
It’s Been One Year Since the CDC Director Uttered This Lie

CLAY: Buck, I couldn’t help but notice that we have basically hit the one-year anniversary now of CDC director Rochelle Walensky saying vaccinated people don’t carry the virus and cannot get it or spread it. Let’s listen to this clip a little bit over a year ago. This is the end of March last year. I feel like we need the little twinkle sound where we go back in time. But this is CDC director Rochelle Walensky. I don’t know, Buck, if people are ever going to trust the CDC again. I know that I can’t, personally, because of everything that they have gotten so wrong, including this.

BUCK: Obviously that’s like, “Step on a rake, slip on a banana peel, belly flop in the pool,” as wrong as you can be in a statement of fact about a vaccine, right?

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: This is absurd. But it’s not surprising. Think about it: How long…? When she says, “Look at the data,” how much data did they have? She says, “Look at the real-world trials.” How long did those last for? How many months of this? If you had said at the beginning of the vaccine a year ago when… This is really when it was getting rolled out to everybody, right?

April of 2021 was when, all of a sudden, the vaccine was available for so many folks, right? The seniors had had it a little while longer. But, Clay, if you had said, “How can they know how effective this is and over what period of time when they’ve had such a short time to do any testing?” you’re an anti-vax, anti-science grandma killer.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: But it was the most obvious thing imaginable, right? I mean, when you actually go back and think about it, how much time could they really have had to study and look at data. The answer was “very little, actually.”

CLAY: When did we have Alex Berenson on in studio with us with us in New York City? Was that late July, early August? It was right before he got banned.

BUCK: I think so. I think it was July. We’d have to ask the team here. We’ve been having him regularly on the show since, what, June of 2021? When we started.

CLAY: Since we started. Yeah, and my point on that is we were one of the first big shows, I would say, out there. Both of us before we started doing this show. But the data even when she was saying that at the end of March, Buck, the data from Israel and the data from England was already flashing big, red warning signs. Remember, Biden went on as soon as July and said, “Oh, if you get the shot; you’ll never get covid. You’re never gonna have to worry about it at all.”

And, Buck, they’re on four now, shot four. They’re gonna be on shot five by the time we are talking to everybody in the fall. When your kids go back to school for the new fall year, they are gonna be talking about people over the age of 50. They’re gonna be saying, “Hey, go get your fifth covid shot,” in the space of, what, like 17, 18 months? It’s wild to think about.

BUCK: And the people that even six months ago were saying, “You’re not gonna have to get a lot of shots. Just get the shot! Why you so irresponsible?” All the hysterics around that, when some of us were saying, this is gonna be shots forever. We go back, when was the first time, “We said fully vaccinated is no longer a thing because you’re always going to be temporarily vaccinated”?

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: I think we started saying that in October or November of last year, and it’s true. And the people who were wrong about everything are never apologetic, never admit they were wrong. They just go on to the next Fauciite consensus talking point.

CLAY: Well, and what they say, Buck, and it’s so infuriating is, “Nobody ever said that if you got the shot were never gonna get the virus or be able to spread it.” Yeah, they did!

BUCK: That’s exactly what they said.

CLAY: We just played you the clip of them saying it. They just moved the goalposts and claimed it had never actually been said.


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