Fauci Found! Plus, Will NYC Bench Unvaxxed Yanks and Mets?
17 Mar 2022
BUCK: We have found Fauci, so to speak, the little lab coat tyrant. He’s still out there. He’s not done. We’ve been telling you, he has a lot more tyranny left in him, in fact. He will never be done as long as there’s someone who will put him on TV or radio or perhaps even a YouTube show with hundreds of viewers. Fauci is not done. Here he is saying exactly what we’ve been telling you, that he is not in fact gonna walk away from restrictions.
FAUCI: We have to be careful that if we do see a surge as a result of that, that we’re flexible enough to reinstitute the kinds of interventions that could be necessary to stop an additional surge.
BUCK: He never stopped the surge, it never worked, he says the same crap all the time, he’s out of out of his mind. This is basically after the CDC director — and he’s really a bigger name and has more influence than she does because he’s in the government for longer than I’ve been alive — the top of the pyramid of bureaucratic covid tyranny, Clay, he’s straight up saying it, we’ve been telling everybody.
CLAY: He just escaped from the underground bunker, I think, that the Biden administration has been keeping him in. Do you know where that interview was, Buck, that we just played the audio from? Local San Diego news.
So Dr. Fauci now is so desperate to be relevant, they have sidelined him from CNN or MSNBC or any of those other usual outlets that he was on all the time, and he now is appearing on local San Diego news stations to let everybody know that the mask mandate may need to be re-instituted, that there may need to be indoor crowd restrictions, everything else, all of those measures which have statistically been proven time after time not to work.
Great example from the state of California, Orange County, no mask mandate, L.A. aggressive mask mandate, vaccine mandates, yet they’ve essentially ended up with the same levels of covid infection in Orange County and L.A. County, if you look at the overall chart, it’s absolutely identical no matter that those two counties have made drastically different decisions as to what policies to put in place.
BUCK: And yet here we are still hearing from Fauci, still having to live with the madness of Fauciism lingering out there in the background, which is why we can’t give this up, and it’s also why I think — and we may be joined here by Senator Rand Paul momentarily — we’re trying to track him down. But the idea that they’re gonna eliminate Fauci’s position from NIAID, there have to be consequences for being wrong, professional consequences.
If you can’t lose your job in the government over being essentially the covid czar and a real czar in the sense that it was whatever you said was what went, right? There was no real check on the power of the Fauciite because the the elected officials said it was their decision, and they pointed to elected officials and said they were the ones who were duly doing it.
We had Dr. Marty Makary on yesterday, Clay, we’re going to go into another covid season. Clearly the shots do not save from you covid infectious forever, not even for really more than, what, 60 or 90 the cause before it dramatically drops off. After six months and a new variant, it’s probably close to worthless for a lot of folks, at least in terms of infection control. And we’re gonna be back there. You’re gonna see the same arguments from the same people, “mask up!”
CLAY: There’s no doubt. And, Buck, I saw an article out yesterday, you know, you look at wastewater to determine the rates of covid infection, it’s ticking back up in the United States. We got through Omicron, everything came down on a substantial level, and now we’re talking about looking at Western Europe, England, Germany, some of the rates of covid there have gone back up substantially. And so it’s not as if this is going to disappear.
And this is why we keep telling all of you that the midterms have to be a time for consequences for Democrats and that the vote needs to be predicated on the idea that they will bring back restrictions as fast as they can, that your kids will be in masks, that you will be forced to go back to the idiocy that has not worked, these mitigation measures that have no impact.
BUCK: I know everyone who is in a red state right now is, okay, the plane thing is crazy, you guys are right but it’s not really our problem. Everyone kind of knows at some level that this stuff is nuts, right? Uh-uh. Here is world health official Maria Van Kerkhoff on CNN — ’cause that CNN audience, they want to hear, they have to wear an N95 mask on their bicycle in the bike lane all alone. Here they are.
WHO’s Maria Van Kerkhoff (@mvankerkhove): “It’s far too soon” to lift Covid restrictions.
“Wearing of a mask is a simple measure. They are well stocked around the world. They reduce the spread. Distancing. You know, being careful. We’re asking people to be careful.” pic.twitter.com/t7cXX47FoT
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) March 17, 2022
VAN KHERKHOVE: Wearing of a mask is a simple measure. They are well stocked around the world. They reduce the spread. Distancing, you know, being careful. We’re asking people to be careful. We’re asking policies in countries to use a layered, tailored approach and target it based on the need. It’s too soon to lift measures. It’s far too soon to lift all measures and in particular in certain countries. But we do recognize that countries are in very different situations. We were just asking people and policies to remain cautious.
BUCK: No. I say no. I say you’re wrong all the time, lady. You’ve been wrong the whole time. None of it worked. None of it helped. Stop.
CLAY: Buck, this is why I think paying attention to what’s going on in your hometown of New York City is so significant.
We’re coming up on baseball returning on April 7th, and I saw this this morning, and I was texting with one of my buddies who is a big Mets fan, and it was absolutely wild to think about because the Mets right now, so many baseball players are not being willing to admit whether or not they’re vaccinated, and by vaccinated I mean they got the covid shot.
And this is from Mike Puma, who is a Mets reporter. He said he walked around and tried to poll New York Mets players. Only three would say that they were vaccinated, and a bunch of big names including Jacob deGrom, Nimmo, Alonzo, Smith, Davis, they all refused to say whether or not they had gotten covid shot.
So we’re talking about — think about this, Buck — we’re talking about New York Mets and New York Yankees playing outdoor games in New York City potentially a large number of those guys not being able to play baseball in, what, a little bit over two weeks because of the rules that are in place in New York City.
And to make it clear — they would be to play — this is wild — they would be able to play any other city in America, and they would be able to play if they were visiting players. We’re talking about outdoor baseball games, two years after baseball shut down, the Yankees and the Mets, I know we’ve talked about inquire Cairo and phenomenal nets and how that’s been impacted, but this would be next level, Buck. Even you, who’s not a big sports fan, you know, people are pretty excited in New York for Opening Day.
BUCK: I know who Kyrie Irving is. I work in the media. Yeah.
CLAY: But the Mets and the Yankees are a big deal in New York in a way that, frankly, I think the Nets aren’t. I think this will be a much bigger story because there’s potentially a lot of big names, maybe Alonzo on the Mets, maybe you’ve got big names on the Yankees as well, when you start to talking about guys who are not vaxxed and not being able to play two years later, I mean, this is gonna be a monster story.
BUCK: I think that they’re leaving this employer mandate in place in New York, so that they have that covid restriction light switch. That becomes the first one. And remember, it was such a bad sign, Clay, when you had these vaccine passports in New York. I don’t know if they’re the same everywhere, but I think they are, the CDC card, right? There are all these slots on it.
CLAY: Yeah,
BUCK: And there are all these slots on it when they first gave you your card, when you first got it. Now, I waited as long as humanly possible until they were gonna bar me from being able to do my job or go anywhere in New York City. It’s almost like they at some level knew we’re probably gonna have to give you more shots and there’s a lot more shots coming your way so at least we’ll give you the slots on your vax passport for this. And think about how they’re going to come back to everybody with the justification next fall.
And here’s the only thing. How much of this is tempered — how much honest are they willing to actually show about their intentions with an election coming up. You gotta wonder. I don’t know. I don’t know how much this really moves the needle — I mean, in blue states it’s fine. People in the blue states aren’t done with this. That’s really the problem. They’ve made this a part of their culture. As I’ve said, the mask is the MAGA hat of the left.
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