CLAY: Here’s some data for you. I shared this over the weekend, Buck, but I want to hit you with several different things here. So January 6th was a one-time riot. There were over 500, however, BLM riots, lasted seven months, over 20 murders that are attributed to the BLM riots themselves, hundreds of small businesses destroyed in the BLM riots, 150-plus federal buildings damaged, somewhere in the billions of dollars in damages — between one and two billion — over 2,000 police officers assaulted.
Protesters were bailed out despite the fact that they had been looting, violent behavior, and it was encouraged by the Democrat Party. Most in the media are not paying attention to it. The January 6th hearing did around $1.5 million in damage. There’s still protesters that are in solitary confinement. I donated some money for their legal defense. It’s crazy to think about. So you’re not even allowed to have this conversation in larger society.
In fact, on Friday after basically we finished the show, the Washington Football Team — they’re now called the Washington Commanders, many of you will know them as the Washington Redskins — fined their defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio a hundred thousand dollars for asking a simple question: Why are we focused on January 6th and not talking at all about the BLM protests?
And, Buck, this goes to the argument I think you brought in now since you’ve kind of paid attention more since we’ve been doing the show: The sports media is more left wing than any outlet in the political media are, which is pretty crazy to think about, and what it’s designed to do when you fining Jack Del Rio a hundred thousand dollars for merely asking the question about why we’re treating January 6th different than all the BLM riots.
BUCK: Not only the hundreds of riots, but also let’s look at how election denial is something the Democrats engaged if in for four years with the Russia collusion lie. They had a special counsel. They had saturation-level media the coverage. And it wasn’t as though they were close. It wasn’t as though it was mostly true. It was entirely untrue. The entire notion.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: The Democrats — people often forget this now — in 2017, toward 2018, something like 70% of Democrats thought the Russians actually hacked into the election —
CLAY: A lot of them still believe it.
BUCK: Right. But there was a solid majority in polling that you would see of Democrats who believed that the Russians actually hacked in in some capacity to the election. Now, you could say “hacked” is kind of a broad term, but Russians didn’t hack the election. This was crazy talk. But let’s remember that not only are we seeing Mr. Del Rio who is by far my favorite defensive coordinator in the National Football League.
CLAY: (laughing)
BUCK: He’s the only the only one that I can name, but he is my favorite, but not only is Mr. Del Rio punished for talking about an issue of politics, an issue that goes right to the heart of what we’re supposed to have defended as citizens not just from the government but as a general societal freedom. If you said the wrong things — I remember this right after the election — you would get shut down on social media. In fact, there were some right-leaning outlets out there —
CLAY: Yeah.
There’s been no accountability for the Russia collusion hoax they perpetrated and no accountability, political or otherwise, for the hundreds of riots that you just cited that put the 2020 election in a state of duress which also should be remembered by everybody. Stores were boarded up — and people were terrified — in case Joe Biden lost. It’s not the way it’s supposed to be in this country, and that is entirely on the Democrats.
CLAY: And, by the way, I want to read a couple of these sentences ’cause I think they’re staggering from what the Washington Commanders said when they fined Jack Del Rio a hundred thousand dollars. “As we saw last night in the hearings, what happened in the Capitol was an act of domestic terrorism.” This is a statement from Head Coach Ron Rivera. This is…
I’m reading from it. “A group of citizens attempted to overturn the results of a free and fair election, and as a result, lives were lost, and the Capitol Building was damaged.” By the way, the only life that was lost was Ashli Babbitt because she was shot by a Capitol Police officer. There were not “lives lost.” There was a life lost, and it was because of a shooting from a police officer of a protester.
BUCK: Ashli Babbitt shot in the neck through a door, everybody.
CLAY: Yes. That’s right, and this is crazy. It feels like such unbelievable propaganda that I wanted to read some of these quotes. “Coach Del Rio understands the distinction between the events of that dark day and peaceful protests which are a hallmark of our democracy.” The BLM protests were not peaceful! This is a lie. This is what is being shared from the NFL. “He does have the right to voice his opinion.
“However, words have consequences, and his words hurt a lot of people in our community. I want to make it clear,” this is what the Redskins said, Buck, the Commanders, whatever you want to call them, “that our organization will not tolerate any equivalency between those who demanded justice in the wake of George Floyd’s murder and the actions of those on January 6th who sought to topple our government.”
I gotta say, the actions of the BLM protesters were — by all objective measures that I just shared with you — worse! If you want to argue, “Hey, which was worse, a few hours of a riot — that I believe people should be prosecuted for — or seven months of hundreds of riots?” Buck, I’m gonna go with the seven months of hundreds of riots. Now, some people might disagree with me, but the idea that you’re not able to argue about the difference in treatment for these situations is terrifying.
BUCK: Kamala Harris was arguing in favor of raising money —
CLAY: She did it! Yes!
BUCK: — for the rioters in Minneapolis who burned a police station to the ground, who were looting the stores of people.
CLAY: Yes. I know.
They were trying — and I remember this ’cause I was covering it, and I was, you know, furious at how little attention this was getting in the national media. They were using lasers specifically in Portland to try to blind the federal officers that the Trump administration sent to help with the defense of a federal courthouse that psycho Biden voters were trying to burn to the ground. I’m gonna tell you this: If I thought somebody was trying to blind me and I had a sidearm, I would feel justified in drawing down on them. It’s not okay to try to blind somebody.
CLAY: Buck, in my hometown of Nashville, protests tried to burn down — and it didn’t get a lot of attention because there was so much across going on elsewhere, they tried to burn down — the main Nashville courthouse right in the center of downtown. There was nobody to stop ’em. They were breaking windows. They were throwing explosive and incendiary devices inside of the building in an effort to burn it down.
And the idea that all of that occurred — and to my knowledge, there’s never been a hearing on it. There’s never been an investigation to try to figure out where did the funding come from that led to all of thisTo me, when the Republicans take back the House and the Senate, there should be hearings on both, but I just want to play… I don’t know if you even heard it, Buck. I just want to play you this audio. Jack Del Rio, what he said that cost him a hundred thousand dollars. I just want everybody out there to listen to it in the event you didn’t hear it.
BUCK: Does Jack Del Rio have his own jersey, Clay, ’cause I’m gonna buy it and do the show in it.
CLAY: Buck, as a guy who doesn’t spend a lot of necessarily in sports, you listen to that. A hundred thousand dollars he got fined for saying what I just played for all of you out there. It boggles my mind.
BUCK: It wasn’t irresponsible, it wasn’t offensive, it wasn’t reckless, it wasn’t untrue. It was entirely reasonable.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: And he’s fined a hundred thousand dollars. It’s not even like you and I are just sitting here saying, “We know what he meant and his intentions.” No. What he said is completely… I mean, I would say that and think, “Well, that’s a pretty good radio segment I just did.”
CLAY: I mean, we just… I mean, it’s eminently reasonable and what is being done, Buck, is they’re telling everyone who is in the world of sports, “If you share any opinion that isn’t far left wing, there are going to be consequences,” and, frankly, look, the Washington franchise has been an embarrassment for a long time. They can’t win any games. But this might be, in my opinion, the most embarrassing thing that they have done in 25 years in the D.C. football franchise, which is saying something.
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