CLAY: I’m headed up to Knoxville this weekend for the Georgia-Tennessee game will be airing on CBS at 3:30 Eastern, and I would wager every dollar I have that there will be some “Let’s Go, Brandon” chants that are raining down either in the tailgate scene, maybe inside of the stadium. It has swept — the “Let’s Go, Brandon” chant has — the entire nation.
Remember initially the White House tried to say, “Oh, what is this, some QAnon thing? We can’t even keep up with all these chants!” Well, Jen Psaki now acknowledging that she knows what the chant is, and she’s asked whether Biden is bothered by it. This just happened.
PSAKI: I don’t think he spends much time focused on it or thinking about it.
REPORTER: The president said when he came into office on Inauguration Day, he said he was gonna help get rid of uncivil war in this country. So I guess through that lens right now, does the president think there are things that he can do differently or how does he react to the stuff he sees out there when it is one of his primary promises or desires to help bring Americans together?
CLAY: Well, good for Jen Psaki. By the way, glad that she came back from covid post double vaccine. No issues at all. Amazing how that works.
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