Fauci Offers No Science on Covid Shots, Masking
30 Nov 2021
BUCK: I wanted to start today with Fauci, Clay, who’s going out there, and I worry about that what’s going to happen is they’re going to immiserate as many people as they can going into this winter with the idea that it’s all a big precaution. Whenever we have to do… They’re not actually gonna base it on the numbers as they are in terms of mitigation measures and all this stuff, but in fear of what the numbers could be.
And they’re also going to suppress things that don’t conform to the narrative of “Do what we tell you or else!” Natural immunity. How important is it for all of us to get back to normal, to understand the scope and scale of natural immunity? Here’s Fauci when asked about this, and we’ll dissect the answer.
FAUCI: The issue of if you’ve been infected how long your protection lasts, we don’t have enough information of that to give a great deal of confidence. Although it is true, to be fair, that when you do get infected and you recover, you have a degree of protection that’s substantial. The question is what is the durability of that? And that’s the reason why the CDC recommends that even if you have been infected and recover, if you do get, uh, a vaccine, the level of your protection goes way, way up. And that’s the reason why they recommend it.
BUCK: What’s the durability of the vaccine, Clay? Do they know?
BUCK: They have a range.
CLAY: No, we don’t know how long it lasts. It’s not even a vaccine. We gotta start calling it a “covid shot,” because we don’t call it usually the “flu vaccine.” That’s basically what the covid shot is. It is a flu shot that potentially you’re gonna have to get every six months for the rest of your life, and it’s gonna provide limited protection going forward. So this is one of many reasons why when Dr. Fauci says, “I am science,” which is such a ridiculous thing to say…
He’s not actually science, because science would acknowledge that everyone isn’t at the same risk of covid and everyone’s medical needs as it pertains to covid would be different. A 5-year-old is under far less risk than an 85-year-old. A 40-ish-year-old person like me who has already had and recovered from covid is at a different risk than a 65-year-old who’s never been exposed to covid. These are all rational choices that individuals should be able to make going forward.
And, Buck, I was reading this morning, there evidently are studies that say 92% of people either now in the United States, certainly in England, have either had covid or gotten the vaccine. And you look at the numbers, by the way, 80% of people who are 18 years and older have already gotten at least one shot of the covid vaccine — over 99% of people who are 65 or older. If the covid vaccine really worked, if it were a true vaccine, we wouldn’t be seeing record highs in New Hampshire, in Michigan, in all of these states right now. We wouldn’t be seeing it happen.
BUCK: And so what is the response we’re gonna get from the health authorities? More of the same, by the way. Nothing changes from their perspective based on what we’ve gone through, what our experience has been. Again, Mr. “I Am Science; I Love Data” doesn’t really have a lot data or science to speak of on some of these issues. Here’s a perfect example. In New York City, Clay, they just declared… It’s gonna be tough.
CLAY: What are you gonna do? Tell people the latest in New York City and then we need to have a legitimate discussion about what you are going to do, because there’s a lot of people in blue states — New York, California, don’t forget Illinois — that have been so outlandish.
BUCK: New Jersey.
CLAY: New Jersey, Connecticut.
BUCK: It’s crazy. Connecticut, the whole New England, all upped northeast of the United States. Anyone who listens to us in the Pacific Northwest — you know, Oregon. We got a big audience in Oregon. We have people listening in Washington State. Clay, it’s gonna be a mess because they’re gonna go back to I think preemptively. So what I had been hoping for — and I really was hoping — was that preemptively, they would at least wait to see what the numbers were.
Remember we kept saying over summer, “I don’t know how bad covid is gonna be. It’s so tough to tell.” But what I’m seeing now is they’re not gonna wait to look at the numbers in New York and California really. They’re going to start implementing things in advance of what they think is the surge that’s coming even in heavily vaccinated states, places like Vermont. By the way, they’re setting all-time records even though they have sky-high vaccination rates and does Fauci ever get pushed on what’s going on with that?
CLAY: Of course not.
BUCK: Oh, it’s just the unvaccinated. It’s not just the unvaccinated. They were lying about that.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: That was either… You could say they were catastrophically wrong, or they were lying. But, yes, the unvaccinated are at higher risk for hospitalization and death based on the data. True. In terms of spread, the numbers have gotten a lot closer to where we can’t even talk about breakthrough infections as breakthroughs, right, because they’re happening all over the place. I know… Don’t you know? I know plenty of people — I’ve met people, I have friends — who were fully vaccinated, got covid. Right?
CLAY: It’s happening in sports left and right, Buck, which is where a lot of people see it, right? Coaches and players are being held out because they’re testing positive for covid. They’re double unvaccinated. It’s still happening.
BUCK: You and Mrs. Travis are have to get one of those like little prefab houses that they sometimes will throw up for mules or farm animals, a little guesthouse for me on the property. I don’t know if I can handle it.
CLAY: People gonna have to make this choice. You’re a single guy so a lot of people are held down by kids or jobs or parents or a variety of different reasons. In theory, you can do — and we’ve run this radio show all over this country. We appreciate all the affiliates. I’m gonna be in Atlanta at our affiliate on Friday for the SEC championship game. You’ve done the show all over the place — Florida, Milwaukee — but what are you gonna do if they start saying, “Hey, you have to wear masks everywhere again. When you’re in the gym, you have to have a mask on while you’re on the treadmill or lifting weights or whatever else”? Are you gonna do this all winter?
BUCK: I don’t know, man. They’re just gonna make us all fat and miserable again and not stop covid because that doesn’t stop it. It didn’t stop it the last time —
CLAY: Zero impact effectively.
BUCK: — or dramatically reduce it. Otherwise, we would see it in the data. Here’s Fauci. Notice how quickly, by the way, when I talk about the Travis guesthouse he changes the subject. You know what I mean? He’s like, “Buck, where are you going to going?” I’m like, “I don’t know. Travis Manor? I hear good things about it.”
CLAY: It is a nice place.
BUCK: We’ve got Fauci here telling everybody: Masks, they do “something.”
FAUCI: Well, masking certainly does something. I don’t think there’s any doubt about that. Uh, the idea about mandates, again, it depends on where you are and what circumstances you’re in. One thing’s for sure that if you are in indoor congregate setting where you don’t know the vaccination status of the people around you, you should wear a mask. We’re gonna be traveling soon; people will be traveling for the upcoming holidays. You’re gonna be in airports that are generally crowded. Keep that mask on. I know when people go eat at the food courts to the best of your ability stay away from that and keep your mask on.
CLAY: Don’t eat, don’t drink.
FAUCI: You have to have your mask on when you’re on the plane, but make sure you have it on when you’re at the airport.
BUCK: Clay, this guy is —
CLAY: Oh, my God.
BUCK: It’s really gotten to me too much. First of all, he says we talk about masks, it “certainly does something.” I want to be like, “Okay, smart-ass. What does it do? What are the data? Give me the numbers.” At least with vaccinations, they have data, and they’ll present you with the data. And the data on preventing people from going to the hospital or dying is still very strong.
Hopefully it continues to be that way. The data on stopping the spread you’ve noticed they’ve gotten a little fuzzier on because it’s gotten weaker and weaker. That’s why we have boosters. We all know what’s going on here. Where’s this data on masking? Give me the numbers. Thirty percent reduction, 10% reduction. If you have no data, it is not science. It is superstition.
CLAY: Also, the phrase “certainly does something” is the exact opposite of science. To your point, share the actual data. But even using that phrase. If you said to someone, if you try to make that argument to your kids, “Hey, I need to you to clean your room.” “Why?” “Because it certainly does something.” They’d be like… “I told you so” is a better argument than “it certainly does something.”
The data reflects, by the way, that it certainly doesn’t do anything because, again, when he says, “Certainly does something,” and this is important, a lot of what they’re saying is if you wear a surgical N95 mask there is some degree of protection but people aren’t wearing those. The masks that people are wearing, the stupid cloth masks, the gators from the neck that you pull up, is worthless. It’s totally and completely worthless. You are a sheep at this point if you are still walking around with your mask feeling like you are doing anything to make things safer.
BUCK: I don’t want to dodge your question about what will I do as a New Yorker, and we have a huge number of folks listening on WOR NYC right now, right? A lot of people are right outside the city, some live in the city, but they’ll be dealing with the madness too. What will I do here? I don’t know, man. I think that Florida as a beacon of freedom is becoming — at least for the winter period of possible Fauciite madness — increasingly attractive and Governor Ron, he’s just spiking it in the end zone of the libs these days.
He is so en fuego. Check this out.
DESANTIS: In Florida, we will not let them lock you down. We will not let them take your jobs. We will not let them harm your businesses. We will not let them close your schools. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. To even be entertaining the idea of doing destructive, disastrous policies like lockdowns, I mean, honestly, I’m not surprised because I think some people are just wired for this, but it is not going to happen in the state of Florida. You can take that to the bank.
BUCK: Boom.
CLAY: And that might be a persuasive case for you to just say, “I’m going to Florida for the winter.” You gonna relocate?
BUCK: EIB South, my man. We might have to make it happen: EIB Command down in Florida. It’s been there before. So —
CLAY: Yeah, Rush was in Florida for a long time. I mean, honestly, if I were still living in New York or California or Illinois or the Northeast and I was having to deal with a potential ‘nother winter of lockdowns, I would move. I would get out of there. I wouldn’t be able to deal with it. I would have lost my mind before now. I’m so glad to live in the free states of the SEC footprint. God bless red state America.
CLAY: We talked about the fact that the covid vaccine has really turned into a covid shot, and now it’s also turned into an incredible annuity and moneymaker for all of these drug companies out there that now have everybody required to consume their product. If you doubt me, listen here to the Pfizer CEO as he explains that an annual revaccination against covid is the most likely scenario going forward. Listen to this.
ALBERT BOURLA: I did make a projection months ago about the most likely scenario it is that we will need a third dose, annual vaccinations against covid. I’m more confident right now that this will be the case than I was when I made the projection. I think we are going to have an annual revaccination, and that should be able to keep us really safe.
CLAY: Annual shots for covid, Buck. In a short period of time, we’ve gone from, “Get the vaccine; you won’t get covid. You’ll have no danger whatsoever,” to, “Get two vaccine shots, get a booster — and also, every year for the rest of your life you’re going to have to get the covid vaccine.” You know what that sounds like?
BUCK: Sounds like something we’ve been saying on this show for months now.
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: It sounds like we’ve been telling everybody that based on the logic of their position, their mentality around this whole issue — the ferocity with which they have suppressed natural immunity and also simultaneously gone after the unvaccinated as the source of all problems — that we are heading for a perpetual vaccination cycle, and what we are in right now. Now, that could stop.
The same way people could point out, “Yeah, if there is a variant that comes along let’s say that entirely or largely gets around the vaccine, well, you can come up with a new vaccine.” There are scientific advances that we can’t account for right at this second that might end this thing, right? There’s that pill. Pfizer is the good one. Merck didn’t work out so well. I think that’s right.
So there’s a therapeutic which may be really effective down the line and maybe that gets everybody to calm down. But as it stands right now, we’re heading into, “Gget vaccinated; get revaccinated every year,” and so the whole system that’s in place, I mean, in New York you have vaccine passports to go indoors pretty much anywhere. That stays, right? Why would they get rid of that?
CLAY: I think it’s a great question. It’s one I got asked today. I do an anonymous mailbag on OutKick where I answer questions. And somebody said, “Hey, when does this end?” And to me it’s a market-based decision. I really feel like capitalism ultimately wins. And I think it’s when all these restaurants and when all these indoor establishments… Look, we saw, for instance, where I live the Nashville Predators hockey team ended their covid vaccine and negative covid requirement — covid test requirement, one or the other — because people weren’t going.
Mark Cuban down in Dallas made the decision: Hey, the Dallas Mavericks aren’t going to require this anymore. I think people need to vote with their money and their pocketbooks. I’m making the decision, Buck, I don’t really want to go to New York City unless I’m going for work. I’m not gonna take a vacation to New York City ’cause we can’t do anything ’cause I’m unvaccinated.
BUCK: Wait. You don’t want to come visit the freezing-cold gulag here that de Blasio has set up?
CLAY: No. My wife, we were talking about this. We’re gonna go to Key West instead. But we would have liked to go to New York and maybe watch a play, stay in a hotel, go out to a couple of nice restaurants. I enjoy that visit. I ain’t doing it now, and I think there’s a lot of people voting just like I am with their pocketbooks — and ultimately, that has an impact over time.
SEN. PAUL: Most of his edicts are not biased in science. When kids should wear masks in school is a very debatable subject and ought to be debated. In Sweden, no kids wear masks — 1.8 million kids, they haven’t worn masks in school at all for the last two years — and they haven’t had any deaths.
And you say, “well, what about the teachers?” Well, it turns out the teachers don’t get covid at a greater rate than the rest of the public. So it turns out maybe we don’t have to have our kids in masks. Should we have that debate? No, Dr. Fauci says. he is the all-powerful Oz and we shouldn’t question him.
BUCK: Rand Paul holding Fauci to account, the senator from Kentucky, the thorn in Fauci’s side. So he’s right on the mask issue there. These are policy questions that they pretend are settled by science.
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