Did She Really Say That? Another Kamala Word Salad
16 May 2022
BUCK: There is one thing you can always count on and that is just when you think that the vice president, Kamala Harris, has a probably said her most “wow” thing, there will be a new sound bite. There’s always going to be a new sound bite where you will hear yourself saying, “Did she really say that?” after you’ve listened to it.
Here is the vice president of the United States. This was while she was discussing climate change — and this is to our theory that she’s always the student in the class who didn’t do the reading but wants to speak anyway and thinks that she’s fooling everybody, but she’s not actually fooling anybody. Here she is.
KAMALA: “We will work together, and continue to work together, to address these issues, to tackle these challenges, and to work together as we continue to work operating from the new norms, rules, and agreements, that we will convene to work together…We will work together” pic.twitter.com/AblARhoSQj
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 15, 2022
BUCK: Wait a second. Clay, I got a question. Do you think she wants us to work on this together?
CLAY: My favorite part of that entire clip is when she says “work” and recognizes that she’s about to say “together again” and catches herself, and yet she still managed to say work together five times in 34 seconds. That’s a 34-second clip that you guys just heard. How is it possible…? I mean this honestly. How is it possible that someone who is this bad at communication is a heartbeat away from the presidency? And how bad is it that someone who is this bad at communication is a heartbeat away from the presidency and that Joe Biden is still better than her?
Is Kamala Harris the only person in America that Joe Biden would be a better president than in the Democrat Party that was in the mix to potentially be their nominee? And I asked this question last night on Fox News, Buck, but it’s one we’ve had fun with before, unfortunately. I can’t even name a competent person in the Biden administration who I would say, “Hey, if I had to draft somebody,” ’cause we know Joe Biden’s not driving policy or making policy decisions.
“If we had to draft somebody in the Biden White House that I think is really competent even though I might disagree with them, I’m not even sure who I would pick.” It really feels like they are doing the equivalent of tanking for the overall number one draft pick, which sports teams sometimes do, except I don’t know what the payout is for the Biden administration.
BUCK: I think they’ve reached a stage now, Clay, where they know they can’t even rely on the media the same way they have in the past because they haven’t given them enough to work with, so it’s just gonna get uglier.
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: They’re gonna try to make this about everything other than what it is that has been done for the two years of Biden. Remember, it’s not just Biden. It’s Democrat control of the government. The Democrats have been in control for two years, and it is a disaster. Everything that they are doing is bad, dumb, or destructive. It is now going on two years of this, folks. We have all seen it. There is not a single area, Clay. Were you a debate nerd in high school, too?
CLAY: I was not.
BUCK: Wow. Okay.
CLAY: My son, my 14-year-old, is all in on debate, which is great.
BUCK: Clay had friends and liked to socialize. I was in debate club in high school.
CLAY: (laughing)
BUCK: And I can tell you that, there’s always that moment where you go, “Oh, man that’s actually a good argument,” you know? You had that moment of, “Ooh, that’s gonna be a tough one to get around.” I never have that with this Biden administration.
CLAY: (laughing)
BUCK: If I could… If it was there, if I could make the case, ’cause I always want… I always want our audience, I want folks that are listening to us, I don’t ever want them to be at the barbecue or the luncheon or whatever, watching the baseball game with the parents in the stands and not know what the libs are gonna say and feel like they’re caught off guard by what the argument is here.
The arguments that they’re making essentially boil down to, “Hey, inflation’s really high, Biden wants to spend more money; that will make inflation worse.” The Democrats have fallen back on, “Whatever, you sexist racists!” That’s really where we are, and that’s not just the idiot commentators that’s actually what the Democrat — oh, and January 6th of course. Inflation’s high, January 6th, that’s what they do.
CLAY: This is when the AP, the Associated Press, who is supposed to be the mainstream, right? We talked about how Reuters has kind of been captured over the firing of the guy who was sharing data surrounding BLM. This is what the Associated Press put out over the weekend. This is a direct headline to an article that they wrote: “Republicans Aiming to Retake Control of Congress Have Blamed Democrats for High Inflation, Expensive Gas, Migrants Crossing the U.S.-Mexico Border, and Violent Crime. Now the Baby Formula Shortage is Becoming the GOP’s Latest Attack on President Biden.” Who else is to be blamed! (laughs)
BUCK: Yes. This is what I mean. Their counterargument —
CLAY: People in power should be held accountable for screwing up everything!
BUCK: Correct. They’re left with, “Whatever! Shut up, you stupid face!” They don’t actually have an explanation for this that doesn’t sound like they’re effectively trying to hide from what has been done and the policies that they’ve pushed.
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