
DeSantis: Biden’s Seizing Monoclonals, Causing Deaths

BUCK: Here is Governor DeSantis of Florida pointing out that the Biden regime has inserted itself at the top of the monoclonal antibody distribution chain with bad results, unsurprisingly.

DESANTIS: With the monoclonals, that is absolutely leading to people dying because we saw when we put in our sites this summer in Florida to deal with the Delta wave, we kept tens of thousands of people out of the hospital. We saved thousands of lives by providing that treatment. So that should have been replicated in all these other states. But instead, what Biden and his cronies have done: They’ve seized control of all the monoclonal antibodies.

So, yes, when we were in a pinch, I bought some myself. None of the governors now are able to do that because the Feds have seized control. So we’re in a situation where we’ve now asked for 40,000 more every week because I have people that I could help, and they are holding onto it and they’re not distributing it.

BUCK: Clay, the only possible explanation for this is the federal government’s gross incompetence. It is either that or they’re trying to punish states or something. But I think it has to be incompetence. How could they not have known?

CLAY: Well, this is wild to think about, Buck, because when we didn’t have ventilators ready immediately in March of 2020, how many times did you see media members questioning — incredibly detailed — Donald Trump, “Are there gonna be enough ventilators? Can you guarantee that every single person in the United States who’s gonna need ventilators is going to be able to get one?”

Remember how much Andrew Cuomo griped all of the lack of supplies? And then what did Trump do? We brought in basically World War II-era laws to allow all of these big factories to be flipped so they could produce ventilators, and what did we end up with as Trump predicted we likely would? Millions of ventilators that effectively were not needed because the ventilation strategy, by and large, actually was shown to be mostly not helpful. You can correct me if I’m wrong on this. But the usage of ventilators… If you went on a ventilator, you were basically done and they found out that that wasn’t the best possible treatment.

BUCK: Absolutely. My understanding from doctors if any doctor out there listening has an update for this or correction, by all means ’cause we actually want to always get it right. We’re not sitting here as Fauci’s PR team. One way or the other, we actually just want to get it right. But as an absolute last resort ventilators should be used.

They found that different forms of giving people oxygen and even using steroidal inhalers and there are other things. So, yeah, of course. You mentioned the Defense Production Act, the usage of that that Trump brought to bear. But, Clay, your essential political point here is everything going wrong with covid was Donald Trump’s fault, according to the media. And where’s that with Biden now?

CLAY: And it was unpredictable, is the second part of this. The idea that we would need all of these supplies because a once-every-hundred-years pandemic had suddenly arisen was not very predictable in January, necessarily, of 2020, that in March of 2020 we were gonna need all these things. But it was eminently predictable if you looked at what was going on when Joe Biden took office in January that we might need… I’ll just toss it out there.

I think the testing idea is wildly overvalued in general because if you don’t feel well, stay home. As I have said for years, I’ve had the flu before. I’ve never tested positive for the flu. I’ve just stayed home until I felt better. That’s how we treated almost every illness unless you were so ill that you needed to go to the hospital. You don’t need to get tested to confirm that you had a case of the flu. I think that’s mostly true for a large number of people out there with covid.

Whether it’s a flu, whatever it is, if you have a fever and you don’t feel well? Stay home. I mean, that’s the general proposition. But, Buck, the idea that we might need tests or that we might need any more of these monoclonal antibodies, that we might need supportive drugs that were something other than the, quote, “vaccine” was not some crazy idea. It should have been and was eminently predictable for reasonably intelligent people.

BUCK: I will also wonder and I can put this out there and we should ask Senator Rand Paul maybe in the third hour of this — who again is an MD, ’cause this is always a thing. You’re not allowed to have any opinions on policy that the libs don’t like unless you’re a medical doctor and then if you are a medical doctor even a very esteemed one who, I don’t know, was involved in the initial research for mRNA vaccines they deplatform you and shut you down and say, “See? All the doctors agree! Shut up, you doctor over here. You don’t count,” right?

CLAY: Which, by the way, doctors tell us all the time. Why do so few doctors speak out? They’re terrified.

BUCK: Well, of course.

CLAY: If they have a nonconsensus opinion they’re gonna get deplatformed, shut down, they’re gonna have consequences in their work.

BUCK: Never before have we had a situation where there was a concerted effort to deny hospital privileges and deny medical licenses to people for speaking out about issues of tremendous public importance in the health realm that are deeply contentious and that are still evolving. This has been horrific.

I mean, you talk about the free speech concerns we have when you’re looking at the social media platforms. Think about the effect this has had on the public conversations about health and the way that this has skewed things in a certain direction. I mean, what I was gonna say is for doctors out there… We’ve mentioned this before, Clay, but to me, Israel’s on its fourth shot?

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: That’s not anymore what we think of at least — and maybe we have to adjust the definitions like we do have everything else — a vaccine. That’s a therapeutic. Not saying it doesn’t help people avoid hospitalization and death. Not contesting that data. That data is real. But it works for about 60 to 90 days it seems and then it dramatically decreases. And we also don’t know, does it work even in that narrow slice of preventing hospitalization and death?

Does that work for six months? Does that work for a year? How long does that continue on? So is this a therapeutic, essentially. That’s one part of it, and the other part of it would be, why haven’t we had more focus like monoclonal antibodies on these therapeutics that we know are helpful? And I think it shows you that you know how the New York state governor here, Hochul?

We have the worst… You know, it must be nice. You have some decent politicians in your state. We have the worst politicians in the state of New York. Tennessee’s got some good folks. She has like the vaccine necklace on. I think that they were blinded by the fact that they became monomaniacal against vaccines, and that turned them against monoclonals. They just wanted to focus on this one thing.

CLAY: I think there’s a strong argument for that and the result is going to be, unfortunately, many people who could benefit immensely from monoclonals are not going to have access to that treatment because there was an obsession with the idea that this vaccine not only must everyone take it but that it worked infallibly. And, Buck, you didn’t even point it out, but I think it’s a question worth asking that medical minds are starting to be allowed to discuss.

If we’re talking about four shots, which Israel is, in the space of roughly a year in order to protect against covid because the “vaccine” — in quotation marks, the covid shot — wanes in efficacy so quickly, why would you think…? Most things, most things in life… Take it away from medicine. Most things in life, the more you use them, the less effective they become in terms of promoting a response from your body. Easy example.

And this is something I’m taking it outside of the world of medicine. If you work out for the first couple of days and you haven’t done it before, your body responds — anybody who’s ever done this, your body responds — in a big way. You’re super sore, right? When you work out four days a week, then what happens? Your body gets used to it and it adjusts, and it becomes accepting of what you’re putting your body through.

Why would we presume that every shot, Buck, is going to have the same effect when we’re talking about shot eight or nine as opposed to shot one? The efficacy of these vaccines over time — when your body is loaded down with them — it seems quite straightforward and logical to ask, “Is it going to continue to provoke the same response?”

BUCK: And I do think it’s so important to look at the recent past as a means of trying to understand the present that we’re in. Again, this is now numerous cities talking about shutting down schools. An article in the New York Times — which is commie but there’s some smart people, they’re just smart commies who work there and they’re writing about the damage to children, the deep psychological damage, the huge…

We know this is horrible. We know there’s a tremendous learning loss. We’re still having conversations now, though, about shutting down schools in some places. And I just remind people think about how the conversation has changed in the last 90 days, you don’t even hear the term. Note how it just faded away. They never took stock of it. Breakthrough case doesn’t exist anymore.

CLAY: That’s a good point.

BUCK: There’s no such thing as a breakthrough case because this is a breakthrough pandemic because the vaccines failed to stop the spread. You don’t even hear the words anymore, Clay. I wonder why.


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