
Don’t Think “15 Days to Stop the Spread” Can’t Happen Again

CLAY: Now, Buck and I — some of you out there continue to not believe that this is real. You think to yourself, wait a minute. “15 days to slow the spread” happened back in March of 2020. We’re now advancing rapidly on August of 2022. The midterms are here, almost. You’re thinking to yourself, there’s no way they’re gonna bring back covid. I’m telling you, you’re wrong.

And this story is a great sort of canary in the coal mine moment for what I think is gonna happen all over the state of California, all over the state of New York and, frankly, in many blue cities inside of red states. It would not shock me if my hometown, unfortunately, of Nashville decided to follow lead that we’re seeing right now in San Diego.

And what you’re also recognizing is the people who are making the arguments for the return of covid and the return of masking are not particularly adept at making the case for why masks are necessary.

Listen here to the head of the San Diego school district as she makes argument for why it is necessary. This is Sharon Whitehurst-Payne on what should happen for people who don’t want to mask when they return to school in San Diego. Remember right now it’s only for summer school. But what should kids do or parents do if they don’t want their kids wearing masks?

BUCK: We ran the experiment with Zoom school. And Zoom school is not school. It does not work for kids, particularly for kids who do not have well-off and more educated parents, right, particularly for children who need more assistance from the school system in person, this idea that you better mask up or else your kids aren’t even welcome in school is cruel. These people are monsters who are saying this stuff.

I know they think they’re the good guys, but they’re actually not. This was just from this morning on the Daily Mail, which is, I think, on a global level the most read news site in the world. I think the Daily Mail, it’s certainly high on the list. Maybe it’s top five.

The astonishing data that may prove masks don’t work as covid cases in Singapore and New Zealand overtake Australia despite super obstetric mandates. The quote is, “They don’t matter.”

Yet again we are running in real time another experiment where Australia has relaxed mask mandates because they realize after a while covid just ripping through everything, what are we even doing. Singapore is one of the strictest places in the world for laws, period and also has super high compliance with the laws among the population. And their cases per capita are outstripping those in Australia.

How does one place with super obstetric masking have more covid, Clay, than another place just next door with no masking?

CLAY: Well, and this is why it’s disappointing, the decision that’s being made right now in San Diego. Because we know in Southern California in particular L.A. County and Orange County, which have had very different masking requirements, have had virtually identical rates of covid, as you would expect when there’s not some massive wall dividing one county from another, these are arbitrary lines, very often, that you wouldn’t even know what county you’re in if you’re driving on the 405, for instance, in the Southern California sprawl.

And, Buck, what she said is so chilling because it’s what so many kids are doing — I saw the data from New York City — I bet you did, too — on the number of kids they just lost that just are not coming to school anymore.

First of all, if you’re in summer school — let’s be honest — you’re listening to us right now and you went to summer school, for a large majority of you that went it wasn’t because you were stellar students. It was because you were having to make up for something that happened in the prior school year. That’s why most kids go to summer school, okay? I’m not talking about advanced, you know, governor schools or school camps or whatever.

I’m talking about going to summer school so you can advance to the next grade. Telling those kids, hey, if you don’t wear a mask, just don’t come, you’re effectively telling many of those kids, book, sayonara, we don’t need you in school. It’s exact opposite of what you would want an educator to be telling people in this country.

BUCK: And the New York City school system is losing 30,000, they’re projecting 30,000 students this fall.

CLAY: Yep.

BUCK: They’ve already lost far more than that in the previous year.

CLAY: Over a hundred thousand, I think, prior that have been lost, right? I mean, it’s crazy.

BUCK: It’s a big number. But I think, of all the school — remember, people are masking in schools, that also doesn’t mean that they’re necessarily masking in, you know, grocery stores, restaurants, bars, play group areas, whatever, right, when it comes to the kids.

And Spain, the country of Spain accidentally in essence set up a perfect school masking experiment. This is the best one I think you could find, because it’s the entire — it was nationwide, 6 and up you had to mask in school as kids. 5 and below you did not have to mask in school for the entire school year. Does anyone want to guess what the numbers and the research — research showed for the four million school-age children in Spain?

No damn difference. None. Curve goes up, curve goes down. 4-year-olds get it, 6-year-olds get it, no difference whatsoever.

They don’t even try — no one even asked Fauci to try to explain this. He would say, “Oh, you know the data, “and he would do the usual razzle-dazzle of bullcrap. But we ran a huge experiment, I mean, in a country with better metrics and much closer data watching than we have. And it does nothing. And I go to Asheville and I got the blue-haired commies coming after me like an angry mob online.

CLAY: Well, Buck, you remember, right after we started this show, I went and spoke at my local school board. I got two kids in public school, like right here in my hometown. And when I said that you didn’t need to wear a mask and it made no difference, you would have thought, to the left-wing Blue Checkmark Brigade, that I had just come out and said, like, “Hey, the sun, you know, doesn’t rise in the east and set in the west.” It was like how dare you even argue against masks.

And then we have perfect data here. Williamson County where I I live, the Franklin, Brentwood area, versus Davidson county which is Nashville, where I grew up, absolutely the same rates of covid for kids. Nashville has required masks forever. Just south of town they did not. Exact same rates of covid.

BUCK: I mean, they refused but they so easily could. It’s important that we know this. Masks hurt children developmentally. Masks I think create psychological problems for people. I also think you could tie this into the rise in criminality that we have. Everybody is walking around without their faces being seen or shown on cameras everywhere, all the time. I think this is horrible for society. I’ve always thought it was horrible. I have never changed my tune on that. I have hated this. When Trump was president I hated masking. When Biden’s president I hated masking. They could set up an experiment in New York City or Los Angeles, take a hundred schools here, a hundred schools there, one with masks, one without. They won’t do that because it’s too dangerous for our children.

CLAY: They know what’s gonna happen.

BUCK: Even though the chance of any of them dying from covid is one in a million.

CLAY: Yeah. They know what’s gonna happen. And they know that when that data came out, that it would be significant because everybody would finally say, you’ve been lying to us for years. And my concern on top of this, I’m flying again this weekend, I flew this past weekend. Buck, there were a lot more people I saw in the hospital — in the hospitals — in the airports wearing masks than I did the previous time that I was flying. I fly a lot. And I can see an uptick. And I know that the Biden administration wants to bring it back. I know they do.

BUCK: N95 masks when I was there, young people, 30-something years old, N95 masks on the treadmill.

CLAY: I mean, you have to be way more likely to pass out while wearing a mask like that and breathing heavily on a treadmill. You’ll never convince me otherwise. Your kids on the basketball court or running track, for God’s sakes.


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