
Fauci Joins the Big Election Pivot, The View Lags Behind

CLAY: Dr. Fauci has joined all the other people out there who are suddenly seeing the light and arguing against the continuation of restrictions. He told the Financial Times… By the way, the number of outlets that Fauci has time to do interviews with continues to astound me, right, like, because he can’t come on this show. He’s too busy to come on this show why but yet I see him doing interviews with every outlet.

BUCK: He’s like (impression), “Here I am at the Bob & Sue Basement Show in the middle of Topeka, Kansas,” and I’m wondering. I’m like, “Not our show, though!”

CLAY: He can’t come on the biggest radio show in America, but he’s got time for interviews with all these different outlets. So look, he did the Financial Times in an interview yesterday. He said that he “agreed that restrictions will end soon and we’ll be largely over by the end of this year.” That’s interesting, because we’ve been telling you that the big pivot was coming because of the midterm elections.

Here’s a question that I have for you, Buck — and we’re gonna get to the stupidity of The View here in a moment, because this is one of the obstacles to normalcy is the idiocy of many people that are still out there in the media. But, Buck, when you see Fauci making pivots like these along with Dr. Leana Wen and all the other — I’m using quotation marks here — “experts,” do you think that it’s possible…?

‘Cause here’s my new theory. Fauci resigns in the summer, claims victory over covid, before the Democrats lose the House and the Senate, so he doesn’t look like he’s tucking his legs between his tails over what happens in the midterm. He retires ’cause he’s 82 years old or whatever he is, and he, then, is arguably let out on a… This is my prediction where the pivot is headed.

He is then lionized as a hero by the CNNs, the MSNBCs, the New York Times, and the Washington Posts of the world, rides off into the sunset in the summer, and that is one of their new narrative pivots is, “Biden defeated covid, Fauci defeated covid, and now they are resigning, because Fauci is no longer needed to battle covid,” and that is the narrative that they carry into the midterms. “We beat covid! Finally, everybody listened. We got enough people vaccinated. The masking worked! Kids are…” I think that’s where they’re headed.

BUCK: Oh, they’re gonna try for sure. Think about it. What’s their other move? “Joe Biden is a moron. We lied to you. We were wrong about everything”? That’s the truth, but they’re not gonna say that, obviously.

CLAY: Well, they could stick on the restrictions, and I think they’re recognizing now that will never work.

BUCK: So if you’re not gonna stick to the restrictions you have to come up with a victory narrative. You have to declare victory and let everybody go out now without masks on outside. I will tell everyone this now. I will never be grateful. I will never let this go. I will never be okay with what they did. I’m an anti-mask zealot.

I’m also going to hound Fauci for the rest of his days in public life as much as I can, because what he and the CDC and Walensky and others… The CDC should be torn down to the studs and rebuilt from scratch. It did nothing but make things worse throughout the entire pandemic. It became a tool of politics for the Biden White House. “Oh, we’re not doing mandates. We’re just listening to the CDC.”

And the CDC would say, “Oh, we’re not the ones ordering this. We’re just giving advice.” We know how the game is played. We saw it the whole time. The problem they’re gonna have going for the narrative point you’re making, Clay, which is what really matters to the left to the apparatus? Power. How are they gonna try to keep it? Which is what you’re saying: They’re victorious; they shut down the virus. Problem is, we just went through a really bad covid season with all-time record caseloads for a lot of places with a lot… We’re still actually —

CLAY: — rising on the deaths because they are behind three or four weeks.

BUCK: That’s right. We’re still seeing the tabulation of hospitalization and deaths going on. A lot of people died from covid over this winter period, and what we’re going to see — mark my words — is that the vaccine without booster or Omicron was far less protective than they were telling us even deep into December and early January as people were getting sent to the hospital and some people were dying from covid.

So the numbers are gonna be the problem for them, because I think they really believed that the super-vaccinated areas like New York City were gonna be fine. They were gonna be fine, and they’d be able to point that all those stupid Trump voters in those places —

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: — where, you know, people don’t live in 400-square-foot apartments that they can’t afford like me in New York, and point and say, “Oh, they’re all so stupid!” That didn’t happen at all. New York, L.A., D.C. got rocked with covid this winter.

CLAY: Remember this summer when the narrative was, “Look at all these stupid red state residents who didn’t get vaccinated and now they are getting crushed!” Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, all of us got destroyed ’cause we were stupid. We hadn’t listened to “the science.” And then what happened? All of the red states came through the covid wave, and then the covid wave spread, as we predicted that it would, to the Northeast.

Then we tossed in on top of Delta to Omicron, and all of a sudden, the AP… Do you remember this, Buck? The AP put out a style guide and said, “Hey, we have to stop referring to breakthroughs based on the geographic location.” As soon as it happened in the Northeast, you couldn’t then demonize red states for the failures there. So I think this pivot…

The challenge they’re gonna have with this pivot is, Buck, is they have so terrified the base of Democratic voters that 30% of people that are most in favor of restrictions, of kids being in masks, believe fundamental untruths — and they believe fundamental untruths because Democrats did whatever it took to win in 2020, including terrorizing people.

And we talked about even intelligent Democrats like Sonia Sotomayor, like Stephen Breyer… When you heard the arguments about the covid vaccine mandate in the Supreme Court, remember Sonia Sotomayor said there’s a hundred thousand kids or whatever it was on ventilators and they’re dying in massive numbers? And it was totally wrong. And then Breyer was saying, “Well, if we just got everybody vaccinated, there would no longer be any covid cases out there.” These are the smart ones. Well, The View are the dumb ones, right? And The View —

BUCK: They got some problems of their own. I think The View is great, though, Clay, for America because it exposes what Democrats who don’t read books or know anything think about what’s going on in the world around them. It’s almost like an experiment. If you actually are totally ignorant of reality, history, facts, and logic, these are your political positions; welcome to The View.

CLAY: If we had to pick, Buck, a media outlet that is the most opposite to our show on a daily basis, would it be The View?

BUCK: That has an audience?

CLAY: That has an audience, yeah. I think that might be.

BUCK: There are digital outfits for the left that are psychopathic Marxists who think there’s gonna… While they’re running adds ads for Amazon on their show, they’re like, “Yeah, man, overthrow the system!” They’re not even worth talking about. But, yes, The View is moronic, and can we get…? Everyone needs to hear this one — and remember, Sunny Hostin has a law degree. I believe she’s been a practicing lawyer.

CLAY: Oh, does she really?

BUCK: Yeah. I know, Clay. A lot of people have ’em. I gotta be honest with you. A lot of really dumb people on TV have law degrees, unfortunately. But here she… Don’t even get me started all the dumbasses who worked at the CIA, though. Here is Sunny Hostin who talking about the percentage of covid deaths among young people. Play it.

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: 1%, Clay. If that was correct, intubated and dies, 1%, you would have had quite literally millions of children — or, sorry, hundreds of thousands; pardon me, my math is bad — hundreds of thousands of children who would have died from this virus ’cause millions were infected.

CLAY: Yes. So that’s so flagrantly wrong, again, what she said she was worried about — and she thought, probably, she was being accurate when she said, “I don’t want my kid to be one of the 1% who is intubated and dies.” There are a fraction of kids. I think it’s a 99.98% survival rate for kids that get covid. And, by the way —

BUCK: It’s higher than that. You’re right about the official numbers, but what level of covid cases making up children who we know don’t even show symptoms most of the time —

CLAY: Correct.

BUCK: — and we couldn’t even catch?

CLAY: And, by the way, what I was gonna say is, people aren’t dying of covid. By and large, these are kids that are very ill, and also get covid on top of many other comorbidities. But what she is selling is the idea that one in a hundred of people who get covid are going to get intubated and die, and it’s so flagrantly wrong.

To your point, Buck, there would be hundreds of thousands of kids that would have died of covid if her number was accurate. Now, that’s a massive miss, right? And it’s the kind of thing that she sells to her audience, and many of them believe it. This is the challenge with Democrats: How do they dial back sanity and bring forth reality when so many people believe fundamental untruths?

BUCK: I do advocate for being nice to people, right? We like to be nice on this show. Some people, need to get the rough stuff sometimes on air. But, you know, public figures. But we try to be nice people. You’re already seeing folks who are saying, Clay, “Oh, well, even if the mask mandates gone, don’t judge me if I’m going out with a mask on,” and I’m sorry. No. We’ve crossed the Rubicon on this because we know the people that refused to live in reality want to make you live with their delusion too.

So I’m actually not going to be okay with this. I’m not going to stop antagonizing people who think their children should be masked up in school because the moment the political winds shift, they’re gonna want normal people’s children to be masked up in school too, the moment there’s another season of Omicron or season of covid. So, no, I’m not letting any of this go and people could say that that’s harsh, but stop masking up. It’s stupid. It’s a superstition. We’re done with it.

CLAY: What do you think when you pass somebody who’s young and healthy theoretically on the street outdoors and they’re wearing a mask? Doesn’t happen to me that often. Obviously, it’s happened a lot where I’m in L.A. right now. I think completely normally in my head as I pass them, “You are a total loser imbecile.” That’s what I think in my head. I don’t say it to them, but that’s what I think when I see a young person — and when I see a young person who’s a kid that’s being forced to wear a mask, I just feel so bad for them that they have likely had a miserable two years, thanks to their parents being idiots.

BUCK: I think that in a lot of cases, they’re suffering from what would be a diagnosable anxiety disorder almost like agoraphobia or something like that but it’s a fear of being in public without masks.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: We should come up with some term for this. I feel very strongly, as I’ve said, that “to Fauci” something is to mess it up beyond all recognition.

CLAY: (laughing) I like that.

BUCK: Everyone should just be like, “Oh, man I, borrowed my dad’s car, and I wrapped it around a tree, and it’s totaled. I Fauci’d that thing up!”

CLAY: The new F-word.

BUCK: Yeah.

CLAY: I like that.

BUCK: That’s how I feel about what a disaster that guy has been, and the data all proves it and shows it. I mean, you know, the amazing thing is, all the mandates that they pushed, Clay, for masks, for vaccines, for everything, was always premised under, “Shut up and listen to us. We’re going to shut down the virus and save so many lives.” They did all the tyrannical bullcrap they could get away with, and almost no benefit from it, right?

It would have been bad… I would be arguing against this even in any context, even if it worked nearly as well as they said it did. It basically didn’t work at all. I mean, when you look at Fauci saying that vaccine mandates still keep people safe indoors? There is zero data to support that the vaccine stopped the spread of Omicron. None!

CLAY: Well, and that Johns Hopkins study that was so well done that analyzed lockdowns and all of our behavior to see what actual impact it had, it got almost no attention from the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, the usual suspects. Not only are they anti-science, when science comes out to challenge their preferred narrative — even from an institution as widely respected in medicine as Johns Hopkins — they pretended didn’t exist.

BUCK: I had lunatics scream at me in my own home, the building where I live, because I walked past them — literally didn’t stop, walked past them — without a mask on. I had to deal with this. I’m not letting this go, man. I’m sorry. I’m a letting Fauci just go, “I’m gonna now count my millions in retirement and write books.” No. No. You apologize. You beg forgiveness. People can tell I am annoyed and agitated about these people.


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