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Desperate WH Brings in McConaughey for Press Briefing

7 Jun 2022

CLAY: Last week the Biden White House, their grand plan, they had Korean pop boy band BTS. It’s possible I’ve somehow screwed up describing that group, but you probably saw them in the White House, in the briefing room. Today, the Biden White House is going to grab control of the national political agenda with Matthew McConaughey. I’m not making this up.

Matthew McConaughey is going to be in the White House talking about gun control. I think he may well take questions at the White House press rostrum there in that room, and so buckle up. All right, all right, all right. Matthew McConaughey is going to bring the White House press talking points today on behalf of Joe Biden. And this just looks to me totally desperate in terms of ways to try to get relevancy.

Remember they’ve had TikTok stars in doing all sorts of videos. And, Buck, one of the things we probably haven’t talked about enough is every time that somebody leaves the Biden White House, they weren’t that good in the first place. But there’s often a substantial drop-off in talent in terms of how good that person is. And I think you can just say, “Look, whether or not you thought Jen Psaki did a great job, she did about a good of a job advocating for the Biden White House as anyone could have done given all their failures.”

BUCK: She was a competent minister of propaganda.

CLAY: Yes. Karine Jean-Pierre? Not very competent, it doesn’t seem. In other words, the talent drop-off, I think, is fairly significant, and we’re seeing a lot of these Biden people basically say, “In the wake of the midterms, we’re gone.” Now some of those people, if Biden decides to run again, may end up back in the campaign. But it feels like many of them are aware they’re on a sinking ship and they are going to jump off before the midterms are officially here. So, that is going on, and Matthew McConaughey is going to be there.


BUCK: I think responsible gun owners are fed up with being lectured to by Democrats who don’t know what they’re talking about. I have a whole bunch of responsible gun owners in my family. I grew up with gun owners in the family. I go shooting for fun, and this Matthew McConaughey speech just now, it is very clear. This is just meant to reset it all.

What happened in Uvalde is a horror, an atrocity that defies our ability to even begin to cope and understand how someone could be so evil, and to cope with that evil in the aftermath is deeply troubling, period. And then comes all the bad policy ideas from Democrats that wouldn’t have stopped this shooting, wouldn’t stop future shootings. Just the platitudes here, Clay. “We need to invest in mental health care.”

Okay. I’ll get right on that. “We need to have responsible gun ownership.” Well, 99.99% of lawful gun owners don’t hurt anybody. More than that, by the way, but they don’t hurt anybody with their guns. “We need to restrain media coverage.” Oh, that sounds like a great idea. Just, the White House… (angry sigh)

CLAY: I told you during a commercial break, Matthew McConaughey’s performance today — he’s an actor, he’s performing — is going to be rapturously covered by the media. I’ll make a prediction. Maureen Dowd’s Sunday New York Times column will talk about how Matthew McConaughey is making more sense — I would put almost every dollar on this — on gun control based on his statements at the White House than almost anyone in America.

And she will talk about all of the roles and films and everything else, and he’s playing the role of being able to emote, because as we were talking about off air, the Democrat Party overwhelmingly responds to emotion now. They aren’t a party of logic. They aren’t a party of precedent. They aren’t a party of intelligent and rigorous debate.

They are a party that appeals to emotions, and Matthew McConaughey is going to do an incredible job because he’s an actor whose job is to appeal to emotions. I just heard that, Buck, and I’m thinking, “Is he reading off a Teleprompter or is he going completely off script?”

BUCK: Oh, he was reading off a script. I was watching.

CLAY: The reason I brought it up is how much better is he at reading off a script than Joe Biden, who can barely read off a teleprompter?

BUCK: Clay. Literally every person listening to us right now —

CLAY: (laughs) I know.

BUCK: — is better at reading off teleprompter than Joe Biden.

CLAY: Is Matthew McConaughey better at speaking than anybody in the Biden White House right now? I think the answer is probably yes.

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