MCENANY: You always ask yourself as a press secretary, do we have a messaging problem or a facts problem? Well, now you’ve got both. You have a president who is running the country into the ground, further and further. Deeper and deeper. And you have a press secretary, I’m sorry to say it, who just isn’t up to the job. I mean, she called Justice Clarence Thomas, Judge Thompson. Not only that, she’s always saying, I don’t have anything for you, on something like the baby formula crisis. So they’ve got both. I mean, you’ve got a messaging problem. You’ve got a facts problem. Nothing is redeeming about this administration. I believe John Kirby is going to take that lectern at some point, because it’s getting pretty bad.
BUCK: That was former press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, a friend of the show. Kayleigh and I got into media around the same time. I remember she was on my panel show at TheBlaze, back when Glenn started TheBlaze in 2012 or 2011. Kayleigh was then — obviously, rose up, became a superstar, White House press secretary. But she’s raising a good point here, which is, not only do you have a Biden administration that at the very top, the president himself is clearly — I mean, it is blanket over the knees, sippy cup, feed the ducks time for this guy. And that’s fine. We’re all hopefully going to be so lucky to live to that point in our lives. But it really is time for him to spend time with the grandkids, or the great-grandkids. Or, you know, help Hunter a little bit more. There’s some stuff he could be doing, other than running the country anymore.
CLAY: I think that that the Biden White House is so incompetent, that it’s going to destroy anyone’s ability. Because I do believe that Joe Biden is not going to run. And I think the overall specter, the aura of incompetence surrounding the Biden White House, is going to leave to Democrats ending up with a clean break.
So I think it’s going to torpedo Kamala. I think it’s going to torpedo Mayor Pete. Anybody else who is in this administration right now. And that’s why I ultimately think Democrats are going to end up nominating Gavin Newsom. Now, Dick Morris. Remember Dick Morris? He wrote recently.
BUCK: Everybody remembers Dick Morris.
CLAY: The triangulating genius.
BUCK: A lot of stuff with Dick Morris. We remember Dick Morris.
CLAY: Yes. Of the Bill Clinton administration, says that he believes what’s going to end up happening is that Hillary is prepping herself. And that he believes, there’s going to be so many left-wing loons, that are going to rush in to try to film the Joe Biden void, that Hillary is going to be the savior of Democrats and be nominated in 2024.
BUCK: I mean, if Hillary emerges even a little bit, you know Donald Trump knows he can beat Hillary. That’s done. And I’m not saying he couldn’t even beat Biden. But I don’t think there’s no way he wouldn’t want to get involved in that matchup. So that makes for some interesting possibilities here.
CLAY: You’re right. And the challenge for Republicans is going to be nationalize the overall decision making of 2022, such that there are coattails, so you’re able to pull some of these guys across the finish lines, in what is likely to be very competitive races.
Dr. Oz, as you mentioned in Pennsylvania, that was a bruising Republican primary. So far, everybody has not gotten aligned behind him. Fetterman is running, effectively, a Joe Biden 2020 campaign, where he’s got health-related concerns. And has not been out on the trail, hardly at all. And then you have Herschel Walker against Warnock. I tend to think Herschel is getting his message refined. And football season, I think is going to help him, with a lot of Georgia bulldog fans. And I believe Brian Kemp is going to beat Stacey Abrams pretty soundly.
CLAY: Yeah. People of Santa Monica are going to be upset about that. Yeah, people in Santa Monica being raised for Stacy Abrams’ governor’s campaign. And then we got, look, like you said, Nevada, Arizona.
There are a lot of places out there, where it’s going to be a fine line. Where, look, we’re number one in Phoenix. We’re number one in a lot of demos in Las Vegas. A lot of you listening out there, in many of these states. In Georgia, all over Pennsylvania, we’re talking about 1,000 votes, potentially deciding who wins Senate votes, Senate races. It will be tight.
BUCK: Oh, yeah. You’re going to see some critical Senate races. This is why, on the one hand, we’re sitting here saying, what’s obvious, and what is true and even Democrats are admitting now, which is that this White House is a mess. But that doesn’t mean that things are just going to all lock into place here. Fetterman is a surprisingly tough candidate in Pennsylvania. You have a sitting senator with Raphael Warnock is in Georgia. He’s got a lot of support nationally. He’s got a lot of support even in the state of Georgia obviously. So we got to stay focused, everybody. We got to look at the issues are in these individual states, who these candidates are. And it’s — you’re going to have Senate races that come down to 10,000 votes. And to your point, Clay, one of those races is going to be just a razor’s edge margin.
CLAY: 1,000 votes one way or another.
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