Dr. Oz Joins C&B from the Trenches of PA’s Senate Race

CLAY: We are joined now by a man who is in an absolute battle and he needs all of your support to ensure that he is the next senator. From the great state of Pennsylvania, he is Dr. Oz. Dr. Oz, Buck and I have been rooting for you, trying to help as much as we can as we come down the stretch run here.

John Fetterman is maybe the worst candidate that has been nominated by either party in years, and it seems like people are starting to take note of it. What are you seeing on the ground in Pennsylvania, 29 days out from the election?

DR. OZ: Well, it was called the miracle comeback this weekend, but it’s exactly what we’re seeing. Folks are waking up. I always knew that Pennsylvanians were too wise and thoughtful to just reflexively vote without doing their homework. And they’re starting to do their homework and they do not like what they’re finding out about John Fetterman.

And just to put this all in context, you might say “How did this happen?” I mean, the Democrats didn’t ever want him to be their nominee. It’s money. He has so much money that he basically built a story around himself with commercials and tricked people into thinking he’s something that he’s not.

And it becomes that much harder to prove it because he never leaves his home and does much. Right? He won’t answer questions on the campaign trail from voters or from reporters. He won’t talk to me. He stalled the debates ’till the last second.

He only agreed to us for a shortened debate because he got so much pressure from everybody. But, here’s the basic story. This race should matter to everyone, not only because it’s going to determine control of the United States Senate, but because we’re doing a social experiment with John Fetterman.

He’s throwing out every far-left liberal idea that could be proclaimed. Doesn’t care about the repercussions of what he’s saying and believes that it’s where the rest of the country should go. So, he’s basically at AOC on growth hormone and steroids, but the things he’s saying are really harmful and dangerous. I’ll give you just a couple examples.

He believes that we should release one third of all prisoners, that we should abolish lifetime sentences for convicted murderers. He takes a strong stance about defunding the police. He wants cashless bail. These are all things that we have witnessed in other areas to be problematic.

I’ll go past that. He wants to decriminalize all drugs and open the border so fentanyl can flow in and he wants heroin injection sites. When that was done in Oregon, which just two years ago he endorsed it strongly, they saw a 50% increase in homicides and deaths from overdoses. So, the results of what he’s doing are evidently bad.

We’re witnessing them around the country. We don’t want to scale that up to a national level. And a senator who says, “First thing I’m going to do is bust the filibuster and start passing national laws mandating these things in your community.”

BUCK: Dr. Oz, you know, we’ve talked here about Philadelphia because it’s shocking when you see that it had its all-time murder record last year and is essentially on pace for the same or perhaps even a higher number this year. It’s staying right at that all-time peak level.

Pennsylvania state-wide, though — because obviously you’re running for the whole state of Pennsylvania to support you — what has the crime situation been like? I mean, what kind of decay? Obviously, Pittsburgh and other cities, what have they seen?

DR. OZ: Lawlessness is rising and people feel unsafe in Pittsburgh, which is a beautiful Midwestern city. Actually, they don’t feel like they can walk through the streets anymore. In Erie, I hear this again. The people who, no matter what the economic issues were, used to feel like they could get around, they don’t feel safe anymore.

Same up in Scranton, I hear it in Allentown and, you know, in Reading. So, we have got to get control of this. Now, the reason that the state Fraternal Order of Police and the Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police and the state troopers who guard my opponent — by the way, he’s lieutenant governor — they endorsed me because they know that no one has their back.

John Fetterman has been undermining them. And this is a message that everyone should hear clearly. If we tell police who are trying their best as they run towards crises to keep people safe, that we don’t respect them, want them, or desire their help, they’re not going to want to help. We cannot [unintelligible] the spots anymore.

And so, across the state, we’re looking at police forces who are dramatically understaffed. They have the money. They have no one to hire. And there are simple solutions that can help. One is, of course, reestablish confidence that people who are trying to help are actually doing their best and understand that no one’s perfect.

We can do things with community policing and everyone agrees we need to have, you know, cameras on vests. So, there are things that all of us can agree makes sense. But defunding the police, taking away the rules that have allowed us to live in harmony is not right, by the way. DoctorOz.com is our website. Please come and support me if you agree.

But what Fetterman is doing this is critical to understand is taking in huge amounts of money from the Democratic Party, primarily from the coasts. California, New York. It’s outside money. They don’t care about him. They don’t even know about him. They just want the 51st Senate seat.

And I say no, vote for the person who’s the individual understands your values will stand up and do what’s right for America in the face of difficulty. I’m not going to sit there and just vote one way because someone told me to. John Fetterman is so far-left, he’s stuck there in a rut. He can’t get out.

They won’t face the ramifications and the economic issues are shocking to me. He pushed Biden to spend more. He argued that if that if you like Joe Manchin, don’t vote for me because he’s too moderate. This is a guy in his own party.

He argues to raise taxes in every job he has, yet he hasn’t paid his own taxes 67 times. I mean, the hypocrisy is rank. These are the kinds of observations that people hear about and say, “Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound good to me.” And that’s why we will prevail on November the 8th.

CLAY: His parents funded his life – for people out there who don’t know – throughout his entire thirties and forties. He’s never had a real job. And for everybody out there who’s still angry that Joe Biden was able to run a campaign for president from his basement, Dr. Oz, you well know, John Fetterman is actually doing that even more so.

And he has major health conditions. I believe he has only agreed to debate you once, and it’s not ’till late October and it’s with closed captioning. The job of a senator is to talk and advocate for the people of his state. That’s literally the job. He doesn’t seem capable physically, in addition to all of the awful political ideas he has. But physically he doesn’t even seem up to this job.

DR. OZ: Well, we’re never going to know because you won’t release his medical records, even though everybody – The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette – everyone is saying, you know, “Tell people what is going on in your life.”

And the answer is always the same. Nothing. It’s a black hole. You get no information back. You ask logical questions. And the voters deserve to know if you’re healthy. They deserve to know what happened. Because he lied about his initial illness.

He has heart…. I have tremendous compassion for him. This is a bad problem. Heart failure, irregular heartbeat, stroke. He’s fought back from a lot. And you’ve got to hand it to him on that. And I don’t want him hurt by this. But the voters need to know.

And it’s about them, not me or him. Same for the debate. If you want to, let me ask you a couple questions. For the first time, anyone can ask you questions about these far-left radical positions. At least let it be a full debate. He’s foreshortened it.

This closed captioning, remember, allows him to go much slower. He doesn’t have to answer the questions quickly. He can very carefully read the words, process the words, take his time, think through his answer, and then give probably a couple of rehearsed answers.

If I ask three questions, I’ll be lucky. And I’m arguing, this is a debate where you prove you can be a U.S. senator. Pat Toomey, whose job we’re seeking to fill, has done several press conferences now, which is uncommon, hammering on Fetterman on the reality of what you just stated.

The greatest deliberative body in the country, the United States Senate, deserves to have people who are able-bodied and able to perform. You can do it if you’ve had a stroke. There’s no reason why medical illnesses should prevent you from doing it, but sometimes they can.

So, you have to actually establish to the voters what you’re able to do. He’s hiding and what’s wrong – and I’m pushing the press on this a lot – is everybody, including the press, should be asking him why. What are you hiding?

What’s going on that’s preventing you from opening up to voters and allowing us to understand all. Everybody who wants to vote. What’s really going on? If you’re truly as healthy as you say you are, then debate me multiple times and start doing it now so there’s enough time before the election because the absentee ballots have already mailed.

But if you’re lying to us, that should be a problem that people hold you accountable for instead of hiding behind, I mean, more than $100 million of advertising against me telling all kinds of tales. Most of it they know is false, but they’re willing to run those ads to protect him.

And I’m going to hit them back hard. Again, that’s why, please, if you bother, go to DoctorOz.com. But we’re putting a ton of money into this race to make sure we tell the truth about me more than he lies about me.

BUCK: And Dr. Oz. We’re speaking to Dr. Mehmet Oz running in Pennsylvania. We’ve got listeners. We appreciate all of you so much all across that state. And you’re going to come out and show up for Dr. Oz and get your friends a show for Dr. Oz, because this is going to be a close Senate race.

How much money is coming in to Fetterman? One fascinating phenomenon, Dr. Oz, we’ve seen in Georgia, for example, is that Stacey Abrams is the Georgia gubernatorial candidate of choice for New York and California.

Millions and millions of dollars pouring in for Stacey Abrams in, from people that don’t live in that state. What’s going on with Fetterman? Is he getting a lot of big checks written by Manhattan and Santa Monica?

DR. OZ: Same people writing checks to him. Again, it’s not about the individual. They don’t know anything about John Fetterman. If they knew that his goal was to get rid of the filibuster, pack the court and add more states, they might not think that’s so good because that can come back to haunt you when the Republicans come in to control.

But this is all outside money. And I’m pulling inside money from people who are panicked about him. And my story is very simple. You know, my dad grew up on a dirt floor. My family’s been blessed by opportunity. I worked hard, with a lot of grit, had success.

And the goal here is that I trust you more than overbearing government. And if you don’t think that’s the right way to go, then [unintelligible]. But if you understand what I’m saying and you agree with me, then at least hold Democrats accountable for their flawed ideas, which has driven up energy prices.

I mean, my goodness, he calls fracking a stain on Pennsylvania. It’s our fundamentally important industry and will help the country stay energy independent. He has ideas about crime and on drugs that have caused like a raging infection, a problem throughout Pennsylvania.

He’s turning the American dream into a nightmare. And so, as a doctor, I know what benefits there are giving the power back to patients. I want to give the same thing back to the people of Pennsylvania. The power to run their lives, to bring change, to heal a divided nation.

That way we’ll be prosperous and we’ll have peace of mind. That’s what I stand for. That’s a message Fetterman can’t go against and he won’t talk policy.

CLAY: You talked about the comeback. There were a lot of people writing you off in the summer. Some of the polls got you out to double digits behind. We can debate whether or not those were 100% accurate, but he was spending money like a drunken sailor against you.

Now that you are fighting back, do you believe you’ve caught him? Do you think you’re in the lead 29 days out? Because I’ll be honest with you, the way his campaign is responding and the desperation that they are showing makes me think that they now believe you’re in the lead.

DR. OZ: We might be and I’m very clear about this with my team, because I played sports my whole life. As you know, I played football in college. I just watched Penn State win, by the way, that rain-drenched event. My first time I could go to a sporting game in a long time.

CLAY: Yeah, you got criticized for the alcohol you were drinking at a tailgate, which is, I think, kind of a sign of how desperate the Fetterman campaign might be.

DR. OZ: Yeah, but he got crucified for criticizing me because people say he’s talking about… A bunch of young undergrads came by. Try to get a picture with me. I had a good bottle, a glass of wine in one hand. They had a couple of beers.

And that’s the kind of thing you’re talking about running for the U.S. Senate that bothers you, that I am enjoying time talking to undergrads about their lives and what’s going down? But your point is an excellent one.

But like anyone who plays sports, I don’t stare at the scoreboard. I’m focused on winning every single play that I’m involved in. We are doing that over and over again. The race is tied. It’s a toss-up. You know, all the big groups are basically great on that.

That’s how we should think about it. But I’ll tell you, even if I was ahead, I’d play like I’m five points down because I’m not going to take my foot off the pedal. It’s too important a race, too important a time in American history. And this is a transformative moment.

We put the wrong person in the Senate from Pennsylvania, look at the geography. There will be no, no Republican senators north of North Carolina on the Atlantic seaboard ’till you get to Maine. None. And that’s not good for the country. You want to have mixtures and purple states like Pennsylvania are important at the presidential level, but they’re also important to balance the country.

Someone like me, pragmatic, thoughtful, understands that there’s a middle that I can reach across the aisle and deal with the number one question I get asked, which is, “What are you going to do to fix the problem? Don’t bicker with the other side. Just fix the darn problem.”

And I keep saying I’m a doctor. That’s what we do for a living. We fix the problems, and I’ll do that in Pennsylvania.

BUCK: Dr. Oz Everybody. Doc, what’s that website again?

DR. OZ: DoctorOz.com. And I’d be wrong if I didn’t mention I’m wearing a Phillies polo shirt with a Eagles blazer on top of it, which is a good thing.

CLAY: Hey, I love it.

DR. OZ: I don’t want to talk about….

CLAY: I love it. The Phillies are in the playoffs. They’re advancing. They’re going to lose to my Braves. But the Eagles are 5-0, right now. They are on fire. So, that’s a good combo right now. Lots of winning going on with those two teams.

DR. OZ: Well, it’s a time in your history. It’s not always a happy time with our sports team, but we’re over the moon right now. So, God bless you for making a great show.

BUCK: Thanks so much, Dr. Oz. Appreciate you. Clay, you know, for that whole wine in the hand thing, I just got to say. Wasn’t $75 tequila shots like Jesse Kelly. I’m going to throw that out there. Wasn’t that.

CLAY: We need all of you in Pennsylvania to help. We told you. I told you. Like, what is it? Two months ago, I said, “Hey, Dr. Oz, the underdog here, he’s going to win.” Everybody thought we were crazy for telling you.

I think he has pulled ahead, but he needs more steam. He needs everybody in Pennsylvania coming, getting in line behind him. John Fetterman would be the most disastrous Senate candidate that you can possibly imagine if he were to win.


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