CLAY: Buck, I am so mad. It’s rare that I come on the show angry, but in the last hour, the Biden administration has extended for another month the requirement that you wear a mask on airplanes, on trains, in airports, on public transit, according to no scientific basis in logic whatsoever. Anyone who has been — and I’m gonna focus on airplanes because I think that is where much of the angst and ire is directed now.
But, Buck, the only place you now have to go in much of the country and wear a mask is an airport and on an airplane. It is nonsensical. It is anti-science. The masks do absolutely nothing at all. This was set to expire on March the 18th, and it now has been extended until I presume April the 18th. I think that the Biden administration is going to get destroyed over this because we know in Congress — we saw the State of the Union — nobody wears masks anymore. Even in schools, as dumb as it has been, kids are now not required to wear masks most places now either in the near future or it’s already happened. Are you as angry as I am about this nonsensical rule being extended?
BUCK: I’m furious and also kind of break out into laughter at the same time because these libs are morons. They really are. This is now Moronville. This is not “I disagree.” This is not there’s good faith, let’s all sit down and look at the data and the numbers. This is impossibly stupid. Can we please try to get Pete Buttigieg, Mayor Pete, of the transportation administration? Assuming he’s not still on paternity leave, can we get him to come on the show?
I would love to hear… Didn’t he go to Harvard or Yale or something? I’m sure he thinks he’s really smart. Please try to defend this, somebody. I’d love to have Walensky or Fauci come on. They would get annihilated, and they know it, and that’s why they won’t actually come on. Somehow, this is a policy that no human being can defend without looking like an abject fool, but it’s still the policy of the Biden administration?
PR lady Jen Psaki is gonna be coming forward to say, “Yeah, we still just need to keep everybody safe,” and there are all these Democrat idiots who are seeing the country fall apart around them in a whole variety of ways who are gonna say, “Yeah, it’s real safe on the planes now.” What is wrong with them? Clay, what percentage of our lives do we spend…? You and I fly a fair amount.
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: Less than 1% of our lives are spent on the plane. Are planes a uniquely dangerous environment for the spread of covid? No. In fact, we know the science says because of the HEPA filters in the planes, they are uniquely safe place to be gathering when it comes to respiratory viruses. And yet the I’m gonna be in crowded bars, Clay. I’m going to a crowded bar this weekend.
I’m gonna be elbow-to-elbow with New Yorkers telling them to move to Florida, and it’s gonna be mask free. What possible epidemiological justification for this can there be? So I kind of laugh because they look so stupid, but I go back and forth ’cause I’m also furious, ’cause this just shows what a joke this whole thing was for two years. It’s all so arbitrary and moronic.
I want someone to explain to me why the only place in my city that there is even the mention of a mask… I’m gonna go get on an airplane flight to Florida as soon as we finish the show today, Buck, like this afternoon. I’m gonna head to the airport, I’m going to pull up at the airport, and I am going to get out of my car, put a mask on as I walk into the airport, and then I’m gonna be required basically to keep that mask on until I get to Florida and step outside of the airport and can take the mask off again.
What sense can this possibly make from a scientific basis? In the city of Nashville — and I know there are many other airports just like this — I will walk past, Buck, the indoor dining area where they have a bar set up that looks out into the main terminal of the airport. You can high five people as they are walking by. People drinking beer, eating food. They’re not wearing masks.
You could, if you wanted to… You got your girlfriend or your wife, husband, whatever. You can walk over and you could kiss them right there as they are eating. There’s no barrier, there’s no wall, they’re looking right out into the middle of the airplane terminal. At a minimum, look, I think it’s insanely stupid that there are masks anywhere. But what basis is there for a mask mandate in the airport?
Like, it doesn’t make any sense in the airport. It doesn’t make any sense in the airplane. But at least you’re tightly corralled in an airplane. I’m so angry at this process. If they just said, “You only have to put a mask on in the airplane,” I would be like, “Well, whatever. At least you don’t have to wear one in the stupid airport.” I just… It rarely gets to the point where I’m furious over a decision. There’s no way to justify this.
And the only way I have any sort of solace on it, Buck, is it just further cements the absolute destruction that we have to see in November. Every single person listening right now, you have to go vote based on the covid lies that you have been told by the Democrats, and you have to — we have to — put forward maximum pain, utter destruction.
Because, Buck, they’re going to bring all this back, I really do believe, if they can, as soon as we are through with the midterms. I really legitimately believe as we get into winter and fall, they’re going — late fall and into winter, they’re gonna try to bring back masks if they haven’t already done it.
BUCK: Their narrative for all of us is that the vaccines were great, and they did a great job, and the mandates were necessary, and that’s what got us through the winter. Now, they’re a little quiet about it, because that’s also absolutely absurd. The vaccines were — Walensky even admitted — far less effective than they thought.
BUCK: Which, you know, Clay, I sit here and you know what else I’m furious about? You and I have been right about this. Honestly. I’m not just saying this. Clay and I were talking about this, as you know. You can go back. We’ll pull some of the tape. I think you came on my show in April, on the Buck Sexton Show in April, to talk about this. And you’re like, “Yeah, masks, it doesn’t… This is idiocy,” and I’m like, “Yeah, Clay, great to have you on. Masks are so stupid.”
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: Somehow, we now on Spotify, which we know is —
CLAY: Yeah, I saw this. Somebody sent me this.
BUCK: — just overrun with leftist children, “Waaah! Joe Rogan has to get banned.” They’re such babies. Somehow, over there we’re listed… Basically they put this on every podcast now: “For more information about covid. For more information about covid.” They should be putting, “Clay and Buck were right. Clay and Buck were right. Clay and Buck were right.”
CLAY: (laughing)
BUCK: But this is all part of the Soviet-style rewriting of history that’s going on right now, and these are the same people who will say, “Yeah, masking up on planes is really smart, keeps us safe.” People are morons, and they think they’re smart, which is the worst part about it.
They actually think they’re smarter than the people who have been right all along. We are tagged on Spotify as though we’re spreading misinformation. I mean, they’re not blocking it, right, because then they’d have to actually specify what. But they’re kind of warning everybody, “Oh, don’t listen to this! You might get red pilled by reality if you listen to this show.”
CLAY: I just — and look, we’re gonna get into inflation and Ukraine and everything else, but this news just breaking in the last hour or so, and I don’t think it’s even been officially, officially announced yet. This is a good question. I would love to see a poll of the American public that is being taken right now, “What percentage of Americans, Buck, do you think agree with us that it is absurdly ridiculous to require a mask mandate on an airplane?” If you truly believe masks work, you’re wrong, but you can still wear a mask. It’s not like they’re banning the use of masks. If you truly believe that they work, you can wear ’em. I think it’s probably 70-30 now. Do you think we’re there?
BUCK: I think so, but, Clay, I also want to make sure that we are clear: The policy on airplanes… You and I have just done a lot of flying recently and some of the other folks listening to us know what we’re talking about. And we got, like, pilots who listen to us and —
CLAY: Flight attendants who agree with us, by the way, are coming up to me now.
BUCK: Yeah. The pilots give me the thumbs-up in the wings. They’re like, “Don’t worry if it’s beneath the nose. It’s no big deal.” But it’s not actually mask up on planes. It is mask up between bites on planes.
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: And we all know it. So for 30-minute stretches at a time you’re actually totally just breathing normally in the air but, “Oh, I’m gonna mask up.” It’s the official federal government policy right now is to make people mask up between bites in the airport and on airplanes to protect them from a virus that the country just got wrecked by, half the country just got it, basically, and they act like they’re the people who believe in science? No, they’re the people who believe that just having male genitalia doesn’t make you male. This is who we’re dealing with.
CLAY: The whole time that you’re drinking — well, and the whole time that you are physically chewing — it really is maybe the dumbest thing in our lives that adults have been made to do, right? When you’re kids, sometimes you have to do dumb things. Can you think of anything?
CLAY: You’re 40 now. Can you think of anything dumber that you’ve ever been made to do than the masking rules in place?
CLAY: You’re in the 40 club, because —
BUCK: “You could be listened to, Buck Sexton. You’re over 40. You actually have opinions.”
CLAY: You’ve got two generations now of experience on this planet. I can’t think of anything dumber that we have made adults do in my life than the masking rule.
BUCK: It is debasing, and I actually think at some level that’s the point. It’s humiliating, and it’s forced humiliation of the public at the whim of the federal autocrats and the federal bureaucracy and the apparatus, and I think that’s the point. It’s meant to show you, “You do what we say. You do what our most hysterical, left-wing base demands when we have the power to make you do it, and you shut up about it no matter how dumb it is.” It’s humiliating, honestly, and people who have masked shamed other people should hang their heads in infamy for all time for being such dumbasses, honestly.
CLAY: Yes. I agree with all of that and more.
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