Jill Biden to Speak at “Latinx IncluXion” Event; Hunter Calls Her the C-Word

BUCK: I don’t know how many of you remember this. It was actually one of the rare, funny moments on SNL. But this is going back over a decade now when Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York City, did his version of “Habla espanol.” Did you ever see this, Clay?

CLAY: No, I’ve never seen this.

BUCK: He was like, “Yo soy Mayor Bloomberg.”

CLAY: (laughing) It’s probably what I would sound like trying to speak in a foreign language.

BUCK: “Neccesito, clear the snow,” talking after a big storm, you know, and he was trying to speak in Spanish. Do you guys remember this one at all back in the day? You don’t remember Bloomberg doing a press conference, they did a whole send-up of this on SNL. No? Bloomberg tried to speak Spanish at a press conference, and everyone just thought it was hilarious because… (interruption) They remember now. Look at me. Yeah.

CLAY: In New York City. They may… You guys get snowfall and everything falls apart. People remember those things. I don’t remember it. But I’m afraid it’s what I would sound like if I tried to speak Spanish.

BUCK: Right, but just imagine Bloomberg saying (impression), “Es muey dificilo por clear-o the snow.” It was very sort of mix and match. Anyway, I just think it’s funny because you have… I was reminded, you have Jill Biden who is attending today. I don’t know if you saw this —

CLAY: I saw the headline —

BUCK: The “LatinX IncluXion” event. It is not only Latinx event, Clay, but they spell “inclusion” with a big X —

CLAY: (groans)

BUCK: — and Jill Biden is going to be there to represent, I guess, the Biden administration or something. So she’s speaking. The first lady, Jill Biden — who, remember, we’re supposed to call her “doctor” because she has a doctorate in education from University of Delaware.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: So she can teach you a lot of things about nothing. But as she is speaking in the San Antonio “LatinX IncluXion” event, and I really hope she switches into some Spanish just for the heck of it.

CLAY: Did you see our good friend Hunter Biden’s opinions on Jill Biden? We can’t even say what he called her in text messages. Did you see this?

BUCK: I — I did. Yes.

CLAY: Uhhh.

BUCK: I guess at this point, is there anything that can arise about Hunter Biden that would make Democrats —

CLAY: Surprise you?

BUCK: Or that would make Democrats say, “Ooo.” I feel like it’s all so grotesque and he’s such a criminal, corrupt mess that they just assume it’s all baked into the cake now.

CLAY: Now, Buck, you’re telling me that “the smartest man” Joe Biden has ever known,” a/k/a his son Hunter Biden may have some inappropriate behavior that is available on the internet right now?

BUCK: There were wealthy and influential international businessmen who gave this —

CLAY: Crackhead.

BUCK: — prostitute-filming, crackhead mess millions of dollars, and CNN and the New York Times want you to believe that had nothing to do with buying access to the now president of the United States. They want you to believe that.

CLAY: Not only they want you to believe it, they won’t cover it. CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and MSNBC, Buck, didn’t cover the voicemail that Joe Biden left for Hunter where he said, “I think you’re in the clear.” Imagine how quickly they would have rushed — and how many days and weeks and months and probably years in a row they would have been playing that — if Donald Trump had been on a voicemail somewhere calling Don Jr. saying, “Hey, I read the most recent New York Times story. It looks like you’re in the clear.” Imagine how often. Just ask this question. How many times in your life have you ever said to someone, “I think you’re in the clear” where they didn’t do something wrong? Is that a phrase you ever use?

BUCK: Nope.

CLAY: Not me.


BUCK: I had mentioned this Bloomberg thing, and I’m just gonna say this: The New York team here, Clay, looked at me like I was a little crazy for a minute. They’re like, what do you mean? And they’re New Yorkers. They live here. They know. But people, I think, have just forgotten because with Bloomberg we could laugh about things ’cause while on some policy issues I disagree with the guy, he was a good mayor.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: Full disclosure, I technically worked for him at the NYPD Intelligence Division, not directly, but he was overseeing the police commissioner and therefore my boss at the time. But he was actually pretty solid mayor. City was great. It was booming. It was safe. But there were some funny moments — and I mentioned this — this is back I think after one of the big snowstorms, and here was Mayor Michael Bloomberg en espanol.

BUCK: (laughing) Just the way he’s kind of like, “Yo muey pelogroso.”

CLAY: I’ll be honest. I’m the worst accent person on the planet. I can’t do accents, I’m tone-deaf, I can’t sing. I don’t notice accents. So that’s probably what I would sound like if they told me that I had to do Spanish.

BUCK: And Mrs. Travis is my witness. I give it a month and you’re gonna come to the show to tell me, it’s gonna be like, “By order of the Peaky Blinders…” You’re just gonna let it rip, you’re gonna let it rip, dude. You’re gonna let it rip.

CLAY: (laughing) I can’t do it. I can’t do accents. I can’t act. I could talk and I’m not bad at that, hopefully. But in terms of being able to pronounce names right, in terms of being able to do accents, that’s what I would sound like if they said, “Hey, Clay, you’ve gotta speak in Spanish to everyone.” It would just be… I took French and my French accent was a disaster.

BUCK: I do think that the Latinx thing, while we have fun with this, it’s fascinating because it would be as though, like, let’s say… Put aside Latino or Hispanic community for a second and just look at… I know this is actually happened before, right, where progressive, overwhelming white progressive libs decide, “We don’t want this team to be called or we don’t want the car to be called the Cherokees anymore or Cherokee,” right?

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: And sometimes you find out that the actual tribe is like, no, calling a sports team after us, you honor something that you name a sports team after.

CLAY: The Seminoles is a great example. They say, “Hey, we love the fact that we are considered to be the mascot for Florida State. We love the flaming spear that they throw down at midfield before the game,” and they tried to cancel it, and then they came out and said actually, “No, white liberals. We appreciate this. We consider it an honor.”

BUCK: And that’s why Jill Biden at “the Latinx Incluxion” with the giant X “Summit” today I guess it’s — no, it’s in San Antonio in Texas, it’s interesting because as we know, this is another version of elite white libs just ignoring, like, the Latino and Hispanic community in America is resoundingly against this Latinx term.

CLAY: Especially in South Texas.

BUCK: Yeah. Especially in South Texas. And the while libs are like, “Excuse us, Latino community, we know what is best. We’re gonna you the Latinx community,” and you’re gonna have guaranteed Jill Biden down there like, you know, “Yo soy, un…” I don’t know. I don’t speak any Spanish.

CLAY: Joe Biden is doing this awful Latinx event, and all of it’s ridiculous. I would love to know what Gilles Biden really thinks about the rapid decline of her husband because, Buck, as much as we may see Joe Biden and see how much he struggles, we’re probably seeing, what, 5% of his daily activity in public, and it’s very choreographed; it’s very planned. Imagine what’s going on behind the scenes. Imagine what his wife is seeing on a day-to-day basis.

BUCK: I think that the Clintons were really innovators in a way because they made it totally normalized to have a political dynasty really be a business, and they were the ones who, remember, they came out of the White House, they didn’t have a lot of money, they didn’t go into the White House with a lot of money and then over the course of about 10 or 15 years, made a hundred million dollars giving speeches and writing books.

That’s a lot of money for speeches that nobody remembers and books that very few people actually read. But they thought of politics as a brand that was monetizable and marketable, and I think people need to start seeing the Biden name in the same way, especially as Joe has gotten a lot older. You look at all the people: His brother, his son. There are all these other Bidens running around, they’re gonna want to be cashing in on the Biden name for a long time. So I think at some level that affected — very strongly, I think, it affected — the decision for Joe to go forward with all this ’cause it’s not about what’s in his best interests.

CLAY: I think also, he really thought his political career was over. I do. And so inning he said, “Okay, it’s time to make some money, 10% for the Big Guy.” When Trump won, I don’t think he ever foresaw that he would be a nominee and running for president ever again. I think he thought he was done.

BUCK: And what did Democrats learn? What did they learn about Joe Biden in 2020 that they didn’t know in 2016 when he was a total afterthought after being vice president for eight years and Hillary Clinton… It was Hillary or Bernie. It wasn’t even Hillary or Joe Biden. It was Hillary or Bernie, and the Democrat Party effectively stole it from Bernie, by the way, with the superdelegate system.

CLAY: Barack Obama turned his back on his own vice president and said, essentially, “I don’t think you’re qualified.”

BUCK: Yeah, you’re not up for president.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: “You’re not up for this,” is basically what Obama said, and yet now we’re here and he’s not up for this and we all knew it, and we’re looking around. Do people…? I guess for the lib apparatus, Clay, self-reflection and self-honesty are just like garlic to vampires. They just can’t handle those things.


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