It Ain’t Sexist or Racist to Say Kamala Is a Disaster
14 Mar 2022
CLAY: Kamala Harris is an unmitigated disaster. The only good thing that Joe Biden has done is pick someone more incompetent than him as his vice-presidential running mate because almost any other vice president people would be aggressively arguing, “Hey, let’s put this vice president in instead of Biden,” certainly after the midterms when the Democrats are gonna get shellacked.
But Kamala Harris has been so uncomfortably awkward that she is single-handedly managing to, at some level, make Biden seem not as bad. That’s particularly the case, ’cause you could at least say with Biden, he’s 78 years old, maybe 79 now. Whatever the heck he is, he’s rapidly deteriorating mentally, and yet he’s still not as awkward as Kamala Harris is in her public events. We didn’t play this. I think this went viral on Friday, if I’m not mistaken. Kamala Harris. Here she is laughing during a press conference in Poland as they talk about the situation in Ukraine.
Why is Kamala Harris laughing?
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) March 10, 2022
BUCK: Weird.
CLAY: What’s going on there is they asked two people, and then there’s a couple of other clips where she’s also super awkward. They didn’t know who was gonna talk first, which can be an issue if you’re doing a press conference. And I don’t know that that’s the reaction that you would expect to see in a situation like that, and so she’s been criticized for this, Buck. The View — which is the dumbest show on television — defending potentially the dumbest politician in America feels like a perfect fit.
Here’s The View saying, “Hey, everybody who is criticizing Kamala Harris is doing it based on racism and misogyny.”
The View’s Sunny Hostin: Any criticism of VP Kamala Harris is “based in racism” and “misogyny.”
— MRCTV (@mrctv) March 14, 2022
BUCK: No, it’s actually based in Kamala Harris didn’t even get, what, 1% of the Democrat primary vote?
CLAY: She dropped out before they voted.
BUCK: Kamala Harris was not someone that Democrats wanted, so I guess the Democrats must all be so racist and sexist because they were not supporting her at the national level for a job like this, who was picked by Joe Biden ’cause Joe Biden is a very old white guy, and they were trying to make sure there was some identity politics component of the Biden regime.
Joe Biden is somebody who comes out and actually says, “I will only pick somebody with the following gender, skin color,” et cetera. He makes this stuff explicit. So we can speak about it as though he has made it explicit ’cause he does say this stuff out loud. And Kamala Harris has done a bad job in every instance when she is on the really global stage, but you could say the national stage even more so.
She comes out looking like she is unprepared. It is in fact possible that we’re just analyzing what Kamala Harris is doing in the job, and that just crying sexism and racism is not an effective tactic for the Democrats here. Clay, look at what we say about Joe Biden. We make fun of Joe Biden all the time. These are politicians. And it just seems pathetic and whiny to fall back on the, “It’s ’cause she’s a woman, it’s because she’s a minority.” Give it a rest. We make fun of Biden 10 times as much as we do Kamala.
CLAY: No doubt, and also, it’s the height of hypocrisy to blame racism and sexism for the way that Kamala is treated when to a large extent she got the job of vice president based on her race and her sex, right? I mean, you got the job based on your race and sex, so it’s certainly sex at minimum because Kamala was selected when Joe Biden said he’s gonna pick a woman for his vice president.
And the fact that he also picked a minority woman is arguably necessary, given — like you said, Buck — his old whiteness and the fact that he’s trying to be the diversity and inclusion candidate. And let me say this too, Buck. You talk about making fun of Joe Biden. Does no one remember how much Dan Quayle got made fun of? Dan Quayle is the whitest dude vice president imaginable.
He got destroyed for four years from 1988 to 1992. No vice president has ever gotten ridiculed as much as Dan Quayle did, and it was for many of the same reasons. Fair or foul, there was the idea that he was callow, not particularly prepared, didn’t deserve that job. And again, I’m not saying this is an accurate criticism of Dan Quayle. I don’t know him personally. But I am saying that was the perception for Dan Quayle, which is almost identical to the perception that exists for Kamala.
BUCK: People also get tired, I think, of being told, for example, “Well, Kamala is a better pick for this role than other people because of her gender and because of her race. So these are assets,” and then a lot of people go, “Okay,” and so the Democrats, et cetera, will vote this person to office. And then it’s, “Well, if you criticize this person, it’s because you disapproval of those things.”
What is this? The American people — or in this case, the Democrats — vote for somebody and we’re supposed to believe that it’s an asset for them to, in the diversity and including sense, have these attributes, and then also immediately fall back on — the moment there’s criticism — oh, that’s sexist or that’s racist?
Everybody thinks Kamala hasn’t been doing a good job. Give me a break! But it’s The View. It is the dumbest political show — influential, though, Clay. If you are a semiliterate person staying at home who doesn’t actually understand anything about politics, you may watch The View and think, “This is what you’re supposed to believe is the reality of America and the world around you.”
CLAY: I think that’s unfortunately true for a large number of especially women. Obviously, this is being programmed towards women who are staying at home during the day. I’ll also point this out, Buck. This is why if Biden doesn’t run, it’s going to be racist and sexist of the Democrat Party if they don’t pick Kamala Harris as their nominee.
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