
Clay and Buck

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Grassley: Whistleblowers Say FBI, DOJ Covered Up for Hunter Biden

26 Jul 2022

BUCK: I want to start with this story that’s gotten a fair bit of attention about something that is really troubling, ‘cause while on the one hand there’s all this focus on the January 6th committee from the Democrats — and as we know, this is just they have to create a psychological safe space for themselves. They have to have this place where they can feel like, “We’re the good guys,” and that’s what January 6th is.

Forget about the economy; forget about everything else. January 6th is, “We’re the heroes of the republic, and we’re gonna stop the monster Trump.” Meanwhile — and you and I, of course, have a bet about this, and I have been told to remind you that you also have a steak bet with our friend Ms. Ann Coulter over who’s going to win the Georgia Senate race. She told me about this this morning. She said she’s not letting you out of that one.

CLAY: Look, I think I have four steak bets right now, Buck, just for the record. One with you over Hunter Biden, one with Ann Coulter over whether Trump runs in 2024 — which, that one is like minus 19,000.

BUCK: She’s gonna be buying you a steak on that one for sure.

CLAY: Yeah, worst case. I think Herschel Walker wins, and I’m pretty confident about that, and I also bet Mollie Hemingway. We had a dinner on Friday. Mollie Hemingway bet me a steak over whether Ron DeSantis was gonna run for president. And I feel like I’m just racking up steaks left and right here.

BUCK: It’s like you’re running the Clay Travis Aged Beef Foundation or Dry-Aged Beef Foundation.

CLAY: Yeah, I know. I’m gonna have to open up my own steakhouse at this point because I’m just taking everybody. To me, I’m going 4-0 in these. Yours is the most difficult of those.

BUCK: Well, bringing it right back into that, there is whistleblower information now that has come to the attention of Senator Chuck Grassley, and Washington Examiner here with a piece on this, although it’s been covered a number of very solid news outlets. “The FBI’s investigation into Hunter Biden wrongly labeled verified evidence as ‘disinformation,’ agency whistleblowers claimed. Agents investigating President Joe Biden’s son ‘opened an assessment which was used by an FBI headquarters team to improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and caused investigative activity to cease,’” end quote.

Clay, if the FBI really is now the Praetorian Guard for Democrat administration, if they are going to engage in soft coups against a Republican administration like Trump, and then prevent the actual administration of justice under Biden, we’ve got a really big problem to handle.

CLAY: Well, if you want to have a real investigation into threats to our democracy — and I mean this honestly — Democrats staged the January 6th event. I don’t think there’s a lot of depth to January 6th, by which I mean we know almost everything about January 6th. And there hasn’t really been that many revelations to come out of all of the prime-time hearings, all the hours that they’ve spent this summer covering January 6th.

Buck, how about we have a deep investigation into the decisions by Big Tech surrounding the 2020 election, in particular the lockdown of the New York Post Twitter account, the clear attempt to turn the Hunter Biden laptop into Russian disinformation that seems to have stemmed throughout the entirety of the entire Democrat apparatus, including also the FBI and national security. Wouldn’t you like to have an investigation there? And I would like to have an investigation into how every social media company came to simultaneously ban Donald Trump.

How much conversation was going on there? What exact rig job experience was going on surrounding everything Big Tech in 2020? And how does this interplay of the FBI with the Biden administration and a clear decision made to treat what is — appears to be a hundred percent accurate laptop. And, Buck, not only a hundred percent accurate laptop, as all of these different videos and text messages and emails and everything else have come out, it’s impossible for Russia to have faked this. I mean, the whole idea that this could have ever been Russian disinformation, when you’ve got Hunter Biden recording himself on his laptop with hookers and crack, naked, making porno videos, all these things, this was impossible to have been Russian disinformation.

BUCK: The people who came forward — and that includes some from the — dozens from the intelligence community, including those who had run some of the three-letter agencies — you know, CIA, NSA, et cetera — they knew that it wasn’t disinformation. I’m just gonna tell everybody that right now. But they also knew that they were giving cover to a lie and that that was what was commanded of them to be in the good graces of the apparatus and of the Democrat Party. They gave cover to a lie. That was the whole point.

That was the whole purpose. They didn’t actually think — I mean, if they could make a deep fake with Hunter Biden dancing around in his tighty-whities dusting crack over himself while he’s making porno videos with strippers — or hookers, whatever. If they could do that, they could do anything, right? I mean, this was so obviously not disinformation; it was clear to everybody in the beginning that it was reality. But I think everyone needs to understand, the people who lied about it don’t feel bad about it and they won’t be held accountable —

CLAY: — at high levels right now like Jake Sullivan.

BUCK: Yeah, they’re rewarded for this the same way that all of the Russia collusion truthers in the media received effectively promotions — more famous, bigger paychecks, more respected by the establishment — and the government says, “Oh, maybe a few of them had a couple problems because they were working for Trump technically and were trying to overthrow him with lies.” But now they’ve got book deals, they’re on the speaking circuit. The apparatus takes care of its own. And this is one of the reasons why they’re able to get away with this stuff, because they have a well-oiled machine of propaganda, lies, and disinformation in the cause of rooting out, allegedly, disinformation. That’s the amazing part, right? The watchers are the ones who need to be watched.

CLAY: Succinctly said. When I read this Hunter Biden latest bombshell revelation — I say “bombshell,” because most everybody out there who listens to us is already quite familiar with it. But to me the way to sort of sum all this up is, everything that they told you about the Trump family, the Biden family actually did it. And it’s wild to think about because for five years they told us that the Trump family was the worst collection of grifters that had ever existed in mankind. And then you look at everything that Hunter Biden did, and they provided complete and total cover for him.

But this is really… I mean, I’m curious what you think, Buck. We could have a long conversation on this ’cause you went into the CIA post-9/11 because you were a patriot, because you wanted to go fight for your country and help everyone out there who was worried about the Middle East and terrorists and everything else in a post-9/11 era. How furious do you think so many people inside the CIA and the FBI are who had similar motives as you to go work for the better of the country, and then they find out — and I think it’s a good analogy you’re making — that, effectively, they’re the praetorian guard protecting the ruling class as opposed to protecting the people.

BUCK: I can tell you that I know people from within… I still know people that are in the intelligence community and some of them are very senior now, because people that I worked with, you know, now they’re in 15, 20 years, right? I mean, they’re people that are running some of the —

CLAY: Right.

BUCK: — and here’s the way that it works. If you are a lib who gets high up in the FBI, high up in the CIA, you are a zealot. And so, when you have the power to push things politically for your side, you do it. The people I know who are conservatives still show up every day at the FBI, the CIA, wherever, and they’re about the mission. And it’s just a difference in mentality. You know, the same way that leftists can’t hear things they don’t like and want to shut down speech they don’t like, it’s just in their nature, people in the bureaucracy who are libs, who are true believer Democrats, when they have the power…

A lot. You know, when you’re junior, someone like me — I mean, I was just a guy in cubicle trying to do his best. But when you get up in the ranks, then all of a sudden you have the power to — oh, I don’t know — look what happened to Trump. You had that guy who’s at the NSC who with the phone call and the impeachment, these Democrats, they do this stuff all the. The moment they think they can take down a White House, they will do it for the cause. The conservatives that I know that worked at these places, worked at the FBI, they’re like, can we stop the human traffickers, the drug cartels, you know —

CLAY: The actual bad guys.

BUCK: The actual bad guys? Can we find the serial killers and the heroin pushers and the bad people and not just worry all the time about, you know, what headquarters in D.C. thinks about the latest Washington Post op-ed? It is a difference in mentality, and it stretches to the very top of these institutions.

CLAY: It is incredibly frustrating — are you nervous? Here is the — are you nervous that you’re going to lose your steak bet?

BUCK: No, because, remember, just for clarity’s sake, they’re going to find a way to give Hunter a little slap on the wrist, and that’s what I’ve said all along, and then I’m eating that filet with bearnaise sauce and even Oscar style crab on it.

CLAY: We’ve got dinner tonight.

BUCK: That’s just so excessive. I love it. Little pieces of fresh crabmeat on top of your steak with the bearnaise sauce, Clay. I’m gonna take photos of this, guys.

CLAY: It is very, very good. And look. I’m confident that I’m gonna win all four of those steak bets that are out there right now in the next couple months.

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