BUCK: Here’s Fauci from the University of Michigan getting his honorary doctorate. This is what the crowd sounded like.
BUCK: In a fair world, I’m just gonna say — in a fair world, Clay — they wouldn’t be bestowing an honorary doctorate; they’d be actually pulling his medical license for disastrous decision-making and policy pushing.
CLAY: And firing him for being the most destructive bureaucrat in the history of the United States. But at the University of Michigan — which is a left-wing institution — you just heard that reaction when Dr. Fauci got that honorary degree. Even students who theoretically should be angry because they, of all people, had the least at risk in terms of being locked down basically for two years during the midst of their education at the University of Michigan, they’re cheering him. And it’s just pathetic how many people still haven’t seen the light of day.
And the cover-up is underway, right? Fauci… There’s a story in Politico — I’m sure you saw it, Buck — where Fauci is angry now at the Biden administration because the Biden administration is not taking covid seriously enough. He was upset that so many officials from the Biden administration went to the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. And even though Fauci himself went to some of the preparties and posed, of course, with CNN’s Don Lemon as a part of those festivities.
But also Bill Gates, who has been… You know, he’s not an epidemiologist, he’s not a doctor, but people don’t care. They want Bill Gates to be a genius, the left-winger lockdown crew. Bill Gates is now doing interviews, Buck, where he’s saying things that are a hundred percent not true. We’re gonna play this clip for you in a moment. This is a recent interview that Bill Gates gave where he says basically covid is a form of the flu, and that we really didn’t know that covid primarily was a threat to elderly people and that younger people were not that much in danger.
This is actually what Bill Gates is saying now. Even though, Buck, you and I were saying that on the radio back in April and May of 2020 just by looking at the data. People say, “Oh, you’re not an epidemiologist! You’re not a doctor!” But I can look at the data and analyze the risk that everyone has and tell that young people are not in danger compared to old people. That doesn’t require me to have some scholarly degree behind my name.
BUCK: I’m not an economist, but I know that milk has gotten really expensive.
CLAY: (laughing)
BUCK: There are some things you can just know.
CLAY: I know 8.5% inflation’s not good. Yeah, you can have that opinion without being an economic scholar. Here’s Bill Gates trying to pretend that we didn’t have enough information to make rational decisions. Listen to this.
BUCK: No, no, no. No, no. Notice at the end there which is even more wrong. It’s not that we didn’t mobilize fast enough.
CLAY: Way too much.
BUCK: It’s that we mobilized way too much, did way too much. Think about this. It became normal in American cities in the blue states and Texas, too, some other states as well — and early on, even Florida went into the two weeks, you know, two weeks to stop the spread or whatever. It became normal used for people to think that there could be essential works and nonessential workers —
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: — and that we would stop the virus if only the nonessential workers had to go around and do things and cook food and deliver it and keep the lights on and keep being police and EMTs and all of this other stuff, truck drivers. Some people had to keep doing their jobs, but the laptop class thought they were heroes for staying home and getting their cheeseburgers delivered to them, and this was supposed to make epidemiological sense? This was moronic beyond words, and all of us who saw it deserve an apology from the blue check MD brigade, but they’re cowards. They can’t think for themselves. They’re little box checkers!
You could be on the right side of the aisle walking down but you couldn’t be on the left side. All of this was so insanely stupid, and don’t miss what you’re seeing now, which is the people who told us to do the dumbest things are now trying to walk back the dumb things that they told us to do by saying, “You could have never known.”
BUCK: Nobody could have known.
CLAY: Yeah, nobody knew.
BUCK: This is gonna be the big excuse. “Oh, we just… We had the best intentions!” We’ve said this from the very… We’re two years in now. We’ve said from the very beginning. In May of 2020, I was saying, Clay was saying, “Masks don’t work, lockdowns are idiotic, what are we doing, this was crazy.” How do we know this? ‘Cause you sit, you look, you realize what’s going on, and unfortunately the economic impact of this is the part that I think has been so delayed. Right?
It’s almost as though America decided, “You know, what we’re gonna do? We’re gonna stay home, we’re gonna stop going to work and we’re gonna take that national credit card and we’re just gonna run up that bill, baby! We’re gonna get that credit card maxed out, but we’re gonna be so safe from the virus.” Okay. You can do that for a while, but eventually the bill comes due — and the bill is coming due right now with 8.5% inflation, with baby formula shortages, with supply chain issues, with the price of gas.
CLAY: That are gonna get worse, by the way, Buck, ’cause China’s still doing zero covid, and I don’t think most people… Have you seen the footage of the Shanghai port and how many boats are waiting in Shanghai right now? We’re gonna reap the consequences of this in the fall when suddenly there’s gonna be massive shortages of almost everything, right? I mean the supply chain is gonna get worse, I think.
And it was actually, as we now know, deep state and, honestly, Democrat elements like Fauci in the health apparatus that were essentially given this power and given too much power under the Trump administration for a long time. But now we are seeing that the economy is not a steak that you can just keep in the freezer as long as you want and then finally when you decide it’s time to bring it out, you let it thaw. That’s not how this works. That’s not the reality what we’re facing. And we’re in for — it’s gonna be rough here folks. Gonna be a rough ride. And the people that pushed this stuff should never be listened to by anybody in public life ever again.
CLAY: Amen.
BUCK: All they did is — all Fauci did is — make everything worse. I don’t mean a lot of things. Everything. He made everything worse for the whole country: Democrats, Republicans, you name it.
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