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Is Biden Right to Give Up in Afghanistan?

9 Jul 2021

On Open Line Friday, the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show welcomed veterans of the 20-year war in Afghanistan to weigh in on America’s withdraw, allowing it to reemerge as Talibanistan. President Joe Biden stumbled and muttered through an incoherent statement on the matter that Clay declared a sad embarrassment.

Clay said he felt bad that Biden’s losing his mental faculties, “But we have managed to put this person in the most powerful land in the world, and he can’t talk. He can barely communicate.” Biden’s bungling made Buck angry “at the Democrat elites and the apparatus of their power” for putting him in a position of having to call out the commander-in-chief’s clear fogginess. “I don’t want to make fun of the president for being out of it in this way. I really don’t.”

Clay agreed, remarking, “They Weekend at Bernie’s-style drag him across the finish line by using covid as an excuse, kept him in his basement,” an now Biden struggles to explain us leaving Afghanistan, while claiming credit for solving it by getting Osama Bin Laden — when as VP, Biden was the only one who opposed the mission to get the 9/11 mastermind.

Buck recalled working in Afghanistan and working in the CIA for a portion of the Obama administration, and how — as CIA director Bob Gates said — he’d been wrong on every foreign policy decision for 50 years. He doubts the Afghan military will be able to hold out against the Taliban.

John from Virginia, who was stationed in Afghanistan in 2012, called to warn of the Chinese communist presence expanding in the country with our withdraw. Mick in Boulder, Colorado, said changing the country would take generations, and he supports the pullout.

“I look back at the lives we lost, and I think that’s such a travesty, but what is it worth to just keep people there, keep constant death?” he asked. Clay agreed with the caller, “You hate to feel like the 20 years was in vain and the nearly trillion dollars and the loss of life and all the serious injuries.”

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