
FAA Changes Rule to Hide Photos of Illegal Aliens at Border

BUCK: We have one thing you can always count on with the media. They’ll go along with the dominant narrative of the Biden administration at any point in time, and they will decide that they no longer have to “speak truth to power,” especially if it could embarrass the Biden team, because one thing that your Democrat overlords cannot abide is being made fun of.

That’s one thing that is just unacceptable to them. They can’t look foolish and silly because that erodes their power. Well, you see this in action right now at the U.S.-Mexico border, notably in the Del Rio section. Del Rio, Texas. This would be the Rio Grande sector in Del Rio, and you have thousands — an estimated 10,000 — illegal immigrants, illegal aliens who have gathered together.

A lot of them are Haitian. A lot of them are Cuban. And there’s others too. Remember there are over 65 countries, give or take, represented just in the last 12 months who have crossed into America illegally. I have been down to the border numerous times. There are people from Bangladesh, from Vietnam.

You’re always being told, “Oh, what about the people coming from El Salvador and Honduras who are fleeing crime and…?” Okay. Well, what about the people from all the rest of the world who are fleeing whatever they say they’re fleeing too? This is an open border. That’s the problem. But, Clay, this is a real moment.

We’ve actually seen this stuff in real time. Because of drone footage courtesy of Fox News, you’ve seen this mass of people, thousands and thousands of people who are gathered under a highway overpass waiting to go into the United States interior. And the FAA, the Federal Aviation Administration, has suddenly said there is a two-week airspace ban! No drones around near this congregation point for over 10,000 illegal immigrants. This is just the Biden federal bureaucracy covering for the boss in the White House who looks like a clown with an open border.

CLAY: Yes, 100% that’s what it is. It’s also an attempt… If they can avoid imagery, they can hopefully persuade the media not to cover the disaster at our southern border. This is significant ’cause I think it ties in with Biden’s overall failure across the country. And maybe at the top of the second hour we can run through some of the data on how much America is rejecting the Biden administration in general from some of the most recent polls as he’s hit basically a 42% approval rating.

And what’s significant here, Buck, is we’re talking about 10,000 people, 10,000 people — and this is, by the way, just a small fraction of the people that are coming across our boarder like it’s a sieve. And, by the way, there is a huge percentage… We had Ted Cruz on yesterday, Buck, saying that of the young children that are in custody, there’s an over 20% covid positivity rate.

So if you are obsessed like the Biden administration is with vaccine mandates, this is an incredible hypocrisy. You are allowing people to pour across our southern border, which is a violation of all sorts of federal law. We’ll leave that aside. But at a minimum, it’s in direct conflict with the arguments that are being made right now about the importance of testing for covid and about vaccine passports.

Buck, think about this for a minute. You aren’t allowed to go out to a restaurant now or bar, basically, in New York or L.A. — our two largest cities — without having a vaccine passport. You are allowed to come across our southern border without getting any covid test at all. If you’re just being reasonable and knowledgeable and remotely consistent, which is more dangerous to America right now?

Everybody pouring across the southern border with massive increase in covid cases along that border, or people in New York City or L.A. being able to go to a restaurant and sit at an outdoor table at a bar and have a drink or dinner without vaccine passports? ‘Cause one is required; the other one isn’t.

BUCK: There’s clearly a double standard at work as well from the bureaucracy and from the federal government on the judicial side of all this stuff, because while we’re talking here about vaccine mandates and vaccine passports and all these different restrictions and regulations that are meant for public health, in fact, as we know, the CDC believed — which is madness.

It had the power to tell you that you — not you, Clay, but “one,” right. (chuckling) It had the power to tell people that they could not evict someone who is refusing to pay rent in their home because of covid. This was the definition of federal bureaucrat overreach. Meanwhile, under very legitimate Title 42 health authority, which says that you are allowed to tell people who are coming into the country during a pandemic, “Sorry, you can’t come in.”

A federal judge just yesterday has now blocked the Biden administration from even being able to use that — and the Biden administration has been avoiding using this or trying to get around it in a lot of ways, but this Title 42 power that it has to expel migrants showing up illegally because of covid risk.

A federal judge has basically just said, “You know what? You’re not allowed to use health authority to prevent people who are covid positive from coming in to the United States,” because illegal immigrants are a protected class according to leftist interpretation of the law. Give them special rights.

CLAY: They don’t even use the term “illegal immigrants.” It’s an offensive term now in their world, right?

BUCK: It’s actually technically illegal aliens and federal statute.

CLAY: Yeah, right but that’s now considered to be an offensive term.

BUCK: “Undocumented” is what they want to call them.

CLAY: Undocumented. Look, it’s also worth tying in — in addition to the flagrant hypocrisy going on with the covid not checking the border and simultaneously requiring citizens to have covid vaccine passports — remember, they’re also, Buck, trying to get citizenship under the budget reconciliation process right now.

They’re trying to get millions of people who are not citizens right now, allowed to become citizens under the budget reconciliation, which they could never pass right now in the United States unless — and they’re putting all the pressure on the Senate parliamentarian to argue that this is an acceptable way to use the reconciliation.

BUCK: I also think it’s worth noting that the way they’re trying to shoehorn eight million is what it actually is

CLAY: Eight million people!

BUCK: Eight million people is the number.

CLAY: After an election decided by 40,000 votes, by the way, and they’re trying to suddenly push in eight million new voters.

BUCK: Yeah, okay. But the reason they’re trying to do it is because they say it will expand essentially welfare programs, and so therefore it’s a budgetary issue. Meanwhile, if you point out that people who come into the country are more likely to need access to welfare — people coming in illegally and stay here — are more likely to need state benefits, get their health care at the ER, et cetera.

All the things that we talk about: English as a second language instruction, the public school system, all of it. They say that’s terrible; it’s racist. Meanwhile, the Democrats are actually saying, “We’re gonna have a whole lot of people that will have more access to welfare benefits. That’s why it’s a budgetary measure. That’s why we’re gonna need reconciliation.”

It’s madness that they’re even trying it and we’re all hoping the Senate parliamentarian has some iron backbone. You think, but you don’t know. And if they could get this thing through, Clay, it’s game over in the next election. So they’re throwing long bombs into the end zone right now. We’re saying, “Well, it probably won’t be caught.”

CLAY: Hail Marys, every now and then, work.


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