BUCK: “Buckle your seat belts,” folks.
BUCK: That was Larry Kudlow over on Fox News saying this inflation situation bad and unfortunately going to be getting worse — as we’ve been discussing with you here — in large part, because the Biden administration, the people in charge, instead of reacting to this — reacting to the stimuli, the data that comes in that demands course correction — they’re in double-down mode, essentially.
The Biden administration still pretending like if only we had spent more money, things would be somehow better. If only we had lit more matches and thrown them onto the kindling there have been less of a fire. This is crazy talk, but this is where they are, and people are feeling it. They’re feeling the pain here. They’re feeling the reality of what this is doing to their pocketbooks, doing to their monthly budgets.
Our friend Jim Jordan, friend of the show, Jim Jordan, said just yesterday — or maybe — yeah, just last night that, look, people are recognizing that the problem here is the people in charge. And that means that we probably want to go back to what was working before — and he’s got quite a swoop of blond hair, he’s spent some time in the sun. Here he is. Listen.
BUCK: Clay, it’s more than even just on the economy. There are more and more folks are coming around to say there probably wouldn’t be a war in Ukraine if President Trump was in office. Even some experts who don’t like Trump on foreign policy have admitted this. (chuckles) So I think this is part of what’s driving… It’s not just Trump. It’s the GOP. It’s the adults were in charge, Clay. That’s what some people are realizing.
CLAY: Well, look. The border wouldn’t be a sieve. I think it’s very likely — and we were some of the first to say this — that the reason why Putin felt like he could move on Ukraine was because of Biden’s weakness, particularly as it related to international affairs with the way that he withdrew from Afghanistan. Certainly, the police would have been far better supported, and the murder rate in this country is unlikely to have skyrocketed to the degree that it has.
Trump was, for better or worse, a businessperson who understood the ravages of inflation — and also, Trump had a good pulse on the things that were motivating American interests. And, Buck, I just heard this clip. We’ve got a brand-new press secretary coming in, and she’s being hired not based on her abilities, she’s been a liar on many different issues, spreading left-wing dogma.
And the way that this is really crystallizing for a lot of people out there — certainly moms and dads, parents who are trying to buy baby formula — is we got a major nationwide shortage. As you heard earlier in the program, we were taking calls from the East Coast in Savannah all the way to the West Coast in Santa Barbara, California, of people experiencing the same thing, which was this baby formula shortage.
Seems like something that you should be on top of if you’re in the White House, and so there was a question for this new press secretary, “Hey, who’s running point? Who’s in charge of trying to help parents who are dealing with this baby formula shortage?” This is something that a competent White House, if there were truly adults in charge, would be on top of. Listen to this answer and listen to this laugh if you are out there driving around desperate to find this. Listen.
CLAY: Buck, this is infuriating, right? First of all, you’re laughing at something that is making parents drive to eight or 10 different stores to try to literally feed their children. But I can give you a specific example. Buck, I fought hard for sports to come back in 2020 when it came to all the cancellations that were going on in high school, college football, and — in particular — I was working hand in hand with the White House to try to get Big Ten football back.
So for all you listeners out there in Michigan and Wisconsin and Pennsylvania who were big Big Ten fans — Indiana, Ohio — I know we got tons of you out there listening, do you know who they had running point in the White House? Great guy named Tim Pataki. He was 100% running point on getting the Big Ten. He deserves a lot of credit in the photo. He’s an Ohio State Buckeye grad. He was running point in the Trump White House.
My point is here, Buck, there was a guy. When I wanted to try to fight to get college football back, they had assigned Tim to be a hundred percent driving the bus on helping to make this happen for the Trump White House. How is there no one…? Buck, think about this: How is there no one running point on a freaking baby formula shortage in the White House such that they can’t even give us a name of someone who is focused on this, and how could you not foresee that there should be someone here?
BUCK: Just to give a sense, I mean, you remember when the “expert” class of Fauci and the rest were demanding the invocation of the Defense Production Act —
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: — for the million ventilators that we absolutely did not need.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: And in fact the history of the use of ventilators is one of the more controversial components of the early pandemic because of an incredibly high fatality rate and it was essentially a really bad approach early on. But the point being Defense Production Act; we need a million ventilators.
People can’t find baby formula for their kids. They can’t get it. Clay, we could have taken calls like the whole show of people that can’t find baby formula for their kids. The Biden administration… I know there was that actor who super glued his hand about the vegan milk prices at Starbucks (laughing) which is still amazing, by the way.
BUCK: If SNL was fun, which it is not, they would do sketches like vegan milk protester at Starbucks who’s actually a famous actor. But you see what this Biden administration is focused on. It is not actually doing the things that will help everyday folks. The central promise of Joe Biden was not only that there would be unity, which is laughable, like, there’s no effort at unity.
Joe Biden’s presidency so far has been defined by pushing for people to be fired as “the other” for refusing a vaccination that did not stop the spread — full stop, did not stop the spread and he with all know it. So that’s Joe Biden. He’s the anti-unity president. But he’s a guy who’s been giving the same speech for 40 years about how, “Oh, we need to get folks, you know, kitchen table, pay the bills, I know what it’s like,” the usual schtick.
And what are they actually looking at? What are they really delivering? It’s $40 billion for Ukraine, a wide open border, wants to spend trillions more dollars when inflation is at 8.3%, we’ve got the formula shortage for babies all over the country. You wonder, what do they think their job is? Apparently, they think their job is to make sure that your toddler can be taught about the 37 genders that the left made up yesterday.
CLAY: Yeah. How about we feed babies instead of worrying about what pronouns you want to use in your school when you’re in first grade? And here’s the other thing. Trump, to your point on the ventilators, Buck, accurately pointed out that we were going to wildly overproduce ventilators and we’re going to have a lot that were not being used. And the reason why I think that’s significant is when you run a business — and I know we got a ton of people out there who run small businesses.
That’s the backbone of our American economy. When you have to run a business, one of the most important things about running any business is figuring out how to spend your time. I ran a business before I sold OutKick to Fox. There are a billion things every day that are on your plate that you’re trying to address, and one of the particular skill sets that I think Trump had is, as a businessperson, he understood what mattered, and he intuitively knew what the American public cares about.
Think about Joe Biden who claims that he’s Amtrak Joe, Scranton, Pennsylvania, Joe. He’s a grandpa. How is he missing this huge baby formula shortage and not… If he were truly competent, Buck… Many of you out there listening right now, if you were in the White House, you wouldn’t be perfect on every decision, but recognizing what Americans are struggling with and trying to address it is the number one job, I would argue, in many cases of the president. How do you not have somebody running point on a baby formula shortage, and how are you not prepared for questions like this? How are you laughing them off?
BUCK: Well, it’s ’cause, you know, Grandpa Biden really could be and should be — just from a political optics perspective, out there telling people exactly what you’re saying. We’re on it, we know this is a problem, we’re working with private industry. I’ve been on the phone for the last hour with the head of Walmart, with the head of Target, with the head of Duane Reed or CVS or whatever. We’re breaking down every barrier; we’re gonna make sure there’s baby formula on the shelves.
“You know, we’ve gotta have more Ukraine flags in our bios and we gotta send them $40 billion, and this is a fight for democracy.” They’d rather talking about that, they’d rather focus on that. And there are limited hours in the day, limited decision-making capability. This federal government doesn’t have any answers for folks that are feeling the pain right now, Clay, and people who can’t find baby formula among them.
CLAY: He should be on the phone with every baby formula production company in the country saying what could the federal government do to help you get more baby formula on the shelves? Are you caught up in a supply chain crisis? Is there some inability to move your product around? Let’s facilitate that as best we can. This White House can’t even tell you who’s working on that in any way. It should be the president himself — and, at a minimum, it should be a high-ranking official. They don’t have anybody. It’s failure in every direction.
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