BUCK: Got a lot to get to on the covid front right now. A lot of things there are out there. Omicron, what do we know? What’s the latest? How many vaccine shots are you gonna need to be fully vaccinated? What’s the latest on that? And also, the mandates that are getting blocked in court after court. Where does that leave the Biden regime going into what are looking like increasingly certain disastrous waters for them in the midterm elections?
We’ll discuss all this here coming up in a moment. I just want to start with how many shots are you going to need? Fauci has said it is clear now that they’re going to change the definition, right? They’re changing the definition of what makes you fully vaccinated. Here he is saying it.
FAUCI: Right now, Kate, I don’t see that changing tomorrow or next week. But certainly, if you want to talk about what optimal protection is, I don’t think anybody would argue that optimal protection is gonna be with the third shot. Whether or not it officially gets changed in the definition, I think that’s gonna be considered literally on a daily basis. That’s always on the table.
REPORTER: Always on the table ’cause this — and this discussion’s been going on for a bit. And I was just kind of… With this data coming in this morning, (sputtering) I’m kind stuck with, is it a matter now of when, not if, the definition of fully vaccinated changed?
FAUCI: You know, my own personal opinion, Kate, is what you said is correct. It’s gonna be a matter of when, not if.
So, they’re literally changing that. So okay, if “fully vaccinated” won’t be three shots, how many shots is it gonna take? How many shots are you gonna have to get if your Democrat neighbors have their way or if you live in a Democrat place like me in New York? The city government, the state government, perhaps. Here’s the BioNTech CEO telling everybody, well, that there is the possibility that you’re gonna need a whole lot of shots depending on how Omicron goes.
UGUR SAHIN: Particularly there’s the data now coming for the Omicron variant. It is very clear this, our vaccine for the Omicron variant, uh, should be a three-dose vaccine.
BUCK: So, Clay, I just want to be clear. Three shots for full vaccination right now, and they’re gonna change the definition, but if — there’s already discussion out there — we need a new vaccine which they’ve been discussing specifically for Omicron because that goes around at some level — and this is all in the realm of still figuring out — but then you would need not one, not two, but three more shots just for Omicron variants even though it’s apparently very mild so far? Six shots, babe! Here we come.
CLAY: I don’t… How many of these am I gonna have to get? I’m potentially now three shots behind full vaccination, ’cause I had natural immunity, already had covid. If they add three more, you’re talking about pincushioning me six different shots? (laughing) It’s kind of funny to think about. I mean, that’s months of shots that I would have to have to take!
Do I have to go back and catch up? Am I gonna get an advanced course? Is this like you can’t take Algebra 2 ’til you pass Algebra? Or is this like a totally different math, like I can take geometry? How is this gonna work out? And also, am I the only person out there…? I was thinking about this. I was driving to the gym this morning, and I was listening, rockin’ along to my ’90s on 9 on SiriusXM.
And I was sitting there thinking to myself, “Isn’t it an amazing coincidence that this morning one of the first things we woke up to…?” I think it was the CEO of Pfizer said, “Hey, guess what, guys? Our booster shot will protect you against Omicron,” right? The booster shot! If you were designing a multibillion-dollar business, is there anything better to try and convince the sheep out there that they need to go get your booster shot when hardly anybody under 65 is getting the booster shot?
I want to say again: Senior citizens, I think you should get these shots. But is there anything better for your business than for suddenly a brand-new variant to emerge right as the boosters become available and at a time when there is no real demand for your booster? Suddenly come out and say, “Oh, by the way, the booster will protect you from Omicron,” which, by the way, doesn’t appear to represent a very big threat, health-wise, to very many people.
BUCK: It certainly seems noteworthy. It seems like something that everybody should be aware of — and I just want to be clear. BioNTech CEO and Pfizer are both saying that they think three shots total gives you pretty good protection right now against covid.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: But the BioNTech CEO has also said that a new, upcoming vaccine for the Omicron variant that they are looking at — this is a prospective vaccine — would also be a three-dose regimen, as I understand it, right? So you’re definitely in for three shots.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: And theoretically there’s the possibility of if they need a new updated vaccine entirely for Omicron — which we don’t even know if that’s true or not or how dangerous it is or not — that would be another three-dose update of it, essentially, if it’s entirely new vaccine. So you’re definitely in for three for full vaccination, folks. You could theoretically be in for a whole ‘nother three, which would bring us to the six. I think I’m seeing this one right. If anyone sees it differently, let me know.
CLAY: Here’s a question for you, Buck, and for everybody out there listening to us: If I came on the show tomorrow and I said, “Hey, total coincidence, can’t believe this has happened, but it turns out listening to the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show will ensure that you live for 10 years longer,” I would say, “You know what? That’s a pretty good coincidence that I have managed to come up with a reason why you need to be listening to this show for your health.”
And if I were citing some study I would say, “Hey, you know what? Maybe you guys should be a little bit suspicious of that. It’s awfully convenient that Clay Travis has a study that comes out that says that Clay and Buck listeners live 10 years longer on average than other listeners; therefore, you need to make sure that you listen every day.” I would just say…
By the way, I hope it’s true. I would just say maybe be a little bit suspicious, Buck, of somebody that stands to benefit immensely from you consuming the product, claiming that they have the magic cure for why you need to consume more of the product. If McDonald’s comes out tomorrow and tells me their french fries are gonna make my skinny — their french fries are really good, by the way — I don’t think that I would buy into that because it is awfully convenient for McDonald’s.
BUCK: Just to be clear, it’s my understanding that… English is not the BioNTech CEO’s first language, so when he says, “our vaccine for the Omicron,” I think what he’s trying to say is we’re at three total. I think we’ve added three total.
CLAY: If we’re gonna end up at six eventually.
BUCK: But I think we’re gonna end up at six eventually, that’s the point, we’re not at six with the essential regimen ’cause here’s the other part of it. The PM, Jacinda Ardern, in New Zealand —
CLAY: Oh, yeah, the queen of lockdowns.
BUCK: — has straight-up said, “This vaccine program is ad infinitum. We have no plan to end the vaccine program in New Zealand,” and given the speed of the variant… So, you may be… Instead of being at, like, six next Fall, you might be at four next Fall. So just to bring it all together, to bring it all together so I’m seeing this properly: You definitely have to be at three for full vaccination.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: You’re no longer fully vaccinated. Even Fauci is saying it. You’re no longer fully vaccinated without the three, and then you’re gonna need top-offs for just continued immunity against the covid strains that already exist at least every year. So, then you’re looking at getting by next Fall to shot four. And that’s assuming that there isn’t an evasive strain that requires a new vaccine entirely, which would be a separate category. So, I think the math on this one is now right. I’m just trying to make sure I get it all right.
CLAY: So here’s the question, Buck. Are people who are vaccinated but not boostered — which means they’re not fully vaccinated, which is what Fauci’s basically saying in the months ahead — gonna start feuding with each other and leave unvaccinated people like me alone? Like, is this gonna turn into a civil war between the vaccinated and the boostered?
BUCK: The vaxxed and the boostered?
CLAY: They’re gonna be yelling at each other and forget about the unvaxxed people like me? How is this gonna play out?
BUCK: What I think’s going to happen is that they’re going to find think of the vaxxed only, unboostered, as unvaxxed. We’re headed toward that, because what’s gonna happen is that the vaccinated only are gonna have such high levels of, quote, breakthrough cases that they’re gonna not be able to make the case anymore that it’s really protective against spread.
And remember, the forcing of this down on people was all about protecting community spread. Stopping hospitalization and death — which we always say, that is the one place, that is the one part of this that has maintained and been true. It dramatically lowers your risk of hospitalizations, dramatically lowers your risk of death if you get the shot, if you get vaccinated — and particularly if you’re in that high-risk age-group, right?
But in terms of spread stoppage, pretty soon we’re gonna see you’re not stopping the spread very much unless you’re boostered. Ergo, the unboostered are as much of a community threat as the unvaxxed in total. That’s what they’ll say. Now, of course the percentages won’t exactly align that way, but —
BUCK: (laughing) With de Blasio —
CLAY: You’re gonna be on the under-vaccinated crew.
BUCK: — if he keeps his way with this stuff, we’ll see about it. I wonder what they’re gonna do here in New York. I really do. I think it’s gone completely insane, but we will have to see, folks. We’ll have to see if the new mayor keeps this one going.
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