
ESPN Trots Out Jalen Rose to Peddle Jacob Blake Lie

CLAY: Buck, I don’t know if you saw it on Friday night in the wake of the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict, ESPN, for some reason, decided to have Jalen Rose, a former NBA player, as a part of their pregame lead in with this and get everything totally wrong, the misinformation, the disinformation is legion.

Listen to this.

ROSE: Here’s the thing. After Black Lives Matter protests actually taking place because Jacob Blake was shot and killed by police officers.

CLAY: It’s a lie, Buck. Jacob Blake, 18 months later Jacob Blake is alive! He was armed, the police were responding to a sexual assault. That was on ESPN, millions of people watching a basketball game and they trotted out Jalen Rose who completely bungled the story and helped to spread the idea that Jacob Blake’s a victim.

BUCK: We increasingly live in a society where people are not embarrassed to be wrong. They’re embarrassed to be on the wrong side. Doesn’t matter what the facts are. Doesn’t matter what the truth actually is, as long as they’re rooting for their team, that’s all they care about, whatever that means for the actual truth of the matter.


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