
Hollywood Hypocrites Lift Vax Mandate at Oscars

CLAY: This probably isn’t gonna surprise you, but I don’t know how many people have heard this. Turns out a lot of people in Hollywood are hypocrites, and they have announced out here that there is going to be no vaccine requirement in order to attend the Oscars. So just to kind of put it into context for you, supposedly in L.A. you are unable to go to the gym, you are unable to go to a bar, you are unable to go to a restaurant unless you have your vaccine papers — and you are able to show it when you enter a restaurant or bar.

Now, a lot of places are not aggressively enforcing this out here right now. I’ve been around, haven’t had any issue getting in anywhere so far. It’s obviously Super Bowl week. But, Buck, the governor of California, Gavin Newsom, has already said that he’s going to mandate kids — young kids — get the covid vaccine by the time they come back to school in the fall.

Now, you have all these Hollywood celebrities — the same people, by the way, who did not have to wear masks last award season. Now they are now not also going to have to be vaccinated in order to attend the Oscars. These are the same people who have been regularly on social media arguing that everybody has to get vaxxed. I actually wonder how many people aren’t vaxxed in Hollywood and are afraid to say something about it for the covid perspective.

I don’t disagree with the idea, but the continued theme of, “If you are rich and powerful, the rules do not apply to you as it pertains to covid,” governors, Hollywood celebrities, you name it, this is crazy, right? You would require kids to wear masks and potentially be vaccinated, not Hollywood celebrities.

BUCK: I think they enjoy, Clay, that they can do this. I think there’s a certain glee that they have. This is true of members of the Politburo from the Soviet days, right? The best part of being in charge of everybody else is that you get to make them abide by rules that you don’t, right? That’s the fun part. “You do what I say. You kids, do what I say. I’m not gonna do that ’cause I’m important.” This is really the ethos of Democrats as we’re entering this new phase here of covid where there’s some restrictions going away. But it’s been their ethos all along too. They’ve always been, “Rules for thee but not for me.”


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