Hillary Lies About Trump’s Interview with Us

BUCK: We had a big fake news moment from the lib-Democrat media earlier this week. Clay and I, we’re still trying… (laughs) We know they do this. But just because you expect something doesn’t mean it’s something you can process without wanting to throw heavy objects at the wall or shout things you can’t say on the radio. We had our interview with President Trump on Monday. Obviously, given the events of this week to hear from the former president — who was maligned and slandered as a Russian puppet for four years without any of this stuff going on, somehow, on Trump’s watch.

They decided — the enemies of the United States decided — to keep it real quiet, to play it real cool. Biden’s in office less than a year, and it’s, “All systems go! Take what you can! Ignore the doddering old fool on the world stage!” So they’re desperate right now. Now we can get into the politics of this a little bit. They’re trying to make this about Trump’s foreign policy somehow leading to this, which is insane. But even more of a slander — and this comes from Hillary, who’s out there still doing what she always does, which is just making stuff up that benefits her politically.

Clay, there’s this lie that’s very common where — and it’s all over the media right now, all over. Remember, perception in this can be what matters insofar as in 30 days’ time, if the lunatics of the Biden administration that go running around running cover for him got their way, maybe we would all of a sudden be drawn into a Russian conflict. Perception matters here. It’s not a hard-and-fast thing that this is just going to pass without American involvement. They’re running around saying that the right is somehow pro-Putin and rallying to the cause of Putin. This is an intellectually indefensible slander. It is based on nothing — and Hillary Clinton, if you’re looking for a big lie, Hillary Clinton’s always got you covered there. Play clip 9.

BUCK: There’s so much here, Clay, and we’re both wanting to jump in. She’s referencing our interview, folks, earlier this week at Mar-a-Lago.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: That’s what she is referencing. This has become a big area of misrepresentation from the media. They’re saying, “Oh, you know…” and I’ve even had people say, “Why didn’t you push back for him?” ’cause Trump’s whole point was, yeah… He was saying, tactically Putin is outmaneuvering Biden on this and looking smarter than Biden from the perspective of Putin, the madman who wants to strike in the heart of Ukraine.

He’s saying this crap never would have happened when I, meaning Trump, was president, because I would have had severe consequences for Putin in store, and he would have known that. It wouldn’t have been an idle threat. There’s no… What are the Democrats willing to do that Republicans aren’t willing to do at this phase? Trump was the one who saying… There are tanks that are blowing up right now, Russian tanks blowing up right now with missiles that Trump sent the Ukrainian government that Democrats explicitly refused to send ’cause they didn’t want to anger Putin! Why do we have to listen to this crap from Hillary? It’s such a lie.

CLAY: It’s a total lie, and what it represents — and I think people have to look through the lie and recognize that why it’s happening is, they don’t have a good explanation for the central question here, which is: If Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are such collusion buddies, why in the world was Putin afraid to do this to Ukraine for four years while Donald Trump is in office?

BUCK: Yes.

CLAY: There isn’t an answer to that. Anybody you’re arguing with, anybody you’re discussing with, that is the essence of the question that you have to ask, and Trump’s answer is — as he told us — because Putin feared what he might do. And if you listen to that interview as opposed to reading a part of the transcript or only listening to 30 or 45 seconds of an answer — and this is what’s going on, by the way, in the New York Times.

One of the New York Times beat… What’s her title? I’m gonna look at this. This woman is the bureau chief of Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean for the New York Times. She tweeted me and said, “Trump praised Putin for planning to invade Ukraine,” and I said, “No, I didn’t. He didn’t praise Putin.” And then she cited, she sent me on Twitter a direct link to our actual transcript and writes, “Putin declares a big portion of Ukraine,” of Ukraine.

Putin declares it independent. “Oh, that’s wonderful.” That’s sarcasm! She’s taking Trump saying, “Oh, that’s wonderful,” which anybody who actually listened to the audio, she’s citing our own transcript as evidence that Trump is rooting for Ukraine phone number invaded. And again, this is important for everybody out there listening. What they are trying to hide from you, what they are trying to keep you from paying attention to is that fundamental question.

BUCK: Yes.

CLAY: That fundamental question that all of you should be asking, why didn’t Putin invade for four years while Trump was in office and almost as soon as Biden gets there, he mobilizes all his troops and goes. Why? They don’t have an answer for that; and so they say, “Oh, well, look at all this coddling that’s going on of Putin.” No, no. The big question is: Why did the invasion happen? Because Biden’s weak.

BUCK: Biden’s been in office a year, and if you were told that you were the lawyer, so to speak, for the Biden administration and you had to make a case about where the victories are, where things have gone well, you’ve got nothing. There’s absolutely nothing. So there’s a desperation, I think, in the minds of particularly the people who played the central role in hidin’ Biden in the basement. “Oh, it’s gonna be great. It’s gonna unify the country. Normalcy. He’s super smart!

“Don’t worry about his cognitive decline. He’s got everything covered. It’s gonna be just great.” Those people were either so wrong as to look like morons in retrospect, or so dishonest as to be deserving of the scorn of the American people — and it’s the media establishment that pushed that stuff! It is the Democrat-aligned media that told us this stuff. We didn’t have to wait very long. It’s been a year. And now you add a foreign policy catastrophe on top of this. Even CBS —

CLAY: Another foreign policy catastrophe.

BUCK: I’m sorry, another foreign policy catastrophe. Here’s CBS’ Margaret Brennan who’s a lib, but a smart one. There are smart libs; she’s a smart lib. Here she is saying, “Wait, what you’re telling us doesn’t make sense.” Clay clip 10.

BRENNAN: I thought that was so interesting when President Biden said, “No one expected sanctions to prevent anything.” Actually, that’s exactly what his foreign policy did again and again. It’s what his secretary of state said to me on Sunday alone. “The purpose is to do everything we can to deter it, to prevent a war, to deter the aggression, and once you trigger sanctions, you lose the deterrent effect.” Vladimir Putin was not deterred. What I heard and how the president laid it out today is that they are now looking for a reassessment by Putin, that he’s gone this far; if they hit him now, will he stop where he is?

BUCK: He’s right, by the way, that their position now doesn’t make any sense.

CLAY: It’s actually the same position Kamala Harris argued, to Kamala Harris’ defense, before Biden cut the legs out from underneath her, right?

BUCK: Clay, “What we need to do is what we’ve been doing every day and that day is now,” okay?

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: Just remember that. I want to get that on a T-shirt. It’s amazing. I sit here and I say, “Hold on. How many areas…?” Inflation will be transitory? No, it’s actually not transitory. The vaccine will stop the spread? No, it actually didn’t stop the spread. The sanctions are gonna stop Putin? No, it didn’t stop Putin. The Afghan army is gonna fight on? No, the Afghan army didn’t fight on. How much wrong can they fit in one year before people realize just maybe — maybe, everybody — we are being ruled by idiots right now. It is possible. Leave that as a possibility.

CLAY: Not only idiots, Buck, idiots who get everything wrong! If you were just predicting which direction a coin flip was gonna go, half the time you would get it right.

BUCK: Yeah.

CLAY: Every major significant choice and decision they’ve had to make they’ve gotten wrong, which would seem to defy all laws of basic probability.


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