpin.
BUCK: Teddy Ruxpin was awesome.
CLAY: So Beanie Babies were wildly popular little beanbag animals or different objects, and some of them ended up costing thousands of dollars. And so I just I’m sitting here thinking, there have been a lot of crashes in terms of not being able to find the right gift. I feel like… I haven’t gone out — and let me be clear: We have a lot of presents that we buy and my wife buys like 99% of presents for everybody.
I sit around and I have no idea what’s gonna be in the presents when they get opened. But the supply chain shortage, it feels like Biden… It’s only December 1st, right? It feels like he’s trying to get way in in front of the idea that some of these toy shelves are gonna be stripped clean and he’s gonna argue, “Oh, this is just like what happened with the Cabbage Patch Kids!”
Or “this is what happened with the Beanie Babies,” when those are individual, specific, really popular gifts that everybody was trying to get. Tickle Me Elmo back in the day was one of them as well, and what we’re gonna see is a universal shortage of a large number of products out there that parents are trying to go buy.
“There’s something else going on here. We’re doing a great job. You just don’t realize what a great job we’re doing. I don’t know how long that routine will last, though, before their polls plummet even further, ’cause once you start getting down into like 30% approval territory or low thirties —
CLAY: He’s 36% in Trafalgar.
BUCK: Right. Now you’re down to just the hard-core Democrat base that’s really behind this presidency — and going into a midterm election, that’s gonna be obviously not good enough. We haven’t even talked today about the other problems that are completely unsolved. Obviously covid but even beyond that, the border, and what is it exactly that the Biden team thinks is gonna happen by spending more money?
He just said before when he was giving his speech right when we were on air, Biden was addressing people about the shortage, the crisis, the supply chain issue/shortages, and he said that independent… He always loves “independent economists.” I can find an economist that will tell you that the economy of Mars is great.
You can always find someone will say anything, but he says “independent economists” are telling everybody that the spending bill will lower inflation. This is really sky is red, the world is upside down, really. Massive government spending outlays are going to lower inflation? That is Biden today, everybody. If you’re wondering what kind of grasp he has on economics, this is really like pouring more water on something will not make it wetter.
CLAY: You know what is interesting about that 36% approval rating that Trafalgar came out with, Buck? This came out last week, and I meant to hit it and I just grabbed it. Have you seen the numbers on Donald Trump versus Joe Biden in all of the toss-up states? Listen to this. Right now in Arizona, Trump would be up — this is according to a most recent poll of the battleground states — 10 points in Arizona.
But if you actually look at the battleground states, he’s far worse than he is on the overall nation because obviously you’re rolling in New York and California and places that are extremely left wing where Biden is more popular. But where the election will get decided, Trump has opened up double-digit leads in many of these states.
BUCK: And everyone should just know — and our listeners on WOR in New York and KEIB in Los Angeles and KSRO in San Francisco, they all know — that it doesn’t matter what happens with Biden because the Democrats who live around people in those cities who are Republicans, conservatives listen to this show, the Democrats believe that Donald Trump was a fascist. Remember all those articles he was a fascist, a Russian stooge?
CLAY: He was a Nazi.
BUCK: So they convinced themselves. That’s when we talk about the Trafalgar poll and getting down to the thirties for Biden support. Anything is better than what Trump is in their minds. So it doesn’t even matter how bad things get. They’ll always justify their vote that way. For the saner — for the reasonable, the rational — this is not administration that has no upside to point to and a whole lot of downside.
CLAY: There’s no doubt.
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