Fauci Lied About Locking Down, We Have the Receipts

BUCK: Dr. Fauci is making the rounds once again. This guy is… I have never so thoroughly despised an American official in public life because I think that Fauci has done more damage to more people and is unrepentant about it. In fact, he thinks he’s a hero. And he’s a liar, folks. It’s not up for debate whether he’s a liar. Let’s remember one thing. At the beginning of the pandemic, he said masks are basically a joke, which, by the way, newsflash, in case anyone doesn’t know, is true. They don’t —

CLAY: A hundred billion percent true.

BUCK: And that was when Fauci was saying, at the beginning of the pandemic, after decades of being a public health bureaucrat, but then it became clear, oh, the masks are a compliance tool, the masks get everyone scared, the masks get everyone to shut up and do what they’re told. And so, he said, “Well, I had to lie about that, I had to lie and tell everybody that masks weren’t that important, weren’t useful because we were gonna run out.”

So, his excuse for the mask flip-flop is, “I’m a big, fat liar, or in his case, a little evil troll liar,” but the point is, that was what he said. Now when people are saying, hold on. We’re going into a recession, we’re in a recession, inflation is really bad, turns out shutting down the economy and just paying people is a crazy idea. And some of us said it at the time but we were shouted down as grandma killers. Now Fauci’s trying to play this game where he tells everybody he never recommended locking anything down. That was not what he did.

BUCK: Clay, he is such a little liar. He is so disgraceful. And they still put him on TV all the time, they still want to have Fauci with these pronouncements. Schools, the real takeaway of the covid pandemic is schools never should have closed, never should have closed and that they did this because Democrats wanted people to be scared, they wanted to beat Trump, they wanted to put old man Magoo Biden in place. That’s what’s really happened here.

CLAY: I’m still furious about the fact that schools got shut down, and Fauci lied when he said, “Go back and look at my past statements.” He actually did advocate for shutdowns, and you know what? I think we have a clip of him advocating for shutdowns as well, but we’ll ask Donald Trump about this. On Friday he’s scheduled to be on the program with us, and I bet Trump will tell us, “Hey, yeah, he did advocate for shutdowns.”

BUCK: To clarify for everybody, we just played a clip from the last 24 hours of Fauci telling the American people, “I never advocated for locking anything down.” That is what Fauci just said, and the evil tyrant Smurf back in October of 2020 was saying this.

BUCK: So, this is known as being a liar. He is a liar, Clay.

CLAY: And he told everybody go back and look at my statements. You can see I never recommended that the country be shut down. And people said, okay, well, I kind of remember that you did recommend the country be shut down and were pretty vociferous about it. This is what’s called receipts, Buck. You say, hey, I never said, and then somebody says wait a minute, actually here you are saying that the country needed to be locked down.

And people like you and me, I was aggressive on the school issue in particular because I knew, as a former public school kid, with a couple of kids in public school, keeping kids from going to school was gonna be a disaster. And also, Buck — and you know this, too — what was so frustrating about the entire decision to lock down schools was it was based on the response to the Spanish flu back in the early 1900s.

But the difference was the Spanish flu actually impacted younger people at much higher rates than it did older people. We knew by March and April of 2020, Buck, the data was out there that young kids typically were not having issues with covid at all and that this was a disease that primarily attacked the elderly.

BUCK: The truth of the school lockdowns is that there were adults who were part of the Democrat machinery of the teachers’ unions who didn’t want to go in to do their jobs, maybe they were in a panic, maybe they were in hysterics. But the challenge in explaining this to everybody was, why is it that the grocery store clerks down the street from me were showing up for work in March and April and May of 2020, okay? Those grocery stores were open. Cops were doing their jobs. Truckers were doing their jobs.

CLAY: Food delivery people.

BUCK: Food delivery people. But teachers, it was, “Oh, I’m so scared of covid,” according to the teachers’ unions. Now, I know there are a lot of teachers listening to this who are saying, Buck, I would have gone in, Clay, we didn’t want to stay home. I’m talking about the union bosses, all right, the ones that wield the power, so much so that Randi Weingarten who now is like, “Oh, what do you mean? We shut down schools and that was bad? Who could have seen that coming!”

CLAY: And also complaining, ironically enough, Buck, Randi Weingarten, we made school too political. What? You are the person who made schools too political.

BUCK: And she was meeting with Fauci in the White House to determine for everybody whether the schools would be open. Aside, we got a lot of people to want weigh in on the HGH CrossFit. We got some 55-year-olds that are doing back squats with 400 pounds, Clay.

CLAY: I understand there are some freakish dudes out there that can add massive amounts of muscle suddenly at the age of 50. I’m not one of them. And I don’t think most people are them.

BUCK: But, anyway, maybe we’ll get to some of that in a moment. I just think, though, what we just played for you, this isn’t a minor thing, right? Telling the American people, “I never…” Fauci saying, “I never advocated for lockdowns,” and then we can play you a clip where he’s saying, “Oh, I told the president to lock everything down!” How can anyone listen to this person still? He is the worst. You know who’s seen it all along? It’s why I love him. Senator Rand Paul. He’s known what a smarmy little tyrant Fauci is all along.

CLAY: No doubt, and it’s just funny to me that he says, “Go look at all my comments, you’ll never find it,” and then we find it almost instantaneously. That’s the great thing about —

BUCK: — audio clips for ’em, you know you do, Clay, you’d say, “You need the science, the data, difficult decisions being made about mitigation,” and it’s just the usual BS magic show that he pulls all the time.

CLAY: Yesterday, Buck, he said that he believes every kid needs to be in a mask again going back to school. That’s what he said.

BUCK: He is advocating for mass child abuse because he is so stubborn, pigheaded, and narcissistic that he will not admit he was wrong about everything and made everything worse.

CLAY: Again, I think you’re right — and we’ve talked about this for a long time — just based on giving Senator Rand Paul and Jim Jordan and others the House and the Senate the ability to really grill Dr. Fauci, you should be voting Republican this fall. Because he is the most destructive bureaucrat in American history, and he needs… I really believe this. I think he should be charged with perjury for lying to Congress.

I think that he should be charged with conspiracy over attempts… It seems quite clear to me based on some of these emails to hide the gain-of-function tax dollars that we sent to China. Fauci, in my opinion, has committed criminal violations and should be charged with them. At a minimum, he should be hauled in front of Congress, not allowed to tap out and grilled for hours about his inconsistent statements and lies. I just think it has to happen. And that’s a reason alone to vote red this fall, even if you weren’t fired up about many other things that Joe Biden has done. Fauci by himself needs to make this happen.


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