Desperate and Divisive Joe Biden Politicizes Horrific Shooting

CLAY: I want to start, Buck, with obviously violence that is sweeping across the nation, crystallized for many in what happened over the weekend in the L.A. area with the shooting at a predominantly Asian church; in Milwaukee, where 20 people were shot outside of the Celtics-Bucks game; and, certainly, with the shooting that took place in Buffalo over the weekend, the larger culture of violence continues to spread. The White House does not seem to really have an answer to this culture of violence.

Joe Biden is going to travel to Buffalo tomorrow, and I think we all know what he will say. But he still has never been, to my knowledge, Buck, to Waukesha to address all of those people who lost their families at a Christmas parade as part of the racist attack. To my knowledge, he has not been to New York City to discuss the racist attack in the subway shooting that took place there.

And what Buck and I certainly want is for everybody who’s white, black, Asian, and Hispanic to listen to us and to recognize that many of the people who are using Buffalo to try to divide us, totally ignored what happened in Waukesha and in New York City. And what we do on this show is call balls and strikes fairly and say this truthfully, which is we have a massive crime problem, and it is overwhelming impacting white, black, Asian, and Hispanic parents/grandparents everywhere.

And the media, by and large, is not making things better. And I saw this tweet from Larry Elder, who recently ran for governor in California, and he pointed this out, the New York Times headlines, in the way that the Waukesha attack was covered versus the way that the Buffalo attack was covered.

Both of these attacks are vile, heinous, and do not represent what good Americans of all backgrounds, types, persuasions believe in. Both of these men should go ahead jail for the rest of their lives. Look at the way the New York Times covered this. New York Times headline: “Five Dead in Wisconsin After Driver Plows SUV Into Holiday Parade — Official said dozens of people were struck after the vehicle sped down the street during the Christmas parade.” That’s the opening. New York Times coverage of the Buffalo shooting.

Headline: “Gunman Kills 10 at Buffalo Supermarket in Racist Attack — President Biden called for a thorough investigation, and said there was no harbor for ‘hate-filled domestic terrorism.’ The 18-year-old white gunman, who pleaded not guilty, left behind a manifesto.” So black guy, racist attack, not even race mentioned in the New York Times. White guy, it’s a racist attack; it’s domestic terrorism.

Joe Biden has to make a trip to Buffalo to speak out against this violence. Most Americans, almost every one of them, condemns violence whether it’s committed by white, black, Asian, or Hispanic people. The White House, Buck, overwhelmingly attacks anything that a white person that does is illegal or violent while ignoring almost everything else. Biden didn’t have time, he said, to make the trip to Waukesha. It was too much logistics for him to make that trip. Still hasn’t been.

He didn’t go to New York City after the shooting there, because they know what the president has, Buck, is the bully pulpit and the media will follow and report whatever he says. They want to send the message of division that this racist attack in Buffalo is emblematic of larger cultural issues — that Fox News is to blame, that Donald Trump is to blame — but when the victims are of a different race, when the criminal is of a different race, they just pretend it doesn’t exist.

BUCK: Not that I think that people should spend time reading the manifesto of the shooter, ’cause he’s a crazy person and he’s an evil person. But I think that for some of us in the media it’s important to have an understanding of what the actual ideology is. This guy describes himself at different times as a communist, as a socialist, as a green enviro-fascist. He trashes Republicans. He trashes Democrats. He’s a lunatic. But notice that the difference here, the way the media frames the narrative is always when someone who is evil…

But there is an angle, a racial angle like this, not when it’s a different racial angle. When the racial angle is a white supremacist terrorist, a white supremacist terrorist shooter, that is somehow tied to the entire Republican Party right away. They don’t even hide it. I mean, they write articles saying this is the entire GOP. There are 330 million people in America. This is one evil psychopath that every member of our audience would have drawn down and taken him down if they had had the chance.

As I know that brave former officer tried to. Any one of that feels horrible about what happened would have if we had the opportunity stepped in, risk life and limb to protect those folks in Buffalo. But the immediate Democrat response is that this is the entire Republican Party. And they’re all to blame for this. It’s gross, it’s dishonest, and it actually makes it harder for us to get closer to some… By the way, I worked in counterterrorism.

I can tell everybody you’re never gonna stop all this. So anybody who tells you that they have a solution is lying. You’re never gonna prevent every sadist psychopath from deciding they’re gonna go kill people. Whether it’s with a car or a gun or a bomb, there will be ways, unfortunately. We live in a world where there is evil. So you have to I think start from that premise. But you also see the Democrats in a moment here where I think they’re really desperate for some sense of a moral high ground.

Especially as, on a completely different issue, but there is this “abortion all nine months of a pregnancy is fine,” from a lot of prominent Democrats, and so they’re recognizing, a lot of people find that revolting, find that to be the advocacy of infanticide. So when there’s an incident, when there’s a mass shooting that aligns with the narrative they want to tell, it’s an opportunity to say:

“See! The entire Republican Party is devoted to or is rooted in a white supremacist ideal! They’re all guilty. There’s collective guilt of the entire Republican Party. The Democrats are the good guys,” and that’s why it doesn’t matter how stupid the arguments are. It doesn’t matter how absurd their claims that this is, this commentator or that commentator or Fox News is the problem or you and I are the problem, it doesn’t matter, Clay.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: They just want to he will it themselves a story where the Democrats are the good guys, and everybody else who doesn’t agree with them are the bad guys, and that’s the prism that they run and evil mass shootings like this through. Others of course they just ignore the shooting and don’t even talk about it anymore.

CLAY: Yeah, and we’ll be clear: We want white, black, Hispanic, Asian people of all different backwards to listen to this show because ultimately what we are selling is American exceptionalism and your own individual abilities to excel, no matter what your background is. We got kids who listen, Buck. I tell my kids this all the time. Every kid should be hearing it. First of all, you can accomplish anything. Let’s be honest.

But three things. I always like to just emphasize. If I were running for president, this would be my platform, Buck: Graduate from high school, get married, don’t have a kid ’til you’re 25. You do those three things; your poverty rate in America is zero, no matter you start. Can’t guarantee you’re gonna be rich, it’s hard, gotta get lucky. But if you graduate high school, if you get married, and if you don’t have a kid until you’re 25 years old, regardless of where you start, you will not be poor.

Every kid can accomplish that and what I get so frustrated about Buck is Democrat Party sells the idea now that you are a victim, and you can never succeed because America’s a fundamentally awful place, and they constantly sell that narrative. And it’s intentional. When Joe Biden makes the decision to go to Buffalo, he’s going to take the entire White House press corps with him, and we know what the stories are going to be on Wednesday. By the way, Joe Biden still hasn’t been to the border.

Joe Biden still has never been to Waukesha. Joe Biden has ignored many of the issues that he has created in his time. What he should say is, “Look, this is an awful, heinous act. This person deserves to get jail for the rest of their lives. We need more police on the streets. We were wrong. In the wake of George Floyd, we argued that police were the bad guys in the Democrat Party. We argued that we need to defund them. We are reaping the results of that, and we need more police officers to help stop events like these.” That’s what he Should say.

BUCK: That might actually have the effect of preventing — and it does prevent — some, if you look at some mass shooting incidents where it is dealt with early on enough that there isn’t a mass casualty event that comes from it. There was an attempt mass shooting. But there’s also the early warning detection component of this, which would come into play with this individual. I’m all for let’s have a conversation if we want to about how this can… There are people that I’m sure are gonna say also conceal carry. The shooter here — the shooter who went to this place — in his manifesto also stated he knew that they would all be unarmed.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: He knew that he was going into a place where basically no… But, now, there was a security guard there and people could say, “Well, that wasn’t enough.” Yeah, but if there had been two or three people who were able to open up and return fire which anybody who spent enough time in Texas or Oklahoma or even Florida will tell you, that’s not unusual. You’re in a grocery store, there may be a few people who are armed, right?

That I have been a difference maker… I’m just saying it’s not easy to stop these acts of evil and no one should pretend that they have the solution. But having a real conversation about how to do if is absolutely warranted. What the Democrats will do is it’s very similar to what you see with the arguments they’re making about completely unrelated things, the argument they’re making about the economy and inflation. “Oh, it’s about rich people!”

It has nothing to do with rich people. Inflation has nothing to do with the rich. On the issue of preventing a mass shooting they’re gonna say, “Oh, we need universal backgrounds checks.” Would the background check have stopped this individual? No reason to believe that it would have. But we need universal background checks. They also were going after social media initially, Clay, as I’m sure you saw, because Twitch, a live-streaming platform, was used to live stream this heinous act. And my understanding is was it was pulled down off of twitch within two or three minutes.

CLAY: Couple of minutes.

BUCK: Yeah, couple of minutes. Which is a pretty fast pulldown period. If you’re going to have live streaming platforms, evil people are going to be use it, ’cause it’s live, right? There’s no algorithm that’s gonna stop somebody from saying or doing something horrible. You can pull it down. You could end it. But the way the politicians immediately jumped to, “Well, we need…” Democrats. “We need more gun control! We need more control over social media platforms!

“Maybe we need to look more at Elon Musk’s control of Twitter.” They just used this as a club, as a cudgel against anybody that disagrees with them on any political issue, because, “Do what we say in the aftermath of this tragedy, they tell you, or you’re racist, or you’re somehow involved in this mentality, you’re somehow complicit.” It is slander. It destroys any serious conversation, and it’s because they are emotionally handing you, the people making this argument in public, and intellectually they’re unserious.

And that’s just where we are on this issue. I wish I could say otherwise, but until they come around, ’til they do what you say needs to be done, what we’ve been talking about here — backing police, having serious conversations about what more effective measures would be for this, and also understand that you’re not gonna stop all of these, it’s not possible — then we can finally actually get somewhere.

But in the mean it, they’re just gonna… Biden’s gonna politicize this. He’s awful about that, by the way. People pretend Biden’s nice. No, he’s not. Think about some of the statements Biden’s made in the past. I mean, there’s the comments that Biden’s made about Republicans that are horrific. He’s also a guy who wanted people to get fired for not getting the vaccine. Biden’s not a nice guy.


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