
Clay and Buck

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Don’t Be Shocked If Mask Mandates Return to Red States Too

25 Jul 2022

CLAY: Buck, Friday evening I’m headed down to Florida to go speak at the Sunshine Summit. I check my phone and Rand Paul has shared, senator from Kentucky, that Jefferson County in Kentucky… That is where Louisville is located; thank you to all of our Louisville listeners. We are number one in that marketplace because of you guys, and we thank you for listening to us. Louisville is a blue city in an otherwise red state, and I know we can argue about the fact that somehow Kentucky screwed up and ended up electing a Democrat governor who has no business being in office and is gonna get swept out here when he’s back up for reelection.

But this is a red state. This is a state that Trump won by 30 points or so, an overwhelmingly Republican state. Rand Paul is gonna win by 20-plus points reelection. And what I thought about when I saw that was, first of all, fury because if I had kids right now in Louisville schools, I would lose my mind over the fact that my kids are gonna have to start wearing masks again. That’s what they officially have announced with kids preparing to go back to school there soon in Louisville. And, Buck, this perfectly crystallized what we have been telling so many of our listeners out there.

That just because you live in a red state does not mean that your kids are necessarily going to be able to avoid this continued mask insanity. We know kids right now in San Diego who are in summer school are back in masks, and when I saw Louisville making this choice, I said, “My goodness. If a school district in Kentucky is doing this, then there are gonna be a lot of blue cities, a lot of blue regions, even of red states, where kids come this fall, especially in the South where everybody goes back early…” My kids start back to school I think August 5th.

It’s super early, and for a lot of you out there depending on how your school districts work. But in the South, getting ready for football season, everything else, people go back early, and there are gonna be elevated numbers of this BA.5 variant, and I’m afraid there are gonna be a lot of kids being treated unfairly like is happening in Louisville. And, Buck, just crystallized, I texted it to you as I was about to take off on the airplane, I said, “Hey, this is it. This is what we’ve been telling people they need to be afraid of.”

BUCK: I was saying in the summer of 2020 to anybody who would listen when I was doing the 6 to 9 p.m. syndication, Clay, I was telling all my folks across the country, “I know you think that you’re gonna be fine if you’re in a red state, but I’m telling you the Fauci madness is coming for you,” and then, as we know, later on, once the vaccines — 2020, the Fauci madness, Trump was president — I’m trying to make sure I get my timelines right — and then of course as we got into the Biden administration —

CLAY: It does feel like Groundhog Day.

BUCK: I know. Keep it all straight.

CLAY: You keep having to make the same arguments even though there’s no way that you think you’re going to have to keep doing it.

BUCK: But, you know, there was that period where the red states under Trump were breathing free, fresh air. (chuckles)

CLAY: Yep.

BUCK: Seemed like mask mandates were being limited. Although even the great state of Florida when I would go to Miami for visits, see my brothers, they had mask mandates. I will never forget when I was staying at a beach resort and I went out to… There was like a little stand; you have to sort of check in before you go lay out on one of the chairs, and I was maybe 10 feet away from a woman in the stand and she said, “Sir, I’m gonna need you to put your mask on if you’re gonna talk to me.” That was in Miami. That was in Florida, and that was Miami city policy.

The city of Miami is run by people, apparently, who can’t actually look at data and come to rational conclusions. Plenty of other places like that as well. And as long as you have Democrats in charge of the federal government, you’re going to have this. As long as you have Democrats in charge of city bureaucracies, too. I mean, you’re supposed to wear a mask on the subway, not for restaurants, bars, workplaces.

Not that I want that to happen, either, but you’re supposed to wear masks on the subway because people yet have not… I really do think there’s a psychological block because one of the reasons fraudsters get away with fraud for so long — and this is well known. You talk to former FBI agents, for example. “How did this guy rip off $5 million or $15 million from people in some kind of a swindle?” It’s ‘cause people don’t like to admit that they have been swindled.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: A lot of times if they can afford to just eat the loss, they don’t want to go to the FBI or to the police. They don’t want to say anything. Some people do, some people don’t, but especially people that have more disposable income are like, “I don’t want to.”

CLAY: I see this sometimes too, Buck. They don’t want to deal with it. They don’t want to acknowledge that they got taken.

BUCK: That’s right. And I do think that there is just a block in the minds of tens of millions — definitely millions, maybe tens of millions of dollars.

CLAY: I think it’s tens of millions.

BUCK: Well, but of otherwise sane, rational Americans who just cannot process that all this stuff — the masking, the shut-down playgrounds, the vaccine mandate, the vaccine passport, the mask up between bites on planes — was completely useless, and many of them happily went along with it.

CLAY: Yeah, and I think a lot of those people, Buck, are also just incredibly trusting. And that’s why it so disgusts me when I hear people like Dr. Birx or Dr. Fauci constantly shift the definition. This ties in to me with what’s going on right now. So, everybody out there listening to us right now, I met a bunch of the Moms for Liberty this weekend down at the Sunshine Summit. God bless all you moms out there that are fighting hard on behalf of your kids all over this country. The wake-up call… Covid was a wake-up call that many of us who have our kids in public school needed.

I’ve gotta tell you, I know you’re tired, I know you feel like you’ve been fighting the same battles for so long. I feel, unfortunately, Buck, like there are many people out there whose kids are going to get masked. They’re gonna put your kids in masks. I’m telling you they’re gonna do it, if they can. You need to stay organized, you need to stay aware of what the school boards are doing, of what your elected health officials are attempting to do. Most of those, by the way, not elected health public officials like Barbara Ferrer, this idiot who has ruined L.A. in terms of a covid response for so many people out there. I gotta tell you, man, you need to all stay organized and being aware because that Louisville news hit; I couldn’t believe it when I saw it. I was so disgusted.

BUCK: How do you get just universally understood to be awful politicians like Bill de Blasio, for example, who just had the well-deserved humiliation of, in a very blue, very Democrat congressional district in Brooklyn, even those libs — and they are the most lib of the libs were like, “You are a disaster.” (laughing) Even if you’re a progressive, even if you’re a commie, de Blasio is too disastrous for that ideology. But how did he get two terms as the mayor of the biggest city in the country, a job that a lot of people think can be even a steppingstone — he clearly thought so — to the presidency?

Because people are apathetic and they forget, because people just think, “Oh, well, what did he really do? Was it that bad? What does he stand for?” I understand that right now there’s this mind-set of covid, the vaccine mandates, the vaccine passports, we’re out of it for the most part; we shouldn’t really be worried. If there is not a message sent in this midterm election, I’m just trying to tell everybody for the whole country, no matter how red a state you live in, they basically got away with it, and that’s the way it will be viewed. They basically will do this again on other issues, perhaps even other pandemics in the future.

CLAY: And they’re doing it in all facets. When we come back, Buck, you can talk about this. We were texting during the break about this idea — and again we’ll be talking about this a lot this week — the second quarter GDP numbers are coming out. And they’re likely going to be negative. Historically, back-to-back GDPs quarterly that are both negative, that’s always been a recession. They’re changing the definition of recession just like they changed the definition of vaccine, just like they changed the definition of woman or female, just like they changed the definition of who can get pregnant in this country.

They are willing to be utterly conniving, and they’re going to change the definition of what’s required when it comes to masks. I’m telling you. I said the TSA are wearing masks. I don’t remember that being a big debate. I don’t remember that being a big story. I don’t know how I even missed it. I was asking the agents ’cause I noticed they all had ’em on in Ft. Lauderdale, said a couple weeks ago they came back and they said, “All TSA agents,” at least at Ft. Lauderdale, “have to wear masks.” How did that happen?

I don’t remember a debate about it. Well, that’s a steppingstone towards what I’m afraid’s gonna happen, Buck, which is all of us are gonna have to put masks back on if we go back into airports. Doesn’t matter where you live. They’re not giving up on this. And you have to be organized, you have to be ready to fight, and you have to be prepared for the reality, which is as soon as they can, they’re gonna put your kids back in a mask, and they’re gonna try to make you get a covid shot even though it’s not working.

BUCK: One of the things that really draws people to leftism, to being a Democrat, to being a liberal, a progressive, is, one, notion of you’re the good, the smart people, right. That’s just the branding of it. It’s, oh, we’re the #science side of it, but it’s also a desire to nag others, to control others, to make them do what you think they should do, and that is because I think ultimately leftists would much rather focus on the control of others and the government mandate to do that than individual responsibility and individual choice, right?

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: And you saw this all throughout covid. They are fixated on, “Oh, are other people wearing masks?” or whatever. It would have been much better off if everyone just thought, “How can I be as healthy as I can be and take the steps as an individual to protect myself?” But they always elevate the collective and the government’s ability to force that collectivist response on everything else. So that’s why the masking thing for them — and I knew it would all along — it just became the marker, the signifier.

It was, “Bend the knee. Do as you’re told. Shut up, peasant,” and they still feel that way! That’s what everyone has to understand. They’re not done. I know a lot of you are like, “I’m in Texas, Buck, I’m in Tennessee, I’m in Florida, I’m in North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah. I don’t have to worry about this.” You ever plan on flying anywhere again? ‘Cause they’re gonna make you mask up unless we stop them.

CLAY: Just look at what happened in Louisville. Again, Louisville is not New York City, it’s not L.A., and look at what they’re doing to their kids. They’ll do it to yours too.


BUCK: One of the things about the… As you can tell, Clay and I are both… I had to live through the worst of it, but Clay’s had to deal with some of it when he travels, the covid mandate madness. Is that these people are all frauds too.

CLAY: I couldn’t have done what you did. I couldn’t have lived in New York City.

BUCK: It almost killed me.

CLAY: I’d have totally lost my mind.

BUCK: Having residents in my building… Finding out that of the hundreds, literally hundreds of people who live in my building. It was me and some rant German guy, the only two people in the building during the initial covid wave who refused to wear masks. And we were constantly getting complained about. And people came up to me and got really aggressive about it too. It almost made me just think, “I can’t stay in the city anymore,” but the people pushing all this stuff were huge frauds.

It’s very similar to the people that are obsessed with climate change at the top levels. Al Gore and Barack Obama and Leonardo DiCaprio only fly private and only really want to spend tens of millions of dollars on real estate that’s near oceans, it seems. It’s so weird how that happens. On the covid masking quarantine stuff, here is Karine Jean-Pierre trying to handle the question, hold on a second. Kamala’s not obeying CDC regulations after Biden’s positive covid announcement.

CLAY: I appreciate the question, because they’re actually trying to hold Democrats accountable for their lies. Remember, Buck, there are a lot of moms and dads out there listening to us right now whose kids had to go home for 10 days ’cause somebody they sat with in a classroom tested positive for covid, because somebody in their kids’ lunchroom tested positive for covid, and my concern is that reporter grilling the White House is probably upset because there aren’t more covid restrictions in place.

But the vice president and all these elected officials, Democrats, violated their own covid rules with impunity over and over and over again. They all had a French laundriesque incident. And your kids had to sit at home for 10 days if some 6-year-old tested positive in their classroom. They need to be held accountable for this. They need to be held accountable for what they did to their kids, to your kids and for not even following their own rules even to this day.

BUCK: Fauci just today, by the way, is saying — we can grab this — people should mask up in indoor settings all over the country now, everywhere.

CLAY: Of course.

BUCK: We told you, folks. I know everyone’s like, “Oh, Buck, it’s over!” Buck and Clay know what’s up.

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