CLAY: Canada is still shut down. We can’t even cross the border and go into Canada! If you’re a Canadian citizen and you happen to be in America and you go into Canada, you have to quarantine for 14 days. I went down to Mexico back in February. You know, I had to have a negative covid test to be able to reenter the country.
There are people pouring across the border right now who are not American citizens. Obviously, I’m an American citizen who had to have a negative covid test. The covid emergency seems to totally disappear when you talk about the border because they’re not concerned at all about that.
BUCK: I love our Canadian brothers and sisters up north. They’re so polite and there’s so much to recommend about Canada, but Justin Trudeau? It’s like a blogger for the HuffPost got put in charge of a serious western country.
CLAY: (laughing) That’s a great analogy.
BUCK: That’s really what you’ve got going on.
CLAY: And right now, Buck, for people out there who are aware, the Montreal Canadiens are in the Stanley Cup final, and today Canada released data on what’s going to be allowed and what is permissible and what is impermissible as it pertains to actually being able to go to a hockey game.
And I think we need to give a lot of credit — and we have on this show, certainly — to the governors, led by Ron DeSantis, who have allowed our country to open back up. Canada is obsessed with hockey more than basically America’s obsessed with anything in the world of sports. Buck, they’re only going to allow 3,500 people to go watch the Montreal Canadiens play.
Whoever they’re playing against in the United States, we’re gonna have 100% capacity. They’re selling pod tickets. You’re not allowed to leave your zone. You have to wear a mask the entire time that you are there. You are not allowed basically to 14 distinct zones inside of this arena. If we didn’t have the system of federalism that we have in this country right now — God, thank you for it.
We would still be locked down like Canada is and like Australia is. Buck, if we didn’t have guys like Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott and Brian Kemp and all these different governors of decent-size states in the United States who say, “Hey, we’re gonna open up our state,” we would still be like Canada is, like Justin Trudeau.
BUCK: And what you see is the stuff that they’re doing in Canada — and, by the way, it’s also true in some states. There’s this lingering Fauciism. I just got an email from a listener today out in Hawaii who says, “Don’t forget about us.” You know, I’m sure you’ve been there. Hawaii is one of the most beautiful places.
CLAY: I never have been.
BUCK: Oh, ever been? Oh. It’s one of the most beautiful places in the world. Unfortunately, it’s gorgeous but it’s gone pretty full commie. I mean, it is really left-wing, you know, very, very Democrat stronghold in Hawaii, and they still have indoor masks. According to this listener, they still have indoor mask mandates. They still have mask mania.
They had outdoor mask wearing mandated early on in the pandemic, which was always idiotic, didn’t make any sense. And look. I don’t want to be that guy that rains on the parade if things are getting better and everything else, but we have to remember.
As long as some of this lingers and is not fully and utterly discredited, which it should be — these things like the pods and the separation people; there’s no specific basis for this whatsoever — it will make a comeback. We are still going through what has become a mass hysteria, really a mass anxiety disorder from all these people who are watching Fauci every five minutes on TV.
CLAY: And we need to talk about that when we come back after this next break, because Alex Berenson — who I think has done a good job trying to expose much of this hysteria on Twitter — is pointing out that right now Facebook is censoring the WHO’s recommendation that children under 18 don’t need to get the vaccine, and also censoring distribution of any discussion of herd immunity at all.
This is still terrifying, what Big Tech is doing in conjunction with covid.
CLAY: Buck, we were talking about the Canada crazy covid story. And I do think we have to continue to fight the battle out there ’cause there’s still a massive amount of Big Tech censorship going on. Even as the covid pandemic is waning substantially in the United States, there are no allowance of the vaccine and some of the challenges that are occurring with the vaccine in terms of being discussed on social media.
In particular what I mean is, they are censoring right now at Facebook the WHO recommendation that people under the age of 18 don’t need this vaccine and also censoring any discussion of herd immunity. You and I both would fit in the herd community category because we both have had covid. We have covid antibodies; we have not yet gotten the vaccine, because the purpose of getting the vaccine is to have the covid antibodies that we already have.
And I’ve said — I said this on Monday on the show — I will not allow my kids 13, 10, and 6 to get the covid vaccine because they are under no statistical danger from covid. I’m not anti-vax. My kids have gotten the measles, the mumps, the rubella, all of the young kid vaccines that you get.
But I’m not going to get them treated for a vaccine when if they got covid, they would never even know they had it and statistically they are under more danger getting in a car with me and driving to school than they are from anything that might happen to them in the larger world.
All my kids are at camp, in fact, right now. Thank God the camps are open and allowing help me to go out and live a normal life as young kids. But this is still a major issue, Buck. Big Tech, even as covid is waning, is censoring what we are able to share on our social media feeds.
BUCK: And everyone should know that that’s not going to stop with this issue. The precedent has now been set, and it’s going to continue that the most powerful platforms for speech, communications, for the dissemination of information… I mean, we’re here on radio. So we’re kicking at old school.
But for the most part now, people are getting their news online, they’re getting their information from digital sources in so many different contexts. And the fact of the matter is that not only did they use the “it’s too dangerous for there to be false information” about covid as a justification for really egregious censorship — that they ended being wrong on, by the way, which I think everyone needs to remember.
Now they’ve done it on the election, as well, as you know. If you say the wrong thing about the 2020 election results, you can be kicked off of social media. Just give it time. Give it time, and if you say there can’t be criticism of climate change, there can’t be criticism of climate change as an existential threat or that gun violence is an imminent issue that… Whatever it may be, there will be the utilization, the mobilization of these censorship resources against the disfavored opinion of the right.
CLAY: Thought police. Thought police are alive and well in our society. And, Buck, I know we talked about this off air. One of the reasons why both of us… You had a very successful show. I had a very successful show. One of the big reasons we wanted to come and work together on this show was because of what we saw happening with Big Tech.
Radio, we can still talk to you guys. Thanks to Premiere. Thanks to iHeart. Thanks to Julie Talbott, our boss, and Bob Pittman allowing the dissemination of information to actually get out there, radio, what’s old is sometimes be new again, Buck. We’re one of the most reliable mediums to be able to actually share the truth with our audience.
BUCK: I also have to say there’s a part of me that is happy to see the beginnings of a real movement on the right. They use joke around, you know, “Build your own platform.” Then it became, “Build you your own internet.” There’s a lot out there now — and, by the way, Trump is supposed to be saying something about this next week.
There have been a lot of people that have been hinting toward some new platform or some initiative that will allow Trump to have the same voice he did in the past. But they’ve been… The leftists has been mocking us, saying, “Build your own platform, build your own internet”? They should be careful what they wish for because there’s a lot underway now that I think’s gonna change the game.
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