CLAY: We’ve been talking about it for a while. You can go give us a 5-star review if you search out Clay Travis or Buck Sexton. Dub is in charge of reviewing these. Have you read these at all yet, Buck? I’m looking at them right now for the first time. So Dub has picked these. These are 5-star reviews. I’m gonna read a few of them.
I told you we’d do it, and if you reach out to Dub on Twitter, then I’ll get you an autographed copy of my book because you have made it. First one here, Buck, Johnny Trevor says, “How to get Dr. Fauci, Tony Fauci on the show: Get to his ego. For that day the show will be called “The Tony Fauci with Two Other Guys Show. He’s in.” Probably accurate.
BUCK: I mean, I think actually if we let him host it, if he got to call in as a guest and he’s like (impression), “And now on The Fauch Hour. I am joined by two horrible, untrue, anti-science people who are the worst, Clay Travis, Buck Sexton. Look at his hair. He’s ridiculous. Applicable to both.” You know, like, maybe then he would do it.
CLAY: Eagles Fan 61, “Buck, says, Fauci moped. I think Fauci stole Buck’s moped because he refused to triple mask while he rides it around town by himself. Great show. I really enjoy the banter back and forth and appreciate all the truth you guys share. Keep up the great work.” A lot of responses having to do with your moped. Are a moped and a scooter different?
BUCK: Yeah, I gotta fact check this. A moped is what Italian guys drinking tiny coffees drive around in.
CLAY: It’s actually cooler than a scooter.
BUCK: Yeah. An e-scooter is… Like, the scooter, the Razor scooter that I’m a lot of you bought for your kids with a little motor on it and it’s a bigger than that scooter and you just go bzz. You just sort of… It’s like you’re riding around on an electric razor or something. Like, it just is a little… You know, it gets you going. So —
CLAY: I think the moped is way cooler, honestly, than the scooter.
BUCK: Whoa. Whoa.
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: Way harsh, Travis.
CLAY: And not just because I watched that Luca movie, one of the Pixar movies I think was focused on everybody wanting a moped, and that was set in Italy as well. Yeah, I think it’s definitely cool.
BUCK: You’re sitting down on a moped, just so you understand. That’s the big difference.
CLAY: Yeah, that’s how you move on a mobile vehicle. Nobody stands on a vehicle that moves. This is the thing like standing with your scarf flowing behind you.
BUCK: I don’t understand. In New York City, it gets rough on these streets. I can throw a karate kick from my standing position so easily just in case, you know?
CLAY: I’m almost done with Cobra Kai, by the way, and that is true. You could wreck someone.
BUCK: That’s right. When I hit the little bell that goes “Ding-ding!” and somebody think funny, I’m like, “Karate kick!”
Got a great interview up with Bruce Pearl, by the way. Buck. I’m on the third floor in my house. So I think a couple of times on this show I’ve come running back up after going to get some quick lunch or whatever and you can hear me huffing and puffing a little bit.
BUCK: We know never to worry, ’cause even if you’re not in the video shot and not at the microphone. We know that within three seconds of the intro music you’re gonna come at a dead sprint like you’re running wind sprints in between during the commercial breaks and you tend to make it. But I will say doing radio when you’re out of breath is hard.
CLAY: It’s tough.
BUCK: That’s next level. That’s like the top tier. What’s the top belt in judo? Is it purple or something? Whatever, it’s —
CLAY: It’s always black. Isn’t black belt top at everything?
BUCK: Probably I don’t know.
BUCK: Sean in Williamsburg, Virginia, “Verb as ‘to Fauci,’ Clay and Buck rocking out another solid show today. Keep on trucking, guys. Rush would be proud. Thanks for the new euphemism today, i.e., messing something up completely forever. It will be known as pulling a Fauch or to Fauci something up.” I totally agree. I even say someone cuts you off on the highway and almost causes an accident, you yell out the window, “Go Fauci yourself!” Very important.
CLAY: I got cut off recently, and I actually wanted to stick a middle finger up. I don’t remember the last time I did it.
BUCK: Oh, man.
CLAY: I was legitimately angry. So I should have just pulled up and said, “Hey, Fauci yourself!”
BUCK: That would be on Dead… Is Deadspin the sports, left-wing sports site or one of those?
CLAY: Oh, it’s lost its… I think it’s like four people read it. It still exists but like four people read that site yes. Yes, me flicking somebody off would definitely be there.
BUCK: What’s the one that is all the celebrity stuff. TMZ! It’s TMZ, Travis. That’s where you’d be. Finn writes in, “Dub rocks. Better ways to get a 5-star review for me throw in an autographed photo of Dub, drive over to Beaumont, Texas, after your rallying with Michael Berry and buy me a beer. Dub knows how to get there.” So apparently, we got a Dub fan writing in about how Dub is the best. So that made the list.
CLAY: I think there’s only one left here, Ms. Carrie K. if you want to read it down here.
BUCK: Miss Carrie K: “Even my 6 and 8-year-old love it, y’all. We love us some Clay and Buck in this house. Just yesterday I was home with my 6-year-old who was home sick I was listening to the Daily Review and she was coloring. Clay says, ‘Everything Biden touches turns to crap.’ Without missing a beat, she says, ‘Well, that’s true, isn’t it, Mama?’
“And just like that, I know I’m raising a true conservative. Thanks, guys, for all you do. You got me through a drive from Nashville to California and back. You’re in Williamson County; we’re in Williamson County too. And bonus, one, for sucking up to the czar of 5-star reviews.” So there we go. Dub gets a lot of love in the reviews, I gotta say.
CLAY: Dub is getting a lot of reviews. Go give him a 5-star.
BUCK: He’s like the bouncer at the nightclub, you know. You gotta make nice with the bouncer at the nightclub.
CLAY: There’s no doubt.
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