CLAY: We’ve been talking almost entirely Ukraine, okay, so far, obviously, with that’s going on in the country. But I didn’t want our good friend Dr. Leana Wen at CNN to avoid… Buck, even for the wild pivot that we have seen from, “Everybody has to be wearing four N95s, everybody has to be vaccinated, you shouldn’t be able to get on an airplane and travel anywhere in this country,” to all of a sudden Dr. Leana Wen sounds like Clay Travis or Buck Sexton when it comes to analyzing the impact of schools being shut down.
Now, it took her two years after us to catch up for Dr. Wen. Listen to this cut. This was CNN last night. This was not Clay Travis or Buck Sexton in April and May of 2020. Leana Wen has suddenly discovered, CNN’s top medical expert (summarized), “Hey, when kids aren’t in school, it actually ends up having a really negative consequence for them.” Listen.
BUCK: Clay, can I just say some of us have been saying this for two years, basically, and what’s remarkable is how many people I guess they go along with this now as though it’s a revelation. All of this is obvious. Everyone should have known all along there were going to be dramatic consequences to taking kids out of school for a whole school year, in some cases more than a whole school year, and masking up children in school and all the things that have been done to them and separating them and making them — in the case of New York City schools — eat their lunch outside and masking up between bites in 35-degree weather.
This was always crazy. It’s just now that it’s no longer politically necessary to go along with the lies, people like Dr. Wen will speak the obvious truths that have been known all along. These people, there’s something sociopathic here about the Fauciites, and there has been all along because there’s no way they didn’t know this. They were either in on the apparatus of control or they just were too scared to speak the truth, which unfortunately was true of a lot of people in the science and medical communicates — scientific community, medical community. Very troubling to see how many of them were just, “I don’t want to get yelled at. I don’t want people to be mean to me over this one.” Well, a lot of kids are gonna have very different life outcomes now as a result of that cowardice, in part.
CLAY: You and I were saying this in May and June of 2020. What’s crazy, Buck, is the American Academy of Pediatricians — I may be bungling that name a little bit, but the largest group of pediatricians — came out in June of 2020 and said that kids needed to all be back in school, and yet nobody followed the science. They got political pressure rained down upon them, the pediatricians did, from all of the teachers out there. But make no mistake about what is happening.
You and me, Buck, and lots of our listeners out there either long-term commitments or have slowly had themselves red pilled over the last several days and weeks and months as all this has piled up, we were all right. And there have to be consequences when there are multiple options in a democratic system and one group of people makes the right choices, makes the correct judgment for everybody — black, white, Asian Hispanic, gay and straight, all age kids, all age parents.
When we made the right choice and we said, “Kids need to be in school, they don’t need to be in masks, there are gonna be severe learning consequences that manifest themselves for years and years into the future and the other side is wrong on all of that,” I’m not willing — and I don’t think you are either, Buck — to just say, “Oh, welcome to the team, Leana Wen! We’re so glad to have you.” No. No. There have to be consequences for the politicians who listened to the Leana Wens of the world and made disastrous decisions for our kids. And if they aren’t, what’s the purpose of an election at all if you’re not holding your leaders accountable?
CLAY: He’s with us tomorrow, by the way, right?
BUCK: That was the next thing was gonna be with us tomorrow to talk about the data and where it stands now. You’ll notice they’re not talking a lot about it right now. I think there are reasons for that. This comes right out — obviously the Ukraine war is front and center of the news cycle, but they haven’t been speaking about it really for days, ever since that revelation that…
Let’s all be very clear about this. This is a party of fact, now. This is established on the record. The CDC has been hiding data that it has about critical aspects of the covid response because they’re worried that you and us, the peasants, in their eyes, will misinterpret those big, scary numbers if they actually show us the numbers. In any other area of American public life of consequence, this would be a massive scandal. Imagine, you know, if the Pentagon was hiding number of casualties in a foreign war.
Imagine if the Treasury department was hiding the actual level of taxation that people were paying or whatever it may be, right? I mean, there’s so many things you could point to. Hiding key data from the public for their own good. That is authoritarian, dictator bullcrap, and I think we all see it as such. It’s gonna keep going like that unless the Democrats get scared after the election that their party will be thrown out of the political wilderness for years and years to come.
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