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Hawley Called Transphobic for Saying Only Women Can Get Pregnant

12 Jul 2022

CLAY: This show. We spend a lot of time talking about fighting for sanity in an insane world. Buck, I would have never believed that we would be in a position where we’d be saying, “Hey, only women can have babies.” I would have never thought that that would be considered to be unacceptable or transphobic language at any point in my life. Today in the Senate, Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri — who’s been on this show quite a lot; we’re fans of his.

He was questioning a Cal Berkeley law professor. Her name is — I want to make sure I get this right, although I might mispronounce it — Khiara Bridges. I just want you to listen to this audio between the two of them because I think it crystallizes how far left-wing Democrats have gone when it comes to the trans agenda. They want to say that “people” can get pregnant, not women — that men can get pregnant — and it’s actually transphobic of you and me and anybody else out there who suggests that only women can get pregnant.

Listen to this exchange today in the Senate.

BUCK: There’s so much here, Clay.

CLAY: We got more that we’re gonna play for you too, I think, as well. But, Buck, I mean, this is crazy.

BUCK: This is, though, argument of the left today. This is their orthodoxy. This is doctrine. This is a law professor from California — University of California Berkeley.

CLAY: An elite law school.

BUCK: A tough law school to get into although, as we know. Now the entire… I’ll just say this. The entire elite school apparatus has collapsed into nonsense effectively. There are morons at all of these places, now, let me tell you, okay? There are idiots everywhere. I was looking at Ivy League business schools and I went to work for Glenn instead.

Jackasses aplenty there, law schools, I have tons of friends that went to Harvard Law, Yale Law, all these places, there are really smart people who go there, but it does not mean that everybody who goes there is of even a mildly impressive intellectual level at these different schools. So, just start with that nor fin who’s wondering. Clay and I were just wondering, where do you want your kids to even go to school?

CLAY: I think about it a lot now.

BUCK: I don’t know what to say because the professors at some of these institutions — and look, they’ve changed hiring standards. They have pushed very hard in affirmative action in higher education. I think it will be interesting to look back and see that when the Supreme Court I do believe will overturn affirmative action —

CLAY: This fall.

BUCK: — then what you’ll have to deal with — what you’ll have to see — is that these universities have put all these people on tenure track or given them tenure who would never have been hired otherwise because they do change standards. We all know they change standards. That’s the reality of the college admissions and hiring process. What does it look like for higher education?

But that’s a conversation we’ll be having when that Supreme Court decision comes down. On what she says, though, this is fascinating. “One-out-of-five trans people have attempted suicide,” she says. She cites that statistic to shut down a conversation about who can get pregnant. And normally you would look and you would say, “So are you telling me that there’s a high correlation between being trans and having severe mental illness?

“Or are you blaming anyone who does not go along with all aspects of the trans agenda with somehow creating the extreme mental illness that leads to A disproportionately high suicide attempt rate?” That would be one part of this that I would want to have a greater discussion with. But also note that when the left says, you’re opening people up to violence by disagreeing with us!

Not only are they trying to silence people that disagree — that’s, of course, meant to emotionally batter you into submission — it also, though, opens the grounds for the state to use force, actual force against you because if your speech is actually violence; it is, therefore, justified for the state to threaten or use violence against you to stop your speech as in arresting people for hate crime speech that the trans community finds so offensive, et cetera, et cetera. The argument is very clear. This is what they believe. This is what the left believes. This is not aberrant.

CLAY: Yeah. The Cal Berkeley professor specifically says men can get pregnant and says that it is transphobic to argue that men cannot get pregnant. You are being forced as a part of this Democrat dogma now to say things that are 100 percent scientific, biological lies. And to me, Buck, what is so fascinating about this is, how much did you and I get lectured for being anti-science for questioning the efficacy of the covid shot or the intelligence of lockdowns? You and I got absolutely lacerated by the blue checks for having the gal to suggest that lockdowns and mandatory vaccines and all of this did not make sense. We wanted grandmas dead; we were anti-science. And yet the Democrat dogma now is men can get pregnant.

BUCK: I could set this up as a very straightforward challenge for the people that make this argument. And understand, you must mouth the preferred slogans or else they will attack you. Macy Gray just went through this, the Grammy award-winning, you know, millionaire famous singer. She said a woman is a woman, and thinking you’re a woman doesn’t make you a woman. Very straightforward. She’s a hundred percent correct.

And now she’s had to do the whole walk-back because the left completely, you know, jumped on her, attacked her from every direction and every angle. They want you to affirm what is clearly untrue because it debases your ability to reason through everything else. When you have to say — by the way, this is classic tactic. If you listen to that professor, she does sound like she’s in a cult.

With the fluidity that she is making these statements that are so obviously untrue and stupid, it would be like sitting there with somebody who says, no, you don’t understand. We’ve done all the research, and the world is going to end next week. We have looked at the sacred charts and the sacred charts tell us that that’s when the magic aliens are going to land here, and the world ends in a ball of fire. There’s a certainty in the stupidity that almost shows you the synapses of the brain have been lined up in a very specific way through repetition of what is untrue.

CLAY: Also, I would love for Senator Hawley in addition to being called transphobic for saying that only women can get pregnant, I would love for him to follow up with this UC Berkeley professor and actually expose the flaws of logic in her line of thinking based on this, Buck. If you can pick your gender — to her, I would love to hear her trying to answer this — why can’t you also pick your race?

Because she’s a black woman. And she would be furious under Democrat dogma if someone who was not black decided they wanted to identify as black or someone who was not Hispanic wanted to identify as Hispanic or Asian or whatever it is, your racial identity as we have talked about is set in stone, per Democrat dogma, but your gender can be whatever you want it to be?

BUCK: And think about it as well. They use the term “nonbinary,” meaning neither specifically male or specifically female. There’s a binary choice of gender that we’ve lived with for all of human history and science, et cetera, et cetera. Now they say nonbinary. But we know that everyone is effectively multiracial, that every one of us is in fact at different levels and degrees multiracial or multiethnic in our background, which is a beautiful thing.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: But it’s much more open. A perfect example of this: Kamala Harris is referred to as both the first African-American female vice president and the first south Asian female vice president in terms of her background, right? Because one parent is I believe from —

CLAY: India.

BUCK: — from India and another parent’s from Jamaica. Now, that’s true. Great. Fine. But there’s clearly more variability in racial and ethnic background that all of us have, anyone who’s done 23andMe knows this, than gender variability. And remember they’re not making –’cause they’ll often try to confuse us on purpose — “Intersex,” as a physical reality, is not the case that they are making ’cause even people who are intersex they used to refer to this as being a hermaphrodite condition. They’re generally more one than the other but they can have vestigial organs.

CLAY: It’s incredibly rare biologically.

BUCK: It’s like a one in a million circumstance.

CLAY: Some people are born with sex organs that would suggest I think it’s like Klein syndrome, something like that, unless I’m misremembering it from biology, but that is a reality. It’s wildly uncommon and almost instantly they make a decision, oh, we’re going to raise this child as either male or female based on which one they are more likely to be reflective of.

BUCK: But this is not… The trans agenda and the trans doctrine is not, “We need to specifically understand.” Most of those individuals end up living as male or female and —

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: That is not what they’re saying, though. What they’re saying is the physical reality is irrelevant. You can have entirely developed, you know, male testes and sex organs, everything else, and now you are to be treated not as somebody who is emotionally and psychologically associated with the female gender but as a woman, period. There’s a degree of religiosity in this that people need to understand. It’s a little bit like you have to accept that there is a miracle of science that has transpired here and that’s how you get to “men can get pregnant”, because they can’t, and we will never lose this bet, Clay.

CLAY: Not only that, it has real consequences oftentimes. Let’s say that you are having to be rushed to an emergency room and they’re trying to figure out what’s wrong with you. Pretending that you’re a different gender than you are changes the way that you will be treated. Right? Because the doctor is responding, oh, what could be wrong? Well, if you have an ovary, something might be different than if you don’t. Men and women have different biologies which often leads to different things that could be wrong with them when they’re rushed into a hospital. But this is emblematic. I think playing that clip is important because that is Democrat dogma.

BUCK: And she also — it’s very clear — despises Josh Hawley for the most basic recitation of fact.

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: Everyone needs to get used to this. Obviously, Macy Gray learned this the hard way, which is you can now be hated by people who want to ruin you and make an example of you for saying something that is as objectively true as 2 + 2 = 4.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: People will say, how dare you. It equals five! You should get fired from your job. And it’s not just us, it’s not just adults. They’re doing this to kids. They’re doing this to very young children. They’re pushing this all over the place. This is a societal madness, and this is why we say, “man, we’re living on Team Reality here.”

CLAY: They’re arguing, Buck, that sometimes doctors get the sex of a baby wrong. That’s what they’re —

BUCK: — offensive to doctors. Like, the doctor made quite a mistake there!

CLAY: Yeah, right. I’ve been there for three babies. I felt pretty confident when they came out what sex they were.

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