Jesse Kelly Hangs with C&B, Makes Midterm Prognostications
4 Nov 2022
CLAY: We are joined now, I believe, by Jesse Kelly, who also has a radio show on many of these Premiere stations. And I believe we have walk-up music for him. If we could, could we please cue up Jesse Kelly’s theme song? Oh, for the party! Ali’s in my ear. She told me we had walk-up music for you. When you arrive at the party, we’ve got walk-up music. All right. Let me just say this. I’m about to go to bed last night. I am watching the World Series and the end of Thursday Night Football. And I see on my phone an attack.
.@ClayTravis is a known purveyor of Fake News when it comes to me. First it was the burgers (which he never tried). Next it was the tequila shots. Lies on top of lies on top of lies. I’ll be addressing these concerns with him personally when we hang in Nashville next Tuesday.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) November 4, 2022
KELLY: (laughing)
CLAY: He is Jesse Kelly and I was ready for bed. I don’t know if anybody else noticed this, but we have a new social team at OutKick and I made a prediction on the game that the Houston Texans would not score and would get obliterated by the Philadelphia Eagles. Literally, the minute that they scored — I made that prediction like 5 hours before kickoff — they sent the prediction out as soon as it was 100% not true.
KELLY: (laughing)
CLAY: So, I was already in a salty mood because there’s no telling how much we’re paying all these idiots on social media to just lead me over the middle and get me wrecked. And then Jesse, out of nowhere, off the top rope.
KELLY: Look, Clay, I was addressing concerns that are valid concerns. It seems like there has been, from The Clay & Buck Show, a coordinated propaganda campaign to take me down. It was the tequila stories. It was the burgers you guys haven’t even had the privilege of trying yet. It seems like this is a coordinated attack on my great character. (crosstalk)
BUCK: Can I just make it clear, though? Because, Jesse, when you’re 9-feet tall, all food seems smaller to you. So, if you’re familiar with, like, the bite-size candy or kid-size from Halloween, you know, a Big Mac in Jesse’s grizzly bear-like paw seems quite small. So, he found the mini crab cakes at my engagement party to be slightly on the small side.
CLAY: That’s what started all this, right? An attack. It was an unsolicited attack.
BUCK: Yes. He was eating those things like Skittles. Anyway, Jesse, just so you know, we are getting the finest barbecue in Nashville from Peg Leg Porker and bringing it. We are bringing entire tubs. I think it will be several pigs worth so that you are not hungry as we watch all the lib tears on MSNBC as the Red Tsunami happens.
KELLY: Well, you already promised me by text message that there would be ribs there, Buck —
BUCK: Ribs, too.
KELLY: — but I’m going to go off the history that I know from you and I’m going to assume these are the ribs taken out of a small rat or something —
BUCK: Wow.
KELLY: — until I see actual life-time, life-size ribs that can fill a man up. These are rat ribs until I get them.
BUCK: Wow. Well, we’re going to see. It’s going to be like Fred Flintstone ribs, my friend, when you see what we got planned for you. But tell us all this because we’re diving into this election thing. Clay’s making me make predictions on the air. He’s making predictions left and right. Senate seats, House pick-ups, big governor’s races. What are you seeing? What do you got, Jesse?
KELLY: We will own over 30 — at least 30, I guess I should say — governor’s mansions in the United States of America. They will be GOP controlled after this election. We will have 54 Senate seats. We will pick up well north of 40 seats in the House.
BUCK: Wow.
KELLY: They say 20, 30, 35; it will be over 40. And the reason I think this is, the polls are always wrong. Everybody thinks they lie all the time and a lot of them do lie. But the truth is, it’s virtually impossible to poll the right now, and it’s getting harder and harder, because what do you do when one of these pollsters call you? “No, you’re a lying piece of trash!” And you hang up the phone. We all do it. “No, I’m not answering any questions. I think you’re lying.”
Helen Keller wasn’t this tone-deaf. The one thing you absolutely can NOT do when people are scared and hurting is tell them everything is great. You can tell them you’re sorry. You can tell them you’ll help. But you absolutely cannot do this.
40+ seat pickup in the House.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) November 4, 2022
So, you can’t poll races accurately. The polls already look bad for them, and Joe Biden is making everything worse. He is… I’m sorry to filibuster here for a second. He is honestly the worst messenger I’ve ever heard in my entire life. He continues to give these speeches where he either, A, calls the other side a threat to democracy or, B, he tells people the economy’s good. (impression) “Inflation’s down and everything’s great and people have more money in their pocket.”
That’s the one thing you can’t do when wives are sending their husbands text messages from the grocery store saying, “Honey, I can’t afford to buy beef this week.” You can tell that lady you’re sorry. You can tell her you’re going to help, even though that would be lying. But what you absolutely cannot do is look at that lady in the eyes and tell her, “Hey, everything’s great! I’m happy.” That’s going to make people enraged.
CLAY: So, what happened? This is also the fun conversation, and you’re going to be at our party, and I hope we’re going to have an incredible time celebrating some of these wins. What is the wake-up for Democrats the day after there is a Red Tsunami? Because a lot of times if you are in a sporting event, let’s say, and your team gets their ass kicked and you execute the game plan, you’re like, “We might need a new game plan. Maybe we go back to the drawing board.” I don’t think that Democrats have that ability of self-reflection. What is the reaction on MSNBC, CNN, and in the Democrat base after what we believe is going to be a Red Tsunami on Tuesday night?
KELLY: I’ve been game planning this out in my head, Clay, and this is what worries me. Well, it doesn’t worry me. It actually thrills me. But I don’t think they have the ability to self-assess what’s going wrong because they only talk to each other. That’s why Biden… That’s why they always sound so out of touch and why they sound so cold. Because everything in our culture now is controlled by these communist pieces of trash. The movies are made by it. Your education system, the Democratic Party, the media. We all know these things.
Look, stop stressing about elections. It’s absolutely a coincidence that all the odd things happen in the deep blue areas of battleground states. Don’t read anything into that at all.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) November 3, 2022
You have to actively seek out right-wing voices or you can’t find them. You have to actively go to tune into the Clay and Buck show. Well, none of these people are listening to this show — unless they’re hate-listening, which they probably do. So, they’re so out of touch, after the election, here’s what you’re going to see. It’s going to be amazing because it is the radical base that controls the Democratic Party now. You’re actually going to see nothing but venom for the voters. You won’t see introspection.
You won’t see them come out and say, “Well, maybe we shouldn’t actually be telling parents that their kids should cut their penises off.” You won’t see any of that. You’ll see venom for the voters. It’ll be how stupid they are. “People didn’t understand. Voters are dumb!” It’s what they’ve done consistently. They’re preemptively doing it now, all across cable news. “Well, voters just don’t understand what’s important.” They don’t have the ability to self-assess. They don’t. And it’s going to be a killer for them going forward.
BUCK: Well, Jesse, I want to put this out to you. I mentioned this to Clay earlier in the week that I think that what we may be seeing here, because I also said before you came on, I think they’re just going to double down. “Republicans are racist. They cheated. There was suppression of minority voters.” Whatever. They’re crazy. The problem with crazy is you can’t reason with it, and even a big election shellacking is not going to make them see reason necessarily.
But I also think that the apparatus that they have is really built to fight against Trump and that they’re willing to, at this point, just say, “Well, fine, we’re about to get crushed in this midterm, but as soon as it becomes a Trump issue again, then it all… You know, CNN, all these places all of a sudden start running with, you know, the insurrection, the end of democracy. Because otherwise, Biden’s speech a couple of days ago just makes… I mean, it doesn’t make sense, but it makes less than no sense, if you know what I mean.
KELLY: No, I know exactly what you mean, Buck, and you’re 100% right with it. They’re even trying to make this election about Trump. It’s the MAGA Republicans or ultra-MAGA or mega-MAGA or whatever stupid new thing they’ve come up with to try to make this election about Trump. Because that creates these feelings in Democrat voters of, “Oh my gosh, he’s Hitler!” And so, they’ll try to do that again heading into 2024 where obviously Trump is going to run.
Just glad no cops were hurt. Those domestic disputes can be very dangerous.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) November 4, 2022
The problem with that is you still have to run someone, too. Who are they going to run? What are you going to do? It can’t be Joe Biden. He’s a walking cadaver. It can’t be Vice President Dome. Everyone hates her unless she’s applying for a job. They think it’s going to be Rear-Admiral Butt-gig but he can’t get out of a primary because you have to get the black vote to win a primary in the Democratic Party, and he’s gay, and that just does not fly. That’s why he failed last time. So, who is it? I don’t know who this person is going to be. Everyone says Gavin Newsom (crosstalk).
CLAY: I think it’s going to be Gavin Newsom. That’s my argument that they’re going to trot out Gavin Newsom, that’s my theory.
KELLY: It could be, and I’ll tell you (sigh) and maybe you feel differently, but actually I worry about Gavin Newsom. Yes. I despise him like everyone else and he’s ruined California. But I think Gavin Newsom is going to be a fundraising juggernaut because of that California Rolodex he’s got. I think a lot of suburban housewives who absolutely did us wrong in 2020, might be like, “Oh, he’s so handsome. I think I’ll go buy essential oils!” They might do us wrong. I think Gavin Newsom might be a problem.
But we also have to keep in mind, not to be a Debbie Downer, it’s still going to be a net gain for them. This two years has been a net gain for them because the Low-T GOP is not going to actually do anything to take away their gains. They may stop the bleeding and that’s a good thing. But unless we’re going to reverse these things, unless we’re going to fire the IRS agents and things like that, then these gains are permanent gains — and, in the end, they won.
CLAY: What do you think happened…? Last question for you. I saw you share this video. Buck and I talked about it earlier. NBC has now pulled down their report about Paul Pelosi opening the door this morning that was on Today show. What happened there?
NBC has now removed this segment from their website and added a note saying it never should have aired because it “did not meet our reporting standards.”
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) November 4, 2022
KELLY: Oh, he was invited over. Of course, he was invited over! Everyone knows this. Look, I brought up the point, Clay, that I have cameras all around my home. Every inch around the outside of my home was covered by cameras. If you wanted right now for me to pull up a video of Halloween night of the kids in the crayon costume, it would take me 5 seconds to pull up a video of those kids. Any moment of any time of that night I could pull up a video. If it was really some deranged MAGA guy breaking in to attack Paul, then we would have had videotape before the night was over that night.
The fact that we can’t see the body camera video, we can’t see any of the security camera video, and now we have that Today show thing that you just brought up saying that Paul answered the door with the cops right there, supposedly as a hostage, and then turned around and walked back towards the guy who was holding him hostage? We all know what happened there! That guy was invited into the home. Now, we don’t know what he was invited into the home for. I think you can use your imagination. At 2:00 AM, I doubt they were playing solitaire, but it dang sure wasn’t some MAGA right-winger there to attack Nancy Pelosi. That guy came in there. I don’t know whether it was buddy-buddy stuff or what, but he was there on purpose.
CLAY: Jesse Kelly, we will see you on Tuesday. Have a good rest of your show tonight and hopefully you’re ready for (crosstalk).
BUCK: People should check out the Jesse Kelly Show.
CLAY: That’s right.
BUCK: On podcast, go check it out.
CLAY: And we will see you on Tuesday.
KELLY: See you, boys.
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