If Biden Gets Us Nuked, Mask Up in the Bunker
28 Feb 2022
CLAY: If you’re just getting into your cars, you’re just starting — California, Washington, and Oregon — the day before Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, they also have dropped the mask mandate on Capitol Hill for congressmen and women, senators. They dropped it in the state of New York. They are about to drop it in New York City. Even I, Buck Sexton, am stunned a bit about how just absolutely politically driven Democrats have suddenly recognized masking is.
After all their talk about how they were gonna be using the science to justify what they did or did not do as it pertained to covid. Friday, the CDC effectively does away with the mask mandates. Saturday and Sunday you got New York, New York City, and now you add in California, Washington, and Oregon doing away with school mask mandates. I just…
It’s so much laced with lying that even I, Buck, am a little bit surprised over how blatantly just deceitful this process is now that masks are finally coming off. And this is why — for every single person out there — we have got to hold all of these politicians accountable for the failure of their forcing our kids to wear masks and beyond.
BUCK: Clay, Joe Biden was videoed today walking into the White House outside alone with a mask on —
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: — and I just want to remind everybody, this is lunacy, okay?
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: There is no basis for this. There was never a basis for this. This a long time ago, almost two years ago, became the leftist version of the MAGA hat. You wear a mask, you comply; you’re part of the left wing Borg (for those of you who are Star Trek fans) or the left wing hive. That was what this was all about. So obvious now, it has been obvious to you and me for a long time.
There were not a lot of people even on the right back when… I got give credit to my producer, Mark, who told me he was a big fan of OutKick and your work on the sports side, and he told me… This is before anyone had ever talked about Clay and I teaming up on radio. He said, “You gotta talk to Clay Travis. He agrees with you on masks.” I was like, “Well, at least there’s somebody else.”
CLAY: There was almost no one.
BUCK: Two years ago. I almost want to go be back in the archives and find the exact dates so we can have the two-year anniversary of it. I’m, like, Clay, you came on and we… Anyway, we had a great discussion about it, and we were right, which is also nice. Nice to be right. Clay, they just put out some guidance. I did not believe it was true. But did you see this? It has been confirmed to me by Ryan Girdusky.
CLAY: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Last night. Talking about the nuclear attack?
BUCK: If you are in the midst of a nuclear attack, folks, make sure you mask up and socially distance in the bunker. That is from the Biden administration. That is a real thing that they have done. I actually did not believe it at first. I thought it was Steven Seagal going in with the Russians to fight for Putin-like fake, as in it was not real. Turns out it was real. These people have lost their minds, and that is why ABC News Chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl, Clay, is pointing out Republicans have, you know what? How big an advantage? Listen to this.
ABC News’ Jonathan Karl: “The percentage of voters saying they will vote for Republicans in the midterm election is at the highest level since 2010.” pic.twitter.com/uEWE8SCgbY
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) February 27, 2022
BUCK: Anything less than 60 seats for the Republicans in this midterm, as Joe Biden dodders around, wandering confused with his mask on outside — less than 60 seats — we did not hit our mark. Sixty seats or more.
CLAY: I just wish that we could have the election right now. You know? I mean, to your point — and you’ve been on this for a while — a lot can change over the next seven or eight months, right? Let’s be honest. We’re about to hit to March, and you gotta go all the way to the first week in November, and my concern is just that a lot of people who are angry today, justifiably, the Democrats are basically showing you their hand.
They’re saying, “Hey, we need to make changes on covid right now so that we can hope six months from now people are over their anger and they don’t take it out on us.” That’s their game plan. We cannot allow that to happen. This is… Buck, you said it earlier, and I think you’re right. Everybody should be a single-issue voter right now, and that issue is: Democrats failed on covid.
BUCK: Yes.
CLAY: And if you don’t hold them accountable… I understand there are all different sorts of issues that people care about, a huge panoply of issues that are important in America today. But the number one issue that I believe everybody has to be voting on is: Your elected officials failed you, they failed your kids, they failed your economy.
Everything directly ties into covid, and so if you are voting for a Democrat, you are voting in support of the covid insanity over the past two years, and there have to be consequences. There have to be. They were wrong, and when you are an elected official and you get something this important this wrong, you have to pay the consequences.
BUCK: We’re gonna play that. Now you’re gonna see a whole a rewriting of history, a slow walk back, soft-pedaling as we move into the future of what’s happened here.
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