CLAY: What was yesterday, National Trans Visibility Day? If you had told me today, “Hey, the Biden administration has come out in favor of 12-year-olds chopping their genitals off and also that they need to have it happening,” I’d be like, “Surely that’s April Fool’s.” No, no, that was March 31st. That’s real.
BUCK: This is actually remarkable. Joe Biden is 79 years old, he’s almost 80, and he is suddenly an ardent trans-rights-for-children activist? Think about the way the left actually functions. Many of us were warning any American who would listen in 2020, yeah, they would have (impression), “Joe Biden. Here, here. No joke. Love the choo-choo, the Amtrak. You can trust me.” This guy’s just a Trojan Horse for the left, folks.
He’s gonna do… You’re gonna get as much AOC-style policy as possible through the lens of Joe Biden or with Joe as the veneer, the facade for all of this, and here he is speaking about transgender Americans. Remember, “of all ages,” ’cause they really… This is really about the kids. Play 12.
BUCK: Okay. I just want to know what are these anti-trans bills, exactly? Because if it’s an anti-trans bill to say that men shouldn’t play in women’s sports, the Democrats should own that. They should say, “Joe Biden, Mr. I’m the Moderate Who’s Gonna Unite the Country, should have to tell the American people going into this midterm election that he is in favor of biological males,” also known as men, “or biological boys, competing against females or girls.
CLAY: I agree.
BUCK: He should say that. Instead of saying, “It’s hateful,” okay, what’s hateful about it? Let’s actually tell you, the more people learn about the Democrat-aligned trans agenda, the more the American people go, “Hold on a second,” and real question for you, Clay: Do we think that Biden could get more than two letters of the LGBTQIA+ acronym? ‘Cause I doubt it. I think he could get two max. But now he’s a big trans agenda hero? Give me a break.
CLAY: Well, what’s happened is — first of all, when you hear Biden speak, is it just me, or does it sound at this point like he’s slurring every single word? I know I texted, I think, you, Buck. The teleprompter that they have for Joe Biden now is like a movie screen. When he’s reading off of this teleprompter… I’ve never seen a teleprompter that massive in my life. I mean, it is scary what they need to put in front of him so that he’s reading it.
Once you get into the difference between 75 to 80 and 80 to 85, just human beings, you age more rapidly at that point and energy and things change. We’re all going there. I’m going there, God willing. I’m going there; Clay’s going there. We’re all gonna be there one day.
This guy’s a president of the United States. He’s the commander-in-chief. There’s a big war in Europe right now. We got a wide-open border that’s about to get worse. We’re gonna talk about it. There is the guy calling the shots, Clay? This is the best the Democrat Party can do? It’s kind of stunning when you really take a step back.
CLAY: It’s also stunning how quickly… Because, by and large, there’s not really much of a battle over gay issues anymore, and so Democrats are desperately to try to find a wedge issue — this is the truth — and so they are arguing that whatever tiny minority of the population that is transgender is being discriminated against, when the reality is many people are saying what I think the vast majority of Americans would say is, “Look. “I’m not gonna get riled up about what adults decide to do when it comes to their genders. But when you are requiring me to accept that a biological man is allowed to suddenly compete against women, that’s the very destruction of women’s athletics.” That’s the difference between, “Hey, you can be whatever gender you want, but as soon as you’re trying to argue you’re the greatest women’s swimmer of all time or bicyclist or whatever else it might be, I’m not gonna stand for that.”
CLAY: It’s madness that we are allowing children… We won’t let anybody buy a beer ’til they’re 21, but you can cut your genitals off when you’re 12? It’s child abuse.
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