On the Warpath: Warren Throws Childish, Hysterical Tantrum
4 May 2022
BUCK: Elizabeth Warren is… Let’s just remind ourselves for a second. Yes, yes, I know people are shouting I left that open, a fake Native American, yes, that is true. But she is also —
CLAY: Pow Wow Chow.
BUCK: Did Trump call her Pocahontas –
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: — or Fauxcahontas? I can’t remember. It was one or the other maybe both.
CLAY: I think he may have gone with both. But both are great. I think of all the nicknames Trump has ever given, Pocahontas was the greatest nickname ever ’cause you can’t look at her without thinking of Pocahontas.
BUCK: Look, it was good but Low Energy Jeb for some reason really seemed to hit at the time. But, okay, hold on. She is, Clay, as we know, not just a lawyer, something you certainly know about as a lawyer, and not even just a law professor. She is a professor at Harvard Law School which I think she’s making, like, 300 or 400 grand to teach one class for two hours a week or something which is absurd. Here she is making her most eloquent legal argument — and by that I mean, throwing a childish, hysterical tantrum.
BUCK: I mean, she’s in like a breakdown stage.
CLAY: Yeah. And I don’t understand, the party that argues that democracy is under siege all the time, wouldn’t they welcome this becoming a democratic issue? If Elizabeth Warren is right and 69% of all Americans believe Roe v. Wade should be the law, then here’s what would happen. By the way, I don’t think that she’s right. But if she were right, then Democrats would overwhelmingly win at the ballot box over this issue, and they would have the right to codify whatever laws regarding abortion that they to want put in place. Like, I don’t understand the argument.
BUCK: By the way, a part of the argument, Clay, is that they lie about what they actually want. What the Planned Parenthood-approved movement for abortion is actually abortion for any reason at any time during a pregnancy, is what they want. They fight against any restriction whatsoever.
CLAY: That’s right.
BUCK: That’s what the actual left-wing, pro-abortion lobby wants. And then they play this game of, “Oh, but people want a right to abortion.” Okay, well, what does that mean? Because the actual polling from whatever you think of polling companies shows at, you know, the first trimester it might be a slight majority based on the polling, depends on the poll you look at. Second trimester, absolutely not a majority.
Third trimester basically the whole country wants abortion banned. Are third trimester abortions banned in every state? Look at what Colorado did: The most extreme abortion law at the state level passed you could ever imagine so they don’t want to actually have to defend what the movement pushes for. That’s a part of this.
CLAY: Well, and look, the reality is the 50 state laboratories are going to create a wide variety of different laws that pertain to abortion. They’re going to be some states — you just mentioned Colorado; I think California will certainly be one of them — where they’ll take it all the way up to places where it makes people really uncomfortable, right?
Because if you study it as I did while I was in law school, viability has always been a big part of the abortion analysis, right? When is a child viable outside of the womb? And the number of Americans that believe that abortion should happen post-viability — which is what some people at Planned Parenthood will regularly argue — is pretty tiny, right?
BUCK: Can I just say, Colorado just passed a law, just now, that abortion is legal at every stage of a pregnancy up until the moment of birth. So when Elizabeth is shrieking (impression), “Oh, my gosh! What are we gonna do? The country’s falling apart,” she’s lying to you when she says that 70% or whatever it is, 69% or 68% of the country wants this. That Colorado law? They couldn’t get a majority of the country with decades of propaganda to support that. So this is why they’re gonna have a problem.
CLAY: Yeah, no doubt, and in Colorado — we got a lot of people listening to us in Colorado right now — I think there are a lot of people saying, “Wait a minute. This is going to lead to extremism, when you’ve got babies that are eight months in the womb that are able to be fully functional.” Tthis is crazy stuff, right? And these are the debates that you have to have now in the political process, which is gonna be messy, but I think necessary.
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