BUCK: You know what’s gonna make me happy, though? Talking about Governor DeSantis’ latest when it comes to the media. The View. We’re glad it exists here, because it provides both a window into the mind of deranged Democrat cat ladies, right? It provides a window… I’m sorry. Cats, they’re nice, too, sometimes. The cat lady swipe gets me into trouble. I like dogs over here a little bit, but cats are fine.
Look, I’m the guy who says he wants a pet fox. I will say it was still amazing that we had a fox breeder call in when I was talking about that. I have to sell Carrie on this, the notion of the… When you say “exotic pet,” I think everyone thinks you’re gonna get like a 15-foot-long boa constrictor or something. I’d be happy with, you know, a tame fox/raccoon or something along those lines, maybe a member of the marsupial family.
I think it’d be cool. A wallaby. I did see video once of a guy who had a pet wallaby in New York. I’m certain that it was not legal. But, no, no, you’re not allowed to have a pet wallaby here. But he had one. Anyway, back to The View with the ladies who weigh in on politics and most of whom I would bet have never… I was gonna say “have never read a book on politics,” but more just ,what books have they read?
“Which of the below statements from the hosts of the View do you recommend our team consider when deciding if the interview will be a genuine pursuit of the truth?” This is from Ron’s press secretary. They called Ron DeSantis a “fascist” and a “bigot” in June. In August of 2021 Joy Behar called him a, quote, “homicidal sociopath in love with his white supremacist base.”
But, oh, yeah, Governor DeSantis should totally show up to have these abject morons all just squawk at him, yell at him, freak out at him at the same time. Absolutely not. Remember what Ron dealt when Ron had the CBS, that slimy, underhanded CBS attack they ran on him? “Oh, he’s getting money from Publix! He doesn’t care about the old people dying from covid when it comes to vaccine distribution.” Remember how he handled that?
BUCK: Ronnie D. with the roundhouse kick. You gotta love it. You gotta love it. That’s you how you do it. The lib media is dishonest and they’re pushing an agenda, and to treat them as though… Just because they call themselves “media” in the case of The View I don’t even know what that is. It’s media. I don’t know if it’s supposed to be news, politics, commentary. Conversational show. Don’t play their game. Don’t give them what they want. We’ve seen this with the debates too. This is a big thing. Republicans have realized, “Why are we letting CNN libs who hate Republicans moderate our debates? It’s moronic.”
It’s changing, thankfully.
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